- From: CVS User ylafon <cvsmail@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 08:58:20 +0000
- To: www-validator-cvs@w3.org
Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/values In directory roscoe:/var/tmp/cvs-serv20768/org/w3c/css/values Added Files: HWB.java CssColorCSS4.java Log Message: and added css4-color first cut --- /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/values/HWB.java 2015/05/18 08:58:20 NONE +++ /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/values/HWB.java 2015/05/18 08:58:20 1.1 /* * Copyright (c) 2001 World Wide Web Consortium, * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de * Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All * Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the W3C's Software * Intellectual Property License. This program is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. * See W3C License http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ for more details. * * $Id: HWB.java,v 1.1 2015/05/18 08:58:20 ylafon Exp $ */ package org.w3c.css.values; import org.w3c.css.util.Util; public class HWB { String output = null; float fh; float fw = 100.f; float fb = 100.f; float fa = 100.f; boolean faSet = false; /** * Create a new HWB */ public HWB() { } public void setHue(float hue) { this.fh = (float) ((((double) hue % 360.0) + 360.0) % 360.0); } public void setHue(CssNumber hue) { setHue(hue.getValue()); } public void setWhiteness(float sat) { this.fw = sat; } public void setWhiteness(CssNumber sat) { setWhiteness(sat.getValue()); } public void setBlackness(float light) { this.fb = light; } public void setBlackness(CssNumber light) { setBlackness(light.getValue()); } public void setAlpha(float alpha) { this.fa = alpha; this.faSet = true; } public void setAlpha(CssNumber alpha) { setAlpha(alpha.getValue()); } public void normalizeHW() { if (fw + fb > 100.f) { } } /** * Returns a string representation of the object. */ public String toString() { if (output == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("hwb("); sb.append(Util.displayFloat(fh)).append(", "); sb.append(Util.displayFloat(fw)).append("%, "); sb.append(Util.displayFloat(fb)); if (faSet) { sb.append("%)"); } else { sb.append("%, ").append(Util.displayFloat(fa)).append(')'); } output = sb.toString(); } return output; } } --- /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/values/CssColorCSS4.java 2015/05/18 08:58:20 NONE +++ /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/values/CssColorCSS4.java 2015/05/18 08:58:20 1.1 // $Id: CssColorCSS4.java,v 1.1 2015/05/18 08:58:20 ylafon Exp $ // Author: Jean-Guilhem Rouel // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio, 2005. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.css.values; import java.util.HashMap; /** * @spec http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-color/ */ public class CssColorCSS4 { protected static final HashMap<String, RGB> definedRGBColorsCSS4; private static final RGBA trans; static final CssIdent currentColor = CssIdent.getIdent("currentColor"); public static RGB getRGB(String ident) { return definedRGBColorsCSS4.get(ident); } public static RGBA getRGBA(String ident) { if ("transparent".equalsIgnoreCase(ident)) { return trans; } return null; } // those are the same as CSS2, let's use that // and note that they are deprecated... public static String getSystem(String ident) { return CssColorCSS2.definedSystemColorsCSS2.get(ident); } static { trans = new RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.f); // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-color/#named-colors definedRGBColorsCSS4 = new HashMap<String, RGB>(); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("aliceblue", new RGB(240, 248, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("antiquewhite", new RGB(250, 235, 215)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("aqua", new RGB(0, 255, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("aquamarine", new RGB(127, 255, 212)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("azure", new RGB(240, 255, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("beige", new RGB(245, 245, 220)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("bisque", new RGB(255, 228, 196)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("black", new RGB(0, 0, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("blanchedalmond", new RGB(255, 235, 205)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("blue", new RGB(0, 0, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("blueviolet", new RGB(138, 43, 226)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("brown", new RGB(165, 42, 42)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("burlywood", new RGB(222, 184, 135)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("cadetblue", new RGB(95, 158, 160)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("chartreuse", new RGB(127, 255, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("chocolate", new RGB(210, 105, 30)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("coral", new RGB(255, 127, 80)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("cornflowerblue", new RGB(100, 149, 237)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("cornsilk", new RGB(255, 248, 220)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("crimson", new RGB(220, 20, 60)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("cyan", new RGB(0, 255, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkblue", new RGB(0, 0, 139)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkcyan", new RGB(0, 139, 139)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkgoldenrod", new RGB(184, 134, 11)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkgray", new RGB(169, 169, 169)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkgreen", new RGB(0, 100, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkgrey", new RGB(169, 169, 169)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkkhaki", new RGB(189, 183, 107)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkmagenta", new RGB(139, 0, 139)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkolivegreen", new RGB(85, 107, 47)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkorange", new RGB(255, 140, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkorchid", new RGB(153, 50, 204)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkred", new RGB(139, 0, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darksalmon", new RGB(233, 150, 122)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkseagreen", new RGB(143, 188, 143)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkslateblue", new RGB(72, 61, 139)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkslategray", new RGB(47, 79, 79)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkslategrey", new RGB(47, 79, 79)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkturquoise", new RGB(0, 206, 209)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("darkviolet", new RGB(148, 0, 211)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("deeppink", new RGB(255, 20, 147)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("deepskyblue", new RGB(0, 191, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("dimgray", new RGB(105, 105, 105)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("dimgrey", new RGB(105, 105, 105)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("dodgerblue", new RGB(30, 144, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("firebrick", new RGB(178, 34, 34)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("floralwhite", new RGB(255, 250, 240)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("forestgreen", new RGB(34, 139, 34)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("fuchsia", new RGB(255, 0, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("gainsboro", new RGB(220, 220, 220)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("ghostwhite", new RGB(248, 248, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("gold", new RGB(255, 215, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("goldenrod", new RGB(218, 165, 32)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("gray", new