www-validator-cvs@w3.org from August 2015 by subject

[Bug 10174] Bogus error reported for UTF-8 characters in larger documents

[Bug 10348] style scoped attribute

[Bug 10608] HTML table: Incorrect validation error description

[Bug 10637] The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway while using w3c markup validation

[Bug 10747] SVG <set from

[Bug 10957] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host

[Bug 10995] Mistake by Validator

[Bug 11048] Attribute placeholder not allowed on element input at this point. - is Incorrect

[Bug 11357] Validation fails

[Bug 11362] <style scoped="scoped"> fails validation unless <div> is added within parent

[Bug 11654] HTML5 validator accepts the ping attribute on <a>

[Bug 11830] not closing an element correctly

[Bug 11888] onclick="return smth", onsubmit="return smth" fails validation

[Bug 11954] Validator should not return error for x-ua-compatible meta tag

[Bug 11967] The HTML5 validator doesn't show document outline

[Bug 12040] missing Mhead> tag not accounted for

[Bug 12156] Element container not allowed as child of element body in this context

[Bug 12384] Validator rejects a link href with an ampersand in the query string

[Bug 12400] Inconsistent treatment of combining characters beginning text run

[Bug 12439] Validating a missing HTML tag

[Bug 12522] Autocomplete attribute not allowed on checkboxes in HTML5?

[Bug 12593] <command> Tag will not validate html5

[Bug 12622] HTML5, http-equiv, cache-control

[Bug 12823] Host component analyzed in a URI scheme without host

[Bug 12928] Meta names on MetaExtension list are reported as Bad values

[Bug 13262] "msapplication-task" not recognised as a meta tag

[Bug 13271] Soap12 format does not provide a way to programatically associate warnings to their corresponding errors

[Bug 13318] Input of type image gives "attribute value not allowed" error on tag end character

[Bug 13677] onsubmit attribute not allowed on form

[Bug 13813] Parser errors on a meta tag attribute names (msapplication-tooltip and msapplication-starturl).

[Bug 13886] Audio Source broken?

[Bug 14007] Simple made complex ... why??

[Bug 14020] HTML5+Microdata documents are not conforming HTML5 documents

[Bug 14097] Add support for HTML5+RDFa validation

[Bug 14332] Table

[Bug 14361] & in a href is flaged as invalid

[Bug 14409] dt element's content model is incorrectly reported

[Bug 14467] Spurious error message "area tag needs href attribute"

[Bug 14506] validator.w3.org validator failure with microformats standard rel=home

[Bug 14587] The Bug 6151 is back

[Bug 14680] Using windows-1252 instead of the declared encoding iso-8859-1

[Bug 14685] Missing < in body start tag not detected

[Bug 14876] Empty value attributes are being validated.

[Bug 15487] meta tag msapplication-window marked as invalid in html5 validation

[Bug 15493] Warning count is one more than warnings displayed

[Bug 15831] validator prevents XHTML5 from containing XML declaration

[Bug 15910] Broken check for type attribute on button element

[Bug 16079] hellip not a recognized entity in html5

[Bug 16188] Software Error HTML Extentionless URL

[Bug 16249] Page does not validate with meta http-equiv='expires'

[Bug 16342] itemprop not allowed on XHTML

[Bug 16510] microformats wiki existing-rel-values page not consulted for <a rel='category tag'>

[Bug 16582] Validator believes content not an allowed attribute for element meta

[Bug 16743] button with image and text generates error

[Bug 17012] onpageshow raises an error though should be valid

[Bug 17418] & did not start a character reference and Errors involving fragile syntax constructs

[Bug 17492] html5 input image alt error

[Bug 17571] The validator crashes with a form and a # as the action

[Bug 17581] HTML5 barfs on colspan errors

[Bug 17592] HOW TO DELETE

[Bug 18778] input type "search" should be valid

[Bug 18800] HTML5 translate attribute is not yet supported

[Bug 19209] Urls can contain &.

[Bug 19241] non-utf8 characters in SOAP1.2 output

[Bug 19718] Missing Named Character References

[Bug 20307] in HTML should warn when title precedes meta@charset

[Bug 20742] "there can only be one meta-based character encoding declaration per document"

[Bug 21211] Update the valid (registered) MetaExtensions keywords

[Bug 21212] Not registered meta keyword is not an error

[Bug 21396] http://www.lavacochesnely.es/

[Bug 21577] NFC issues reported wrong way: wrong char highlighted, wrong total amount

[Bug 21708] Errors with input element: readonly not accepted for type=text, defaulting of type not allowed

[Bug 21748] Incorrectly identifies role="search" on a section element as being a validation error

[Bug 21758] No aria-use suddenly flagged as error.

