validator/htdocs/sgml-lib/XX-MathML2-20031104/iso9573-13 isoamsa.ent,NONE,1.1 isoamsb.ent,NONE,1.1 isoamsc.ent,NONE,1.1 isoamsn.ent,NONE,1.1 isoamso.ent,NONE,1.1 isoamsr.ent,NONE,1.1 isogrk3.ent,NONE,1.1 isogrk4.ent,NONE,1.1 isomfrk.ent,NONE,1.1 isomopf.ent,NONE,1.1 isomscr.ent,NONE,1.1 isotech.ent,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/validator/htdocs/sgml-lib/XX-MathML2-20031104/iso9573-13
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv22839/XX-MathML2-20031104/iso9573-13

Added Files:
	isoamsa.ent isoamsb.ent isoamsc.ent isoamsn.ent isoamso.ent 
	isoamsr.ent isogrk3.ent isogrk4.ent isomfrk.ent isomopf.ent 
	isomscr.ent isotech.ent 
Log Message:
Clarify MathML2 DTD origin/version, remove unused html entities, rename dir accordingly.

--- NEW FILE: isoamsb.ent ---

     File isoamsb.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     References to the VARIANT SELECTOR 1 character (&#x0FE00;)
     should match the uses listed in Unicode Technical Report 25.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY ac               "&#x0223E;" ><!--most positive -->
<!ENTITY acE              "&#x0223E;&#x00333;" ><!--most positive, two lines below -->
<!ENTITY amalg            "&#x02A3F;" ><!--/amalg B: amalgamation or coproduct -->
<!ENTITY barvee           "&#x022BD;" ><!--bar, vee -->
<!ENTITY Barwed           "&#x02306;" ><!--/doublebarwedge B: log and, dbl bar above -->
<!ENTITY barwed           "&#x02305;" ><!--/barwedge B: logical and, bar above -->
<!ENTITY bsolb            "&#x029C5;" ><!--reverse solidus in square -->
<!ENTITY Cap              "&#x022D2;" ><!--/Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection -->
<!ENTITY capand           "&#x02A44;" ><!--intersection, and -->
<!ENTITY capbrcup         "&#x02A49;" ><!--intersection, bar, union -->
<!ENTITY capcap           "&#x02A4B;" ><!--intersection, intersection, joined -->
<!ENTITY capcup           "&#x02A47;" ><!--intersection above union -->
<!ENTITY capdot           "&#x02A40;" ><!--intersection, with dot -->
<!ENTITY caps             "&#x02229;&#x0FE00;" ><!--intersection, serifs -->
<!ENTITY ccaps            "&#x02A4D;" ><!--closed intersection, serifs -->
<!ENTITY ccups            "&#x02A4C;" ><!--closed union, serifs -->
<!ENTITY ccupssm          "&#x02A50;" ><!--closed union, serifs, smash product -->
<!ENTITY coprod           "&#x02210;" ><!--/coprod L: coproduct operator -->
<!ENTITY Cup              "&#x022D3;" ><!--/Cup /doublecup B: dbl union -->
<!ENTITY cupbrcap         "&#x02A48;" ><!--union, bar, intersection -->
<!ENTITY cupcap           "&#x02A46;" ><!--union above intersection -->
<!ENTITY cupcup           "&#x02A4A;" ><!--union, union, joined -->
<!ENTITY cupdot           "&#x0228D;" ><!--union, with dot -->
<!ENTITY cupor            "&#x02A45;" ><!--union, or -->
<!ENTITY cups             "&#x0222A;&#x0FE00;" ><!--union, serifs -->
<!ENTITY cuvee            "&#x022CE;" ><!--/curlyvee B: curly logical or -->
<!ENTITY cuwed            "&#x022CF;" ><!--/curlywedge B: curly logical and -->
<!ENTITY Dagger           "&#x02021;" ><!--/ddagger B: double dagger relation -->
<!ENTITY dagger           "&#x02020;" ><!--/dagger B: dagger relation -->
<!ENTITY diam             "&#x022C4;" ><!--/diamond B: open diamond -->
<!ENTITY divonx           "&#x022C7;" ><!--/divideontimes B: division on times -->
<!ENTITY eplus            "&#x02A71;" ><!--equal, plus -->
<!ENTITY hercon           "&#x022B9;" ><!--hermitian conjugate matrix -->
<!ENTITY intcal           "&#x022BA;" ><!--/intercal B: intercal -->
<!ENTITY iprod            "&#x02A3C;" ><!--/intprod -->
<!ENTITY loplus           "&#x02A2D;" ><!--plus sign in left half circle -->
<!ENTITY lotimes          "&#x02A34;" ><!--multiply sign in left half circle  -->
<!ENTITY lthree           "&#x022CB;" ><!--/leftthreetimes B: -->
<!ENTITY ltimes           "&#x022C9;" ><!--/ltimes B: times sign, left closed -->
<!ENTITY midast           "&#x0002A;" ><!--/ast B: asterisk -->
<!ENTITY minusb           "&#x0229F;" ><!--/boxminus B: minus sign in box -->
<!ENTITY minusd           "&#x02238;" ><!--/dotminus B: minus sign, dot above -->
<!ENTITY minusdu          "&#x02A2A;" ><!--minus sign, dot below -->
<!ENTITY ncap             "