title of validator pages


I just checked some of my pages with the validator and wanted
to add the results to my bookmarks in order to have easy access
if want to check them again.
My problem: The title of the result pages is not very good as a
bookmark name since it is every time "W3C Validation...". So, if I want
to identify the different pages of my site, I have to manually edit
every bookmark. Thatīs not so cool :-(
What about a partial URL in the title of the result pages? That would
do it for me, and probably for many others, too.

Thanks for spending the time to read this ;-)


Matthias Pretzer

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches
 of evil to one who is striking at the root."
	-Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854

Matthias Pretzer		arador@gmx.net
talk:		arador@ea.HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE
ICQ: 44972276		   phone: 0441 2339083
Eichenstr. 105	       26131 Oldenburg/Germany

Received on Sunday, 9 April 2000 05:42:04 UTC