Re: Incorrect "catch" of valid data

> BTW, I seem to recall that the conclusion to that thread was that these
> characters are actually invalid in HTML 4, but _valid_ in XHTML (since XML
> 1.0 SE removed the word "graphic" from "any valid graphic character"). Did
> I read that wrong or are we actually failing in _both_ HTML and XHTML?

I don't think they're valid in XHTML either, even if they are in XML: This
is from xhtml1.dcl:

<!SGML -- SGML Declaration for valid XML documents --
     "ISO 8879:1986 (WWW)"

             "ISO Registration Number 176//CHARSET
             ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 UCS-4 with implementation
             level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"
                0       9       UNUSED
                9       2       9
                11      2       UNUSED
                13      1       13
                14      18      UNUSED
                32      95      32
                127     1       UNUSED
                128     32      UNUSED

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2001 11:50:26 UTC