2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css CssCascadingOrder.java,1.8,1.9 StyleSheet.java,1.16,1.17

Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv29514/org/w3c/css/css

Modified Files:
	CssCascadingOrder.java StyleSheet.java 
Log Message:

Index: CssCascadingOrder.java
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css/CssCascadingOrder.java,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- CssCascadingOrder.java	5 Jan 2010 13:49:33 -0000	1.8
+++ CssCascadingOrder.java	12 Aug 2011 21:19:01 -0000	1.9
@@ -7,88 +7,87 @@
 package org.w3c.css.css;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
 import org.w3c.css.parser.CssSelectors;
 import org.w3c.css.parser.CssStyle;
 import org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssProperty;
-import org.w3c.css.util.CompareFunction;
-import org.w3c.css.util.QuickSortAlgorithm;
-import org.w3c.css.util.SortAlgorithm;
 import org.w3c.css.util.Util;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
- *   <H3>
- *      &nbsp;&nbsp; Cascading order
- *   </H3>
- *
+ * <H3>
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp; Cascading order
+ * </H3>
+ * <p/>
  * <P> Conflicting rules are intrinsic to the CSS mechanism. To find the value
  * for an element/property combination, the following algorithm must be
  * followed:
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <OL>
  * <LI> Find all declarations that apply to the element/property in question.
  * Declarations apply if the selector matches the element in question. If no
  * declarations apply, the inherited value is used. If there is no inherited
  * value (this is the case for the 'HTML' element and for properties that do
  * not inherit), the initial value is used.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <LI> Sort the declarations by explicit weight: declarations marked
  * '!important' carry more weight than unmarked (normal) declarations.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <LI> Sort by origin: the author's style sheets override the reader's style
  * sheet which override the UA's default values. An imported style sheet has
  * the same origin as the style sheet from which it is imported.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <LI> Sort by specificity of selector: more specific selectors will override
  * more general ones. To find the specificity, count the number of ID
  * attributes in the selector (a), the number of CLASS attributes in the
  * selector (b), and the number of tag names in the selector (c). Concatenating
  * the three numbers (in a number system with a large base) gives the
  * specificity. Some examples:
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <PRE>
- *   LI            {...}  /* a=0 b=0 c=1 -&gt; specificity =   1 * /
- *   UL LI         {...}  /* a=0 b=0 c=2 -&gt; specificity =   2 * /
- *   UL OL LI      {...}  /* a=0 b=0 c=3 -&gt; specificity =   3 * /
- *   LI.red        {...}  /* a=0 b=1 c=1 -&gt; specificity =  11 * /
- *   UL OL LI.red  {...}  /* a=0 b=1 c=3 -&gt; specificity =  13 * /
- *   #x34y         {...}  /* a=1 b=0 c=0 -&gt; specificity = 100 * /
+ * LI            {...}  /* a=0 b=0 c=1 -&gt; specificity =   1 * /
+ * UL LI         {...}  /* a=0 b=0 c=2 -&gt; specificity =   2 * /
+ * UL OL LI      {...}  /* a=0 b=0 c=3 -&gt; specificity =   3 * /
+ * LI.red        {...}  /* a=0 b=1 c=1 -&gt; specificity =  11 * /
+ * UL OL LI.red  {...}  /* a=0 b=1 c=3 -&gt; specificity =  13 * /
+ * #x34y         {...}  /* a=1 b=0 c=0 -&gt; specificity = 100 * /
  * </PRE>
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <P> Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes are counted as normal elements and
  * classes, respectively.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <LI> Sort by order specified: if two rules have the same weight, the latter
  * specified wins. Rules in imported style sheets are considered to be before
  * any rules in the style sheet itself.
