Re: "Valid HTML 4" image


I realize that you have fixed it... and you're not the first person to email the
list with a fixed version of the file.  My disgust is with the people running
the W3C who, for some reason, can't be bothered to replace the bad image with a
good one (a change that would take all of 30 seconds to implement).  No matter
how much you beg them to fix it, I doubt anything will come of it.


Steve Kimberley <> on 09/22/2000 04:25:01 AM

To:   Peter

Subject:  Re: "Valid HTML 4" image wrote:
> It kills me that this problem has been around for months, tons of people have
> complained about it, and NO ONE IS WILLING TO FIX IT!!!
> -Pete


But I HAVE fixed it (AFAICT)! I sent a copy attached to my E-mail. If
you haven't got that one, you can pick it up from:

I don't know if you're part of W3C or if you have the access to update
the image on the W3C site but please, whoever is responsible for this,
help yourselves! If you like, I'll do the rest of them - just tell me
where to find them. I'm happy to contribute (within reason)!


Steve Kimberley Computer Associate
University of Cambridge Department of Pathology
Tennis Court Road Cambridge CB2 1QP UK Tel:+44 1223 333724 Fax:+44 1223 333346

Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 10:34:15 UTC