- From: Yves Lafon via cvs-syncmail <cvsmail@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2012 11:35:01 +0000
- To: www-validator-cvs@w3.org
Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/properties/css3 In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv17598/css3 Added Files: CssListStyle.java CssListStyleImage.java CssListStylePosition.java CssListStyleType.java Log Message: list-style-* per css1/2/21/3/tv plus cleanup of multiple property depending on the level in css1style --- NEW FILE: CssListStyleType.java --- // $Id: CssListStyleType.java,v 1.1 2012/11/07 11:34:59 ylafon Exp $ // Author: Yves Lafon <ylafon@w3.org> // // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio University, 2012. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.css.properties.css3; import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext; import org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException; import org.w3c.css.values.CssExpression; import org.w3c.css.values.CssIdent; import org.w3c.css.values.CssTypes; import org.w3c.css.values.CssValue; import java.util.Arrays; /** * @spec http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-lists-20110524/#list-style-type */ public class CssListStyleType extends org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssListStyleType { public static final CssIdent[] allowed_values; static { String[] _allowed_values = {"none", "inline", "ethiopic-numeric", "triangle", "trinary", "go", "fixed-decimal", "unary", "box-corner", "dice", "box", "check", "circle", "diamond", "disc", "dash", "square", "arabic-indic", "bengali", "binary", "burmese", "cambodian", "cjk-decimal", "decimal", "devanagari", "eastern-nagari", "fullwidth-decimal", "gujarati", "gurmukhi", "kannada", "khmer", "lower-hexadecimal", "lao", "lepcha", "malayalam", "marathi", "mongolian", "myanmar", "new-base-60", "octal", "oriya", "persian", "super-decimal", "tamil", "telugu", "tibetan", "thai", "upper-hexadecimal", "afar", "agaw", "ari", "blin", "cjk-earthly-branch", "cjk-heavenly-stem", "dizi", "fullwidth-lower-alpha", "fullwidth-upper-alpha", "gedeo", "gumuz", "hadiyya", "harari", "hindi", "hiragana-iroha", "hiragana", "kaffa", "katakana-iroha", "katakana", "kebena", "kembata", "konso", "korean-consonant", "korean-syllable", "kunama", "lower-alpha", "lower-belorussian", "lower-bulgarian", "lower-greek", "lower-macedonian", "lower-oromo-qubee", "lower-russian", "lower-russian-full", "lower-serbo-croatian", "lower-ukrainian", "lower-ukrainian-full", "meen", "oromo", "saho", "sidama", "silti", "thai-alphabetic", "tigre", "upper-alpha", "upper-belorussian", "upper-bulgarian", "upper-macedonian", "upper-oromo-qubee", "upper-russian", "upper-russian-full", "upper-serbo-croatian", "upper-ukrainian", "upper-ukrainian-full", "wolaita", "yemsa", "asterisks", "footnotes", "lower-alpha-symbolic", "upper-alpha-symbolic", "circled-decimal", "circled-lower-latin", "circled-upper-latin", "circled-korean-consonants", "circled-korean-syllables", "decimal-leading-zero", "dotted-decimal", "double-circled-decimal", "filled-circled-decimal", "fullwidth-upper-roman", "fullwidth-lower-roman", "parenthesized-decimal", "parenthesized-lower-latin", "parenthesized-hangul-consonants", "parenthesized-hangul-syllable", "persian-abjad", "persian-alphabetic", "hebrew", "simple-upper-roman", "simple-lower-roman", "upper-roman", "lower-roman", "lower-armenian", "upper-armenian", "armenian", "georgian", "ancient-tamil", "japanese-informal", "japanese-formal", "korean-hangul-formal", "korean-hanja-informal", "korean-hanja-formal", "greek"}; int i = 0; allowed_values = new CssIdent[_allowed_values.length]; for (String s : _allowed_values) { allowed_values[i++] = CssIdent.getIdent(s); } Arrays.sort(allowed_values); } public static final CssIdent getAllowedIdent(CssIdent ident) { int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(allowed_values, ident); return (idx < 0) ? null : allowed_values[idx]; } /** * Create a new CssListStyleType */ public CssListStyleType() { } /** * Set the value of the property<br/> * Does not check the number of values * * @param expression The expression for this property * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStyleType(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression) throws InvalidParamException { this(ac, expression, false); } /** * Set the value of the property * * @param expression The expression for this property * @param check set it to true to check the number of values * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStyleType(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression, boolean check) throws InvalidParamException { if (check && expression.getCount() > 1) { throw new InvalidParamException("unrecognize", ac); } setByUser(); CssValue val; char op; val = expression.getValue(); op = expression.getOperator(); switch (val.getType()) { case CssTypes.CSS_STRING: value = val; break; case CssTypes.CSS_IDENT: CssIdent id = (CssIdent) val; if (inherit.equals(id)) { value = inherit; break; } else { value = getAllowedIdent(id); if (value == null) { // it's still acceptable // but the name should be listed in a // @counter-style rule value = val; // TODO check counter-style break; } } default: throw new InvalidParamException("value", val.toString(), getPropertyName(), ac); } expression.next(); } } --- NEW FILE: CssListStylePosition.java --- // $Id: CssListStylePosition.java,v 1.1 2012/11/07 11:34:59 ylafon Exp $ // Author: Yves Lafon <ylafon@w3.org> // // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio University, 2012. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.css.properties.css3; import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext; import org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException; import org.w3c.css.values.CssExpression; import org.w3c.css.values.CssIdent; import org.w3c.css.values.CssTypes; import org.w3c.css.values.CssValue; /** * @spec http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-lists-20110524/#list-style-position */ public class CssListStylePosition extends org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssListStylePosition { public static final CssIdent[] allowed_values; static { String[] _allowed_values = {"inside", "hanging", "outside"}; int i = 0; allowed_values = new CssIdent[_allowed_values.length]; for (String s : _allowed_values) { allowed_values[i++] = CssIdent.getIdent(s); } } public static final CssIdent getAllowedIdent(CssIdent ident) { for (CssIdent id : allowed_values) { if (id.equals(ident)) { return id; } } return null; } /** * Create a new CssListStylePosition */ public CssListStylePosition() { value = initial; } /** * Set the value of the property<br/> * Does not check the number of values * * @param expression The expression for this property * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStylePosition(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression) throws InvalidParamException { this(ac, expression, false); } /** * Set the value of the property * * @param expression The expression for this property * @param check set it to true to check the number of values * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStylePosition(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression, boolean check) throws InvalidParamException { if (check && expression.getCount() > 1) { throw new InvalidParamException("unrecognize", ac); } setByUser(); CssValue val; char op; val = expression.getValue(); op = expression.getOperator(); if (val.getType() != CssTypes.CSS_IDENT) { throw new InvalidParamException("value", val, getPropertyName(), ac); } CssIdent id = (CssIdent) val; if (inherit.equals(id)) { value = inherit; } else { value = getAllowedIdent(id); if (value == null) { throw new InvalidParamException("value", val.toString(), getPropertyName(), ac); } } expression.next(); } } --- NEW FILE: CssListStyleImage.java --- // $Id: CssListStyleImage.java,v 1.1 2012/11/07 11:34:59 ylafon Exp $ // Author: Yves Lafon <ylafon@w3.org> // // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio University, 2012. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.css.properties.css3; import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext; import org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException; import org.w3c.css.values.CssExpression; import org.w3c.css.values.CssTypes; import org.w3c.css.values.CssValue; /** * @spec http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-lists-20110524/#list-style-image */ public class CssListStyleImage extends org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssListStyleImage { /** * Create a new CssListStyleImage */ public CssListStyleImage() { } /** * Set the value of the property<br/> * Does not check the number of values * * @param expression The expression for this property * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStyleImage(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression) throws InvalidParamException { this(ac, expression, false); } /** * Set the value of the property * * @param expression The expression for this property * @param check set it to true to check the number of values * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStyleImage(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression, boolean check) throws InvalidParamException { if (check && expression.getCount() > 1) { throw new InvalidParamException("unrecognize", ac); } setByUser(); CssValue val; char op; val = expression.getValue(); op = expression.getOperator(); switch (val.getType()) { case CssTypes.CSS_FUNCTION: // TODO check gradient, image // perhaps using val.getImage(); ? case CssTypes.CSS_URL: value = val; break; case CssTypes.CSS_IDENT: if (inherit.equals(val)) { value = inherit; break; } if (none.equals(val)) { value = none; break; } default: throw new InvalidParamException("value", val.toString(), getPropertyName(), ac); } expression.next(); } } --- NEW FILE: CssListStyle.java --- // $Id: CssListStyle.java,v 1.1 2012/11/07 11:34:59 ylafon Exp $ // Author: Yves Lafon <ylafon@w3.org> // // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio University, 2012. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.css.properties.css3; import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext; import org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException; import org.w3c.css.values.CssExpression; import org.w3c.css.values.CssIdent; import org.w3c.css.values.CssTypes; import org.w3c.css.values.CssValue; import org.w3c.css.values.CssValueList; import java.util.ArrayList; import static org.w3c.css.values.CssOperator.SPACE; /** * @spec http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-lists-20110524/#list-style */ public class CssListStyle extends org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssListStyle { /** * Create a new CssListStyle */ public CssListStyle() { } /** * Set the value of the property<br/> * Does not check the number of values * * @param expression The expression for this property * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStyle(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression) throws InvalidParamException { this(ac, expression, false); } /** * Set the value of the property * * @param expression The expression for this property * @param check set it to true to check the number of values * @throws org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException * The expression is incorrect */ public CssListStyle(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression, boolean check) throws InvalidParamException { if (check && expression.getCount() > 3) { throw new InvalidParamException("unrecognize", ac); } setByUser(); CssValue val; char op; CssValue imageVal = null; CssValue positionVal = null; CssValue typeVal = null; int nbnone = 0; while (!expression.end()) { val = expression.getValue(); op = expression.getOperator(); switch (val.getType()) { case CssTypes.CSS_FUNCTION: //TODO gradient/image case CssTypes.CSS_URL: if (imageVal != null) { throw new InvalidParamException("value", val, getPropertyName(), ac); } imageVal = val; break; case CssTypes.CSS_STRING: if (typeVal != null) { // TODO duplicate value error throw new InvalidParamException("value", none, getPropertyName(), ac); } typeVal = val; break; case CssTypes.CSS_IDENT: if (inherit.equals(val)) { if (expression.getCount() > 1) { throw new InvalidParamException("unrecognize", ac); } value = inherit; imageVal = inherit; positionVal = inherit; typeVal = inherit; break; } if (none.equals(val)) { nbnone++; break; } // now we go to other values... CssIdent id = (CssIdent) val; if (positionVal == null) { positionVal = CssListStylePosition.getAllowedIdent(id); if (positionVal != null) { break; } } if (typeVal == null) { typeVal = CssListStyleType.getAllowedIdent(id); if (typeVal != null) { // TODO check the @counter-style typeVal = val; break; } } // unrecognized ident.. fail! default: throw new InvalidParamException("value", val, getPropertyName(), ac); } if (op != SPACE) { throw new InvalidParamException("operator", ((new Character(op)).toString()), ac); } expression.next(); } // some postprocessing... if (nbnone > 0) { switch (nbnone) { case 1: // we set the value ot the non-specified by the shorthand // values... if (imageVal != null && typeVal != null) { // TODO duplicate value error throw new InvalidParamException("value", none, getPropertyName(), ac); } if (typeVal == null) { typeVal = none; } if (imageVal == null) { imageVal = none; } break; case 2: if (imageVal != null || typeVal != null) { // TODO duplicate value error throw new InvalidParamException("value", none, getPropertyName(), ac); } typeVal = none; imageVal = none; break; default: throw new InvalidParamException("value", none, getPropertyName(), ac); } } // set the value if (value != inherit) { ArrayList<CssValue> v = new ArrayList<CssValue>(); if (typeVal != null) { v.add(typeVal); } if (positionVal != null) { v.add(positionVal); } if (imageVal != null) { v.add(imageVal); } value = (v.size() == 1) ? v.get(0) : new CssValueList(v); } // then the shorthand values cssListStyleType = new CssListStyleType(); cssListStyleType.value = typeVal; cssListStylePosition = new CssListStylePosition(); cssListStylePosition.value = positionVal; cssListStyleImage = new CssListStyleImage(); cssListStyleImage.value = imageVal; } }
Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 11:35:08 UTC