  * </OL>
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <P> The search for the property value can be terminated whenever one rule
  * has a higher weight than the other rules that apply to the same
  * element/property combination.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <P> This strategy gives author's style sheets considerably higher weight
  * than those of the reader. It is therefore important that the reader has the
  * ability to turn off the influence of a certain style sheet, e.g. through a
  * pull-down menu.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <P> A declaration in the 'STYLE' attribute of an element has the same weight
  * as a declaration with an ID-based selector that is specified at the end of
  * the style sheet:
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <PRE>
  * &lt;STYLE TYPE="text/css"&gt;
- *   #x97z { color: blue }
+ * #x97z { color: blue }
  * &lt;/STYLE&gt;
  * &lt;P ID=x97z STYLE="color: red"&gt;
  * </PRE>
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <P> In the above example, the color of the 'P' element would be
  * red. Although the specificity is the same for both declarations, the
  * declaration in the 'STYLE' attribute will override the one in the 'STYLE'
  * element because of cascading rule number 5.
- *
+ * <p/>
  * <P> The UA may choose to honor other stylistic HTML attributes, for example
  * 'ALIGN'.  If so, these attributes are translated to the corresponding CSS
  * rules with specificity equal to 1. The rules are assumed to be at the start
@@ -108,127 +107,127 @@
      * Order all properties and returns the winner.
      * @param property The default value returned if there is no property.
-     * @param style The current style sheet where we can find all properties.
+     * @param style    The current style sheet where we can find all properties.
      * @param selector The current context.
      * @return the property with the right value.
     public CssProperty order(CssProperty property,
-			     StyleSheet style, CssSelectors selector) {
-	//int i = 0;
-	propertyData = new CssProperty[10];
-	propertyCount = 0;
-	Util.verbose("CASCADING ORDER " + property.getPropertyName()
-		     + " in " + selector);
+                             StyleSheet style, CssSelectors selector) {
+        //int i = 0;
+        propertyData = new CssProperty[10];
+        propertyCount = 0;
+        Util.verbose("CASCADING ORDER " + property.getPropertyName()
+                + " in " + selector);
-	// looking for all declarations that apply to the element/property in
-	// question. (step 1)
-	for (Enumeration e = style.getRules().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-	    CssSelectors context = (CssSelectors) e.nextElement();
+        // looking for all declarations that apply to the element/property in
+        // question. (step 1)
+        for (Enumeration e = style.getRules().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
+            CssSelectors context = (CssSelectors) e.nextElement();
-	    Util.verbose("######## test with " + context
-			 + " and " + selector);
-	    //	    if (!selector.equals(context) && context.canApply(selector)) {
-	    if (context.canApply(selector)) {
-		// here, don't try to resolve
-		CssProperty prop =
-		    property.getPropertyInStyle(context.getStyle(), false);
-		Util.verbose("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Found " + context);
-		if (prop != null) {
-		    addProperty(prop);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
+            Util.verbose("######## test with " + context
+                    + " and " + selector);
+            //	    if (!selector.equals(context) && context.canApply(selector)) {
+            if (context.canApply(selector)) {
+                // here, don't try to resolve
+                CssProperty prop =
+                        property.getPropertyInStyle(context.getStyle(), false);
+                Util.verbose("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Found " + context);
+                if (prop != null) {
+                    addProperty(prop);
+                }
+            }
+        }
-	if (propertyCount == 0) {
-	    // if I found nothing
-	    if (selector.getNext() != null && property.inherited()) {
-		// here, I can try to resolve
-		Util.verbose("Found nothing ... try the next "
-			     + selector.getNext());
-		CssStyle s = style.getStyle(selector.getNext());
-		property = property.getPropertyInStyle(s, true);
-	    } // else use the default value
-	} else {
-	    Util.verbose("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FOUND "
-			 + propertyCount + " properties");
-	    // runs the cascading order
-	    property = getProperty(selector);
+        if (propertyCount == 0) {
+            // if I found nothing
+            if (selector.getNext() != null && property.inherited()) {
+                // here, I can try to resolve
+                Util.verbose("Found nothing ... try the next "
+                        + selector.getNext());
+                CssStyle s = style.getStyle(selector.getNext());
+                property = property.getPropertyInStyle(s, true);
+            } // else use the default value
+        } else {
+            Util.verbose("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FOUND "
+                    + propertyCount + " properties");
+            // runs the cascading order
+            property = getProperty(selector);
-	    if (property.isSoftlyInherited()
-		&& selector.getNext() != null) {
-		// the value of the property is inherited,
-		// recompute again ....
