Re: What happened to /check/referer ?

On 02.06.01 at 13:57, valid ator <> wrote:

>>>Just when I discovered the validator and added the check/referer link to
>>>all my pages, then I run it through the link checker and get:
>>> redirected to
>>It works for me. Can you give the URL for a page that exhibits this
>>(the Validator has minimalist (I'm beeing polite ;D) error handling in
>>that almost any error condition will make it redirect you to the home
>>page. yes, this will be fixed eventually ;D)
>I just was about to write it is working ok again, when I decided to try
>one more time just to be sure, and it's not working again.  Must be an
>intermittent problem.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you were trying to do. The error
message about the redirect was coming from the link checker? That's ok. The
link checker isn't sending a "Referer" header, which the Validator
interprets as an error and so redirects you to the home page, and the link
checker is just telling you that it recieved a redirect in response to
checking that link.

The link isn't broken; it just doesn't really make sense in the context of
the link checker (and we should probably fix the Validator to return
something meaningfull instead of just redirecting). You can safely ignore
this message.

>Another thing, as long as I have your attention, I seem to be getting some 
>wrong feedback from the link checker.  For our page at 
>the link checker is telling me:
>What to do: The link is broken. Fix it NOW!
>HTTP Code returned: 404 [...]
>but when I try the links, they work ok.

Nope, they don't! :-)

The correct URL is "" (".cfm" and not
".html"), but the server happens to return the same page as it's "Error
Page"; i.e. instead of saying "Page not found" it's sending the home page.
This makes it appear as if the page "works" when viewed in a browser, but
in reality it's failed as the 404 status code indicates.

Received on Saturday, 2 June 2001 14:27:30 UTC