RE: several fixes

>>>>-    Or add a "show source iff errors" option?
>>>>+    Or add a "show source if errors" option?

>>>Not sure this is a typo. "iff" == "if and only if"

>>Well, this wasn't covered by any of the 3 dictionaries if searched

> I'm just guessing because I've always assumed that's why it's there --
> using "iff" in that way is commonplace to me as technical jargon -- but
> it's Gerald that wrote it so he'll have to clear that one up. :-)

IFF isn't really an English word.  It's not going to be in a general
dictionary, but should be in a math (or maybe symbolic logic?) reference.  I
would classify it as something more like the backwards E ("there exists") or
the "therefore" three dots, rather than a word; it just happens to be
reproduceable with ASCII, which the others aren't.

Thanasis Kinias
Information Dissemination Team, Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe, Ariz., U.S.A.

Qui nos rodunt confundantur
et cum iustis non scribantur.

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 20:11:38 UTC