Re: weird validator bug

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Bailey, Bruce wrote:

> When attempting to validate the attached file, I get an error three
> identical messages on lines 153, 154, 155.
> The lines in question are like:
> <td headers="a212 b221 c241">104.02</td>
> With the caret ^ pointing to the "a".
> The error message itself is also spurious:
> "Error: X"

The error message should read
"reference to non-existent ID "C241"

The problem with the W3C validator is that it misparses the nsgmls
output in this kind of instance.  My page at
<URL:> discusses the difficulties
that lead to this, and presents a solution.

[plug to w3c: another reason you need to adopt XMLMessageReporter -
it will fix this bug for free :-) ]

Nick Kew

Site Valet - the mark of Quality on the Web.

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2001 14:09:09 UTC