-		CssStyle s = style.getStyle(selector.getNext());
-		property = property.getPropertyInStyle(s, true);
-	    }
-	}
-	// duplicate the property because I change the context ...
-	property = property.duplicate();
-	property.setSelectors(selector);
+            if (property.isSoftlyInherited()
+                    && selector.getNext() != null) {
+                // the value of the property is inherited,
+                // recompute again ....
+                CssStyle s = style.getStyle(selector.getNext());
+                property = property.getPropertyInStyle(s, true);
+            }
+        }
+        // duplicate the property because I change the context ...
+        property = property.duplicate();
+        property.setSelectors(selector);
-	return property;
+        return property;
     // here you can find the algorithm for the cascading order
     private CssProperty getProperty(CssSelectors selector) {
-	SortAlgorithm sort = new QuickSortAlgorithm();
-	// sort by explicit weight and origin (step 2 and 3)
-	sort.sort(propertyData, 0, propertyCount - 1,
-		  new CompareExplicitWeight());
-	int old = propertyData[0].getExplicitWeight();
-	int end = 0;
-	while (end < propertyCount &&
-	       propertyData[end].getExplicitWeight() == old) {
-	    end++;
-	}
-	// sort by specificity (step 4)
-	sort.sort(propertyData, 0, end-1, new CompareSpecificity());
-	old = propertyData[0].getSelectors().getSpecificity();
-	end = 0;
-	while (end < propertyCount &&
-	       propertyData[end].getSelectors().getSpecificity() == old) {
-	    end++;
-	}
+        // sort by explicit weight and origin (step 2 and 3)
+        Arrays.sort(propertyData, 0, propertyCount, new CompareExplicitWeight());
+        int old = propertyData[0].getExplicitWeight();
+        int end = 0;
+        while (end < propertyCount &&
+                propertyData[end].getExplicitWeight() == old) {
+            end++;
+        }
-	// sort by order specified (step 5)
-	sort.sort(propertyData, 0, end - 1, new CompareOrderSpecified());
+        // sort by specificity (step 4)
+        Arrays.sort(propertyData, 0, end, new CompareSpecificity());
+        old = propertyData[0].getSelectors().getSpecificity();
+        end = 0;
+        while (end < propertyCount &&
+                propertyData[end].getSelectors().getSpecificity() == old) {
+            end++;
+        }
-	return propertyData[0];
+        // sort by order specified (step 5)
+        Arrays.sort(propertyData, 0, end, new CompareOrderSpecified());
+        return propertyData[0];
     private final void addProperty(CssProperty property) {
-	int oldCapacity = propertyData.length;
-	if (propertyCount + 1 > oldCapacity) {
-	    CssProperty oldData[] = propertyData;
-	    propertyData = new CssProperty[oldCapacity + capacityIncrement];
-	    System.arraycopy(oldData, 0, propertyData, 0, propertyCount);
-	}
-	propertyData[propertyCount++] = property;
+        int oldCapacity = propertyData.length;
+        if (propertyCount + 1 > oldCapacity) {
+            CssProperty oldData[] = propertyData;
+            propertyData = new CssProperty[oldCapacity + capacityIncrement];
+            System.arraycopy(oldData, 0, propertyData, 0, propertyCount);
+        }
+        propertyData[propertyCount++] = property;
 // all compare functions used in the cascading order
-class CompareExplicitWeight extends CompareFunction {
-    public boolean compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
