Re: ISO-10646 in HTML 4.01

On Friday 10 August 2001 07:26, §ee†hing¹³ wrote:

>  Please explain what you mean by what tools did I use to make my page.
> ....and I steal from other people, like my boyfriend a
> lot!)

It is easy to assume, from looking at the source, that it was written using a 
WYSIWYG authoring tool, because it contains a lot of things people don't 
normally include when hand coding.  If you stole (I actually prefer 
"liberated" or "made 'fair use' of") from other sites, it may have been them 
that WYSIWYGged the markup.  Examples include the long string of unnecessary 
<meta> elements (some with apparently erroneous information), the multiple 
levels of nested tables, etc.

> I read just about every decent tutorial on the internet, and I TRY to
> keep up with the trends as much as possible (Things move so fast
> though...ya know?)

Well, "keeping up with the trends" now would mean using XHTML 1.1 instead of 
the HTML4 (from 1997).  You would need a lot of work to make that transition, 
though, because your front page (at least) uses a great deal of 
presentational markup which has been removed from more modern HTML versions.

"Keeping up with the trends" might also mean following the Web Content 
Accessibility Guidelines [1].

Note, however, that coding clean, valid, and accessible XHTML is a _lot_ 
easier than coding nested-table, presentation-element-encumbered "tag soup" 
like most of what you see on the 'net.

If you're interested, e-mail me off-list and I can explain more -- this stuff 
is a bit off-topic for the Validator list.

> PS, when I put that new charset on my front page, and tried the w3
> validator, it said "unknown character on line 87 for this charset"

It's easier to diagnose a problem if we can see the markup exactly -- can you 
put the page generating the error (with the <meta http-equiv="content-type" 
content="utf-8">) up as, for example, '/badcharset.html'?

Better yet would be to set Apache (the Web server software) to serve pages as 
'text/html; charset=utf-8' . . .  Do you have the ability to configure that?

[1] <>

Thanasis Kinias
Optimal LLC
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 13:16:53 UTC