RE: HTML validator

[ The right place to talk about the HTML Validator is the   ]
[ mailinglist. I'm CCing there, but    ]
[ leaving WAI-IG in there for those not on the former list. ]

On 04.02.01 at 12:38, Robert Neff <> wrote:

>Understand the DOCTYPE.  Will go back and run some test cases where web
>pages have DTD's for each version.  But if here is none listed, then I
>think the default is HTML 4.01.  IF there is no DTD, then I would want the
>option to check for the different levels.

The Validator currently uses a default DTD (actually, it uses a default
DOCTYPE IIRC) when the document in question does not specify one. This is
done to avoid confusing people more then necessary; it's hard enough to get
people to validate without throwing extra wrenches in the works.

The option to check against arbitrary DTDs is on the TODO and a patch to
implement it is in the queue, but hasn't been approved and applied to the
live service as of yet. IOW it's in progress and will show up eventually.

Received on Sunday, 4 February 2001 14:25:23 UTC