Valid output


Given is the following Html File:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">



The Validator complains:

Error at line 9:
        document type does not allow element "HR" here; missing one of "MAP",
          "BUTTON" start-tag

If i now check the output, the validator complains about his own output:

Error at line 36:

      document type does not allow element "HR" here; missing one of "MAP",
          "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag

Error at line 40:
   rc="/images/arrow_left.gif" alt="^"></tt> document type does
                                              document type does not allow
                                        element "IMG" here

So, as complained above, <HR> may not be included withing <PRE>, but the
Validator does so, all the time, i think :(

So the whole output is wrong, if something was complained.

The <hr> appaerance within <pre> could be fixed by changing line ~647 to:

$out = "${lt}/pre${gt}${lt}hr${gt}${lt}pre${gt}\n\nError at line $line:\n

so <pre> is closed before <hr> and reopend after.

The second Error, <IMG> in <PRE> (in $leftarrow and $rightarrow) isn't to fix
that easy. If i apply the same </pre> and <pre> the pre effect would be
omitted and the output is unreadable.


Received on Wednesday, 25 August 1999 00:17:05 UTC