Minor Change to HTML Validation Service Form

The HTML Validation Service at <http://validator.w3.org/> has a 50 character 
field for user to enter a URI (coded as: <input name="uri" size="50" />).

Those of us with long domain names (e.g., ci.des-moines.wa.us) are often 
forced to scroll the text in order to read the complete URI.

It would be a very simple change (and a greatly appreciated one) to double the 
size of this field.

Thank you for considering this change.
Richard T. Kennedy, Webmaster
City of Des Moines
21630 11th AVE S
DES MOINES WA  98198-6398
<URL http://www.ci.des-moines.wa.us/>

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2001 04:04:11 UTC