HTML version selector for the validator?

Hello, I would like to suugest an idea of improvement for the
validator. Maybe it has already been suggested. I am a
newcomer to this service.

My web-page is currently in HTML 4.0 Transitional.
I would like to know if my page satisfy HTML 4.0 strict,
or how my page is parsed with HTML 3.x  or 2.x browsers
(that is, which codes will be ignored by those browsers)

For that, I have to change the doctype, and then upload
my page to the provider each time I want to check this.
Isn't it possible to make a selection of the HTML parser
version in the validator, which can override the doctype?



PS: validator is really a great service!

Received on Monday, 26 October 1998 23:03:39 UTC