-	return (((CssProperty) obj1).getExplicitWeight() >
-		((CssProperty) obj2).getExplicitWeight());
+class CompareExplicitWeight implements Comparator<CssProperty> {
+    public int compare(CssProperty property1, CssProperty property2) {
+        int val1 = property1.getExplicitWeight();
+        int val2 = property2.getExplicitWeight();
+        return (val1 - val2);
-class CompareSpecificity extends CompareFunction {
-    public boolean compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
-	return (((CssProperty) obj1).getSelectors().getSpecificity() >
-		((CssProperty) obj2).getSelectors().getSpecificity());
+class CompareSpecificity implements Comparator<CssProperty> {
+    public int compare(CssProperty property1, CssProperty property2) {
+        int val1 = property1.getSelectors().getSpecificity();
+        int val2 = property2.getSelectors().getSpecificity();
+        return (val1 - val2);
-class CompareOrderSpecified extends CompareFunction {
-    public boolean compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
-	return (((CssProperty) obj1).getOrderSpecified() >
-		((CssProperty) obj2).getOrderSpecified());
+class CompareOrderSpecified implements Comparator<CssProperty> {
+    public int compare(CssProperty property1, CssProperty property2) {
+        long val1 = property1.getOrderSpecified();
+        long val2 = property2.getOrderSpecified();
+        return ((int) (val1 - val2));

Index: StyleSheet.java
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css/StyleSheet.java,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- StyleSheet.java	5 Jan 2010 13:49:33 -0000	1.16
+++ StyleSheet.java	12 Aug 2011 21:19:01 -0000	1.17
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
 package org.w3c.css.css;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Vector;
 import org.w3c.css.parser.AtRule;
 import org.w3c.css.parser.CssSelectors;
 import org.w3c.css.parser.CssStyle;
 import org.w3c.css.parser.Errors;
 import org.w3c.css.properties.css.CssProperty;
 import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext;
-import org.w3c.css.util.SortedHashtable;
 import org.w3c.css.util.Util;
 import org.w3c.css.util.Warnings;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Vector;
  * This class contains a style sheet with all rules, errors and warnings.
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
 public class StyleSheet {
     private CssCascadingOrder cascading;
-    private SortedHashtable rules;
-    private Errors   errors;
+    private Hashtable rules;
+    private Errors errors;
     private Warnings warnings;
-    private String   type;
+    private String type;
     private Vector atRuleList;
     private boolean doNotAddRule;
     private boolean doNotAddAtRule;
@@ -42,17 +42,17 @@
      * Create a new StyleSheet.
     public StyleSheet() {
-	rules = new SortedHashtable();
-	errors  = new Errors();
-	warnings = new Warnings();
-	cascading = new CssCascadingOrder();
-	atRuleList = new Vector();
+        rules = new Hashtable();
+        errors = new Errors();
+        warnings = new Warnings();
+        cascading = new CssCascadingOrder();
+        atRuleList = new Vector();
     public void setWarningLevel(int warningLevel) {
-    	warnings.setWarningLevel(warningLevel);
+        warnings.setWarningLevel(warningLevel);
      * Get a style in a specific context.
      * No resolution are perfomed when this function is called
@@ -61,21 +61,21 @@
      * @return The style for the specific context.
