Re: ANN: Information Validation (

I am trying to validate my homepage using the W3C HTML Validator. Below is 
my html source codes :

<title>New Page 1</title>
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<meta name="Keywords" content="Mrs Yip's Homepage, genesiswong_2000, Tang 
Dynasty, IKEA">
<meta name="Description" content="This is Mrs Yip Yen Chin personal 

The following is the error reported by W3C validator:

Line 9, column 0:
  <meta name="Description" content="This is Mrs Yip Yen Chin personal we ...
Error: start tag was here

Line 10, column 6:
Error: end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this

What's wrong?  META generalise syntax is <META NAME="Description" 
content="x"> and <META NAME="Keywords" content="x">.  META information 
reside within <HEAD></HEAD>.

Thnk for your help.


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Received on Friday, 23 February 2001 04:52:26 UTC