Re: Added info to previos e-mail

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Keith Bowes wrote:

> In HTML 4.01 Frameset, <BODY> goes within <NOFRAMES> which goes within
> <FRAMESET> which goes within <HTML>.  Of these tags, <FRAMESET> is the only
> required one.

Yes, but if you've got a lot of content in the body, it means that
incremental rendering and loading of the frames is out, and you have
to wait for that legacy body to load in completely before the frameset
closes - analogous to seeing nothing until the last </TABLE> tag on a
complex page of nested tables (/., Scripting News), yes?

But you want BODY because you're worried about legacy browsers, and
you want NOFRAMES because you want to Do the Right Thing.

However, NOFRAMES has to be within a FRAMESET. (You don't have to have
NOSCRIPT within SCRIPT, but I digress.)

So, I tried:

      frames here
             legacy stuff here.

and at the last-but one line the W3C validator gives me:
Error: end tag for "FRAMESET" which is not finished.

So, you can't have multiples FRAMESETs in a page? (non-empty/noframes
content would spawn a new window, I suppose; one frameset per window, 
with separate parallel rendering.)
I've gone through:

and I don't see anything explicitlu prohibiting sequential FRAMESETs;
only notes that nested sets are allowed.

Real-world instance of above example showing this validation error
report at:

if anything, the validator could give a more meaningful error message
here. Multiple BODY sections after each other in a document generate
the error:

Error: document type does not allow element "BODY" here
(although content of all bodies renders just fine in browsers)

and presumably the same should be done for multiple
sequential FRAMESETs.


although I'd much rather have FRAMESET and NOFRAMES changed to 
something more sensible.


Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2000 06:48:59 UTC