Re: small error on your page

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Terje Bless wrote:

> Actually, it's simply an artifact of the way content negotiation is
> implemented in the web server we use. If I have two files -- say, foo.gif
> and foo.png -- and I write my image links such that they point to just
> "foo", the web server will offer both files to the client and let it choose
> which format it prefers. Smart browsers should automatically add the
> filename extension on platforms that need it (only Windows uses filename
> extensions tio determine file type).
> Anyways, there is nothing wrong with the file and if you just rename it
> have the proper filename extension it should display properly on your local
> box too.

If the browser doesn't add the extension when you save it, it's a bug
in the browser, since it knows both the filetype and the conventions
of the local filesystem.



Received on Thursday, 26 April 2001 18:27:05 UTC