Re: sugggestion: HTML 4.01 as default

On 06.10.00 at 11:11, wrote:

>Option 1: Use the DOCTYPE definition in the document.
>Option 2: Select which DTD to validate against, with an option to ignore
>          a DOCTYPE definition in the HTML document being validated.
>This would allow the user to validate the page using different DTD's,
>without having to modify the document and re-upload it again.

I've had that running for a while and then broken it more or less
irrepairably in the process of adding some new features. I'm in the process
of reimplementing it. It's the latter part of option #2 that is the
problem. It means you have to fully parse the document to identify any
existing DOCTYPE and comment it out. I'm not quite sure how to do that as
of yet. Perhaps I'll settle for "good enough" rather then shooting for
"provably correct". :-(

>I suggested something like this long ago, but I didn't really see any
>feedback on that idea.

That's probably because it's already on the TODO -- mine at least; I dunno
about Gerald's -- and Gerald has approved the strategy (remove defaults and
DOCTYPE sniffing in favour of a user override).

As a cat owner, I know this for a fact...
Nothing says "I love you" like a decapitated gopher on your front porch.

Received on Friday, 6 October 2000 13:15:05 UTC