[Bug 21760] The controls boolean for the video tag is flagged as invalid

[Bug 21802] http://www.lavacochesnely.es/

[Bug 21975] Line 3, Column 12: Comments seen before doctype. Internet Explorer will go into the quirks mode. <![endif]-->

[Bug 22053] SKYPE_TOOLBAR *is* defined in whatwg yet error raised in html5

[Bug 22140] ARIA Landmark Role "main" invalid on section element

[Bug 22144] 16417 Errors, 7 warning(s) from the use of &hellip;

[Bug 22173] Reporting missing opening tag when it's there

[Bug 22230] Incorrect error wording when forcing character encoding

[Bug 22325] @download not supported on <a>

[Bug 22741] validator.w3.org does not give an option to validate HTML+RDFa

[Bug 22846] Wrong error messages when role attribute is used in <input>

[Bug 22924] two error

[Bug 23100] Error when degzipping website

[Bug 23183] html <a> tag component attribute "rel", category not a registered keyword: invalid markup

[Bug 23349] No HTML 5 icon

[Bug 23877] Checker fails use of ARIA role=alert on UL element

[Bug 24341] Content-Style-Type flagged as bug

[Bug 24426] group role now allowed on OL

[Bug 24561] <table border="1"> reported as bug, but is allowed

[Bug 24871] Meta "robots" fails and appears as an unregistered value in HTML5 validation

[Bug 25104] The RelaxNG schema should recognize more encoding values for the <annotation-xml> element

[Bug 25119] Closing head tag

[Bug 25197] fm100kontex.free.fr

[Bug 25207] Validator did not find missing close p tags.

[Bug 25575] Element th is missing one or more of the following attributes: role.

[Bug 25602] Double hyphens validation issue

[Bug 25720] W3C validator does not allow the role attribute on various inline SVG elements

[Bug 26010] HTML 4.01 validator dos not recognize as valid a page with nothing in the body

[Bug 26084] Validator reports "Empty heading" warning when only heading content is a script element

[Bug 26115] Improve error reporting for data: URLs

[Bug 26358] validator only uses SSL version 3, no TLS

[Bug 26382] Email validator not working correctly for Text field.

[Bug 26489] hello

[Bug 27050] Outline not shown for simple valid document

[Bug 27324] html5 imagemap area attribute coordinates: scan seems not to terminate properly on final quote.

[Bug 27510] Forbidden code point

[Bug 27805] Validator not updating page source

[Bug 27818] Very confusing messages if malformed comment or stray BODY element encountered in HEAD

[Bug 27921] Full documents without root <html> validate

[Bug 28030] UTF-8 Mismatch

[Bug 28334] Successful Validatation with missing closing BODY tag

[Bug 28354] Placeholder on inputs with type="email" wrongly being flagged as invalid.

[Bug 28359] validator html error

[Bug 28362] Input Type "email" with attribute "placeholder" comes up as error. Incorrect W3C HTML5 Standards.

[Bug 28363] HTML Validation Error on Form Input (type=email), but Code in Compliance with No Errors

[Bug 28428] OPTION element in DATALIST element can be empty, but validator say no

[Bug 28501] X-UA-Compatible check needs to allow additional text

[Bug 28596] Online validator has problem with some SSL

[Bug 28617] X-Clacks-Overhead Meta Data should be accepted

[Bug 28860] W3 server blocked my IP if i send request with output=soap12

[Bug 29075] New: XHTML Script ID tag not considered valid

[Bug 29075] XHTML Script ID tag not considered valid

[Bug 29076] New: :after selector does not accept content attr(attribute)

[Bug 29089] New: javascript < treated as html tag

[Bug 5677] Image Report (Validator.nu)

[Bug 5987] “Namespace Found in non-XML Document” should not be triggered in HTML5 mode

[Bug 5988] Validate by Direct Input Software Error on Revalidate

[Bug 6001] Need a more appropriate success message for (X)HTML5 validation

[Bug 6125] HTML validator fails for "--" within comment blocks

[Bug 6137] libwww-perl issue with -T and HTTP::Message

[Bug 6296] text/html with XHTML 1.0 doctype and HTML5 override validates as XHTML5

[Bug 6302] Error messages are double escaped

[Bug 6308] Bad value,,, for attribute href on element a: ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in FRAGMENT

[Bug 6326] Errors for no reason: Attribute action not allowed on element body at this point. Attribute name not allowed on element body at this point.

[Bug 6354] XHTML5 websites validate as "HTML5" instead of "XHTML5"

[Bug 6520] File Upload Fails to validate (Direct Input and URI works fine)

[Bug 6589] utf-8 character not recognized as such

[Bug 6747] Direct input of HTML5 seems to validate anything

[Bug 6936] Validator inserts </head>, and then reports error on it.

[Bug 7135] fix HTML5 facet so that it doesn't incorrectly warn "No Character Encoding Found"

[Bug 7184] Space characters in the coords attribute value is considered an error

[Bug 7729] input type image validation error against value attribute

[Bug 8553] Validator balks figure dd dt

[Bug 8609] The dialog element doesn't seem to be valid in any context

[Bug 8678] HTML5 validator does not support <meta charset="utf-8">

[Bug 8697] Validation of schema extensions in HTML documents

[Bug 9076] Wrong Error: Table column 2 established by element td has no cells beginning in it.

[Bug 9238] <p><ol><li></li></ol></p> gets fals error

[Bug 9549] "External Checker not available" error

[Bug 9595] HTML Comments before DOCTYPE are not reported as an error.

[Bug 9620] lamazes

[Bug 9696] Says Attribute autobuffer not allowed, but then lists autobuffer attribute

[Bug 9967] don't switch to XHTML5 checking on HTML5 direct input that has xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

CVS 2002/css-validator

Last message date: Thursday, 27 August 2015 12:29:52 UTC