RGB(128, 128, 128)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("green", new RGB(0, 128, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("greenyellow", new RGB(173, 255, 47)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("grey", new RGB(128, 128, 128)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("honeydew", new RGB(240, 255, 240)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("hotpink", new RGB(255, 105, 180)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("indianred", new RGB(205, 92, 92)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("indigo", new RGB(75, 0, 130)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("ivory", new RGB(255, 255, 240)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("khaki", new RGB(240, 230, 140)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lavender", new RGB(230, 230, 250)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lavenderblush", new RGB(255, 240, 245)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lawngreen", new RGB(124, 252, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lemonchiffon", new RGB(255, 250, 205)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightblue", new RGB(173, 216, 230)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightcoral", new RGB(240, 128, 128)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightcyan", new RGB(224, 255, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightgoldenrodyellow", new RGB(250, 250, 210)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightgray", new RGB(211, 211, 211)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightgreen", new RGB(144, 238, 144)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightgrey", new RGB(211, 211, 211)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightpink", new RGB(255, 182, 193)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightsalmon", new RGB(255, 160, 122)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightseagreen", new RGB(32, 178, 170)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightskyblue", new RGB(135, 206, 250)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightslategray", new RGB(119, 136, 153)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightslategrey", new RGB(119, 136, 153)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightsteelblue", new RGB(176, 196, 222)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lightyellow", new RGB(255, 255, 224)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("lime", new RGB(0, 255, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("limegreen", new RGB(50, 205, 50)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("linen", new RGB(250, 240, 230)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("magenta", new RGB(255, 0, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("maroon", new RGB(128, 0, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumaquamarine", new RGB(102, 205, 170)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumblue", new RGB(0, 0, 205)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumorchid", new RGB(186, 85, 211)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumpurple", new RGB(147, 112, 219)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumseagreen", new RGB(60, 179, 113)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumslateblue", new RGB(123, 104, 238)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumspringgreen", new RGB(0, 250, 154)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumturquoise", new RGB(72, 209, 204)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mediumvioletred", new RGB(199, 21, 133)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("midnightblue", new RGB(25, 25, 112)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mintcream", new RGB(245, 255, 250)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("mistyrose", new RGB(255, 228, 225)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("moccasin", new RGB(255, 228, 181)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("navajowhite", new RGB(255, 222, 173)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("navy", new RGB(0, 0, 128)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("oldlace", new RGB(253, 245, 230)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("olive", new RGB(128, 128, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("olivedrab", new RGB(107, 142, 35)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("orange", new RGB(255, 165, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("orangered", new RGB(255, 69, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("orchid", new RGB(218, 112, 214)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("palegoldenrod", new RGB(238, 232, 170)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("palegreen", new RGB(152, 251, 152)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("paleturquoise", new RGB(175, 238, 238)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("palevioletred", new RGB(219, 112, 147)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("papayawhip", new RGB(255, 239, 213)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("peachpuff", new RGB(255, 218, 185)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("peru", new RGB(205, 133, 63)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("pink", new RGB(255, 192, 203)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("plum", new RGB(221, 160, 221)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("powderblue", new RGB(176, 224, 230)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("purple", new RGB(128, 0, 128)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("rebeccapurple", new RGB(102, 51, 153)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("red", new RGB(255, 0, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("rosybrown", new RGB(188, 143, 143)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("royalblue", new RGB(65, 105, 225)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("saddlebrown", new RGB(139, 69, 19)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("salmon", new RGB(250, 128, 114)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("sandybrown", new RGB(244, 164, 96)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("seagreen", new RGB(46, 139, 87)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("seashell", new RGB(255, 245, 238)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("sienna", new RGB(160, 82, 45)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("silver", new RGB(192, 192, 192)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("skyblue", new RGB(135, 206, 235)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("slateblue", new RGB(106, 90, 205)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("slategray", new RGB(112, 128, 144)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("slategrey", new RGB(112, 128, 144)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("snow", new RGB(255, 250, 250)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("springgreen", new RGB(0, 255, 127)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("steelblue", new RGB(70, 130, 180)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("tan", new RGB(210, 180, 140)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("teal", new RGB(0, 128, 128)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("thistle", new RGB(216, 191, 216)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("tomato", new RGB(255, 99, 71)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("turquoise", new RGB(64, 224, 208)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("violet", new RGB(238, 130, 238)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("wheat", new RGB(245, 222, 179)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("white", new RGB(255, 255, 255)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("whitesmoke", new RGB(245, 245, 245)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("yellow", new RGB(255, 255, 0)); definedRGBColorsCSS4.put("yellowgreen", new RGB(154, 205, 50)); } }
Received on Monday, 18 May 2015 08:58:25 UTC