     public CssStyle getStyle(CssSelectors context) {
-	if (debug) {
-	    Util.verbose("StyleSheet.getStyle("+context+")");
-	}
-	if (getContext(context) != null) {
-	    CssSelectors realContext = (CssSelectors) getContext(context);
-	    CssStyle style = realContext.getStyle();
-	    style.setStyleSheet(this);
-	    style.setSelector(realContext);
-	    return style;
-	} else {
-	    getRules().put(context, context);
-	    context.getStyle().setStyleSheet(this);
-	    context.getStyle().setSelector(context);
-	    return context.getStyle();
-	}
+        if (debug) {
+            Util.verbose("StyleSheet.getStyle(" + context + ")");
+        }
+        if (getContext(context) != null) {
+            CssSelectors realContext = (CssSelectors) getContext(context);
+            CssStyle style = realContext.getStyle();
+            style.setStyleSheet(this);
+            style.setSelector(realContext);
+            return style;
+        } else {
+            getRules().put(context, context);
+            context.getStyle().setStyleSheet(this);
+            context.getStyle().setSelector(context);
+            return context.getStyle();
+        }
@@ -86,28 +86,28 @@
      * @param property The property to add
     public void addProperty(CssSelectors selector, CssProperty property) {
-	if (debug) {
-	    Util.verbose("add property "
-			 + getContext(selector)
-			 + " " + property);
-	}
-	getContext(selector).addProperty(property, warnings);
+        if (debug) {
+            Util.verbose("add property "
+                    + getContext(selector)
+                    + " " + property);
+        }
+        getContext(selector).addProperty(property, warnings);
     public void remove(CssSelectors selector) {
-	rules.remove(selector);
+        rules.remove(selector);
     public void setType(String type) {
-	this.type = type;
+        this.type = type;
     public String getType() {
-	if (type == null) {
-	    return "text/css";
-	} else {
-	    return type;
-	}
+        if (type == null) {
+            return "text/css";
+        } else {
+            return type;
+        }
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
      * @param errors Some errors.
     public void addErrors(Errors errors) {
-	if (errors.getErrorCount() != 0) {
-	    getErrors().addErrors(errors);
-	}
+        if (errors.getErrorCount() != 0) {
+            getErrors().addErrors(errors);
+        }
@@ -127,59 +127,61 @@
      * @param warnings Some warnings.
     public void addWarnings(Warnings warnings) {
-	if (warnings.getWarningCount() != 0)
-	    getWarnings().addWarnings(warnings);
+        if (warnings.getWarningCount() != 0)
+            getWarnings().addWarnings(warnings);
      * Returns all errors.
     public final Errors getErrors() {
-	return errors;
+        return errors;
      * Returns all warnings.
     public final Warnings getWarnings() {
-	return warnings;
+        return warnings;
      * Returns all rules
     public final Hashtable getRules() {
-	return rules;
+        return rules;
      * Returns the property for a context.
      * @param property The default value returned if there is no property.
-     * @param style The current style sheet where we can find all properties
+     * @param style    The current style sheet where we can find all properties
      * @param selector The current context
      * @return the property with the right value
     public final CssProperty CascadingOrder(CssProperty property,
-					    StyleSheet style,
-					    CssSelectors selector) {
-	return cascading.order(property, style, selector);
+                                            StyleSheet style,
+                                            CssSelectors selector) {
+        return cascading.order(property, style, selector);
      * Find all conflicts for this style sheet.
     public void findConflicts(ApplContext ac) {
-	Hashtable rules = getRules();
-	CssSelectors[] all = new CssSelectors[rules.size()];
-	all = (CssSelectors[]) rules.values().toArray(all);
-	for (int i = 0; i< all.length; i++) {
-	    all[i].markAsFinal();
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i< all.length; i++) {
-	    CssSelectors sel = all[i];
-	    sel.findConflicts(ac, warnings, all);
-	}
+        Hashtable rules = getRules();
+        CssSelectors[] all = new CssSelectors[rules.size()];
+        all = (CssSelectors[]) rules.values().toArray(all);
+        Arrays.sort(all);
+        for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
+            all[i].markAsFinal();
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
+            CssSelectors sel = all[i];
+            sel.findConflicts(ac, warnings, all);
+        }
@@ -188,99 +190,99 @@
      * @param selector the context to find.
     protected CssSelectors getContext(CssSelectors selector) {
-	if (getRules().containsKey(selector)) {
-	    return (CssSelectors) getRules().get(selector);
-	} else {
-	    if (selector.getNext() != null) {
-		CssSelectors next = getContext(selector.getNext());
-		selector.setNext(next);
-	    }
-	    getRules().put(selector, selector);
-	    return selector;
-	}
+        if (getRules().containsKey(selector)) {
+            return (CssSelectors) getRules().get(selector);
+        } else {
+            if (selector.getNext() != null) {
+                CssSelectors next = getContext(selector.getNext());
+                selector.setNext(next);
+            }
+            getRules().put(selector, selector);
+            return selector;
+        }
      * dump this style sheet.
     public void dump() {
-	StyleSheetGenerator style =
-	    new StyleSheetGenerator("", this, "text", -1);
-	style.print(new PrintWriter(System.out));
+        StyleSheetGenerator style =
+                new StyleSheetGenerator("", this, "text", -1);
+        style.print(new PrintWriter(System.out));
     //part added by Sijtsche de Jong
     public void addCharSet(String charset) {
-	this.charset = charset;
+        this.charset = charset;
     public void newAtRule(AtRule atRule) {
-	CssRuleList rulelist = new CssRuleList();
-	rulelist.addAtRule(atRule);
-	atRuleList.addElement(rulelist);
-	indent = "   ";
+        CssRuleList rulelist = new CssRuleList();
+        rulelist.addAtRule(atRule);
+        atRuleList.addElement(rulelist);
+        indent = "   ";
     public void endOfAtRule() {
-	if (!doNotAddAtRule) {
-	    CssRuleList rulelist = new CssRuleList();
-	    atRuleList.addElement(rulelist); //for the new set of rules
-	}
-	important = false;
-	selectortext = "";
-	indent = "";
-	doNotAddAtRule = false;
+        if (!doNotAddAtRule) {
+            CssRuleList rulelist = new CssRuleList();
+            atRuleList.addElement(rulelist); //for the new set of rules
+        }
+        important = false;
+        selectortext = "";
+        indent = "";
+        doNotAddAtRule = false;
     public void setImportant(boolean important) {
-	this.important = important;
+        this.important = important;
     public void setSelectorList(Vector selectors) {
-	String slave = selectors.toString();
-	selectortext = slave.substring(slave.indexOf("[") + 1,
-				       slave.lastIndexOf("]"));
+        String slave = selectors.toString();
+        selectortext = slave.substring(slave.indexOf("[") + 1,
+                slave.lastIndexOf("]"));
     public void setProperty(Vector properties) {
-	this.properties = properties;
+        this.properties = properties;
     public void endOfRule() {
-	CssRuleList rulelist;
-	boolean useless;
-	if (!doNotAddRule) {
-	    CssStyleRule stylerule = new CssStyleRule(indent, selectortext,
-						      properties, important);
-	    if (!atRuleList.isEmpty()) {
-		rulelist = (CssRuleList)atRuleList.lastElement();
-		useless = atRuleList.removeElement(rulelist);
-	    } else {
-		rulelist = new CssRuleList();
-	    }
-	    rulelist.addStyleRule(stylerule);
-	    atRuleList.addElement(rulelist);
-	}
-	selectortext = "";
-	doNotAddRule = false;
+        CssRuleList rulelist;
+        boolean useless;
+        if (!doNotAddRule) {
+            CssStyleRule stylerule = new CssStyleRule(indent, selectortext,
+                    properties, important);
+            if (!atRuleList.isEmpty()) {
+                rulelist = (CssRuleList) atRuleList.lastElement();
+                useless = atRuleList.removeElement(rulelist);
+            } else {
+                rulelist = new CssRuleList();
+            }
+            rulelist.addStyleRule(stylerule);
+            atRuleList.addElement(rulelist);
+        }
+        selectortext = "";
+        doNotAddRule = false;
     public void removeThisRule() {
-	doNotAddRule = true;
+        doNotAddRule = true;
     public void removeThisAtRule() {
-	doNotAddAtRule = true;
+        doNotAddAtRule = true;
     public Vector newGetRules() {
-	return atRuleList;
+        return atRuleList;
     String selectortext;
     boolean important;
     Vector properties;
-    String indent =  new String();
+    String indent = new String();
     public String charset;

Received on Friday, 12 August 2011 21:19:05 UTC