Validator request

I mentioned this a while ago, but never got any replies.  I was wondering why
there is no option in the validator to select which DTD to use?  Currently, you
need the Doctype line in your html code.  But what if I want to see if my code
validates as something else?  For example, if I want to see if my HTML 4
documents validate as XHTML I need to edit the document, upload it, validate it,
and then remove the change and upload the original again.  Or, what if I want to
check someone else's work to see if it validates, but they don't have the
Doctype in their file?

My suggestion is this:

On the page where you enter the URI to validate, include a checkbox that says
"Override the Doctype defined in the file with the selection below."  Then below
that would be a group of radio button options for selecting the DTD to use.  Has
anyone considered implementing a feature like this?


Peter Foti

Received on Friday, 31 March 2000 09:28:09 UTC