RE: XHTML DTD problem?

> you are serving the document up as "application/octet-stream" when it 
> should be "text/html".
> You've probably forgotten to add a mapping from 
> ".xhtml" files to a "text/html" content type.

Ah. Commercial host, you see; I have no control over their NT configuration,
and sometimes I suspect they don't either. Within my file, I believe I
designated it as text/html.

> Try renaming it "Experiment.html" and revalidate.

Actually, it worked when I renamed it "Experiment.asp", believe it or not.
It didn't dawn on me that the extension might cause the problem until I got
on the subway last night. I'm glad that it had everything to do with the
file extension.

Thanks much for your help. I really appreciate it.

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2000 11:46:10 UTC