Re[2]: Page Valet

Hallo, Liam Quinn,

Am Mittwoch, 18. April 2001 um 19:25 schrieben Sie:
>> > Tried to translate some errors in ParserMessages.msg but that didn't
>> > work out. I guess I have to use in some way. But './
>> > lib/ParserMessages.msg' didn't work (:4 too few lines or something
>> > like that).
> If you mean "too few fields", then you may have dropped a "+" somewhere
> from the .msg file.  Have a careful look at the lines you changed.

Never use Windows OS and Linux together.. That won't work as I
experienced it now.
Easy to fix error.

To the localizing SP discussion:
Well there is already a continous process of translating W3 documents
(not just SP) going on here in Germany, as it seems (p.e. Bjoern
Hoehrmann with his translation of the XHTML reference).
There are some people willing to take part and work in making a
As I see it there'd be no disadvantage if we'd start to translate the
SP messages because such a translation would be useful in any way.

Any complaints?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Glenn Kusardi             

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2001 20:40:08 UTC