2002/css-validator/autotest/testsuite/properties/positive/text-decoration/css2 001.css,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/autotest/testsuite/properties/positive/text-decoration/css2
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv14313/text-decoration/css2

Added Files:
Log Message:
text-decoration (for CSS1 to 2.1) 

--- NEW FILE: 001.css ---
a { text-decoration: none }
b { text-decoration: underline }
c { text-decoration: overline }
cb { text-decoration: overline underline }
d { text-decoration: line-through }
db { text-decoration: line-through underline }
e { text-decoration:  blink }
eb { text-decoration:  blink underline }
bc { text-decoration: underline overline }
dc { text-decoration: line-through overline }
dcb { text-decoration: line-through overline underline }
ec { text-decoration:  blink overline }
ecb { text-decoration:  blink overline underline }
bd { text-decoration: underline line-through }
cd { text-decoration: overline line-through }
cdb { text-decoration: overline line-through underline }
ed { text-decoration:  blink line-through }
edb { text-decoration:  blink line-through underline }
be { text-decoration: underline  blink }
ce { text-decoration: overline  blink }
ceb { text-decoration: overline  blink underline }
de { text-decoration: line-through  blink }
deb { text-decoration: line-through  blink underline }
dbc { text-decoration: line-through underline overline }
ebc { text-decoration:  blink underline overline }
bdc { text-decoration: underline line-through overline }
edc { text-decoration:  blink line-through overline }
bec { text-decoration: underline  blink overline }
dec { text-decoration: line-through  blink overline }
cbd { text-decoration: overline underline line-through }
ebd { text-decoration:  blink underline line-through }
bcd { text-decoration: underline overline line-through }
ecd { text-decoration:  blink overline line-through }
bed { text-decoration: underline  blink line-through }
ced { text-decoration: overline  blink line-through }
cbe { text-decoration: overline underline  blink }
dbe { text-decoration: line-through underline  blink }
bce { text-decoration: underline overline  blink }
dce { text-decoration: line-through overline  blink }
bde { text-decoration: underline line-through  blink }
cde { text-decoration: overline line-through  blink }
bcde { text-decoration: underline overline line-through blink }
f { inherit } /* explicit value in prose */

Received on Monday, 5 December 2011 16:36:51 UTC