Re: A loophole in the validator?

At 09:26 PM 01/26/2000 GMT, Pierre Far wrote:
>I am sure that you must have disscussed this before, but one could use 
>javascript to create non-standard HTML documents and they would still 
>validate as strict HTML.

Sure.  Because at the time the page is downloaded, it's valid HTML.

>So what is to stop a devious webmaster from using this and tricking the 

Maybe the fact that the devious webmaster doesn't get anything out of
"tricking the users" and thus it's not worth the trouble is enough of
a disincentive.

Kynn Bartlett  <>         
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
Catch the web accessibility meme!         

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 21:44:17 UTC