[Bug 17597] New: "StartTag: invalid element name" for XHTML 1.0
- [Bug 17597] "StartTag: invalid element name" for XHTML 1.0
- [Bug 17597] "StartTag: invalid element name" for XHTML 1.0
- [Bug 17597] "StartTag: invalid element name" for XHTML 1.0
- [Bug 17597] "StartTag: invalid element name" for XHTML 1.0
[Bug 6983] Error in css-validator.war implimentation
[Bug 17594] New: hi
[Bug 17592] New: HOW TO DELETE
markup-validator commit: Grammar fix.
markup-validator commit: Update XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to REC-xhtml-rdfa-20120607 (no real changes since PR-xhtml-rdfa-20120508).
[Bug 17581] New: HTML5 barfs on colspan errors
[Bug 17083] / is not a font family value
[Bug 17083] / is not a font family value
[Bug 17571] New: The validator crashes with a form and a # as the action
- [Bug 17571] The validator crashes with a form and a # as the action
- [Bug 17571] The validator crashes with a form and a # as the action
- [Bug 17571] The validator crashes with a form and a # as the action
2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/media/css3 AtRuleMedia.java,1.4,1.5 MediaAspectRatio.java,1.2,1.3 MediaColor.java,1.2,1.3 MediaColorIndex.java,1.2,1.3 MediaDeviceAspectRatio.java,1.2,1.3 MediaDeviceHeight.java,1.2,1.3 MediaDeviceWidth.java,1.2,1.3 MediaGrid.java,1.1,1.2 MediaHeight.java,1.2,1.3 MediaMonochrome.java,1.2,1.3 MediaOrientation.java,1.2,1.3 MediaResolution.java,1.1,1.2 MediaScan.java,1.1,1.2 MediaWidth.java,1.2,1.3
2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/media/css3 MediaOrientation.java,1.1,1.2
2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/properties CSS3Properties.properties,1.30,1.31
2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/media/css3 ViewMode.java,NONE,1.1
[Bug 17492] New: html5 input image alt error
unicorn commit: Translation in Catalan submitted by Marc
[Bug 17487] New: HTML5 validator does not validate dublin core meta tags
[Bug 17482] New: MathML 3.0: linebreaking and indentation attributes in mspace
[Bug 17466] how to fix markup validate error in my site http://fahimexpress.net/ please anyone help me how solve?
[Bug 17466] how to fix markup validate error in my site http://fahimexpress.net/ please anyone help me how solve?
[Bug 17464] New: Don't throw error for <meta http-equiv="X-foo"
- [Bug 17464] Don't throw error for <meta http-equiv="X-foo"
- [Bug 17464] Don't throw error for <meta http-equiv="X-foo"
- [Bug 17464] Don't throw error for <meta http-equiv="X-foo"