Re: DocType errors?

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Henry Rieke wrote:

> I see this as being a UNIX vs everyone else type of problem, but
> does it really matter if:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> is
> <!Doctype html public "-//w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">

It's not related to UNIX in any particular way.

It does matter, since the string within quotation marks is case sensitive.
Consider it as a string constant (whereas doctype, html, and public
are keyword-like and case insensitive).

This was just an informal description of what I have understood
from explanations by SGML experts.

Yucca, or

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 1999 06:21:12 UTC