Re: Updated output format

>[validators output has changed]
| Feedback is welcome...

You're using different font sizes for the zirkumflex ('^') character and and
HTML Code. So if i change the font size in my browser, the '^' will point to a
different character and is useless.

And 'font-size: smaller' PRE text is difficult to read, too.

Use the same font-size for the whole PRE and please don't use 'smaller'.

Btw: check 1.44:

|> sub redirect_to_home_page {
|>     print "Status: 302 Moved Permanently\n";
|>     print "Content-Type: text/html\n";
|>     print "Location:\n\n";
|>     print "<title>Moved!</title>\n";
|>     print "<p>\n";
|>     print "  Please see <a href=\"\">the validation
|>              service's home page.</a>\n";
|>     print "</p>\n";
|>     &clean_up_and_exit;
|> }

The Status should be 301 not 302 for moved permanently, see RFC2616.
If you remove the "print Content-Type:[...]" and the HTML Code, Apache will
create a better HTML Output.

My suggestion would be:

sub redirect_to_home_page {
    print "Status: 301 Moved Permanently\n";
    print "Location:\n\n;



 Björn Höhrmann

Received on Monday, 25 October 1999 11:04:05 UTC