Re: Why Are certain META Tags Being Ignored?

On Sat, 2 Jun 2001, SDJThorin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was just wondering why META tags like:
> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Script-Type" CONTENT="text/javascript;">
> are being ignored by the HTML Validation Service?

It's not being "ignored".  It just doesn't do what you think.
In fact, it doesn't do anything sensible at all.

META http-equiv supposedly maps to HTTP headers.  Now, can anyone tell
me what HTTP standard defines "Content-Script-Type"?  It doesn't
even make sense!

> See "18.2.2 Specifying the scripting language" for exact details.

Oh dear.

> If the validator did acknowledge this META tag then my page would
> be a valid HTML 4.0 Transitional document.

No, it doesn't quite say that, even if you take the nonsense at
face value.

(This isn't aimed at you; more at the authors of the document
you referenced).

Nick Kew

Received on Monday, 4 June 2001 05:04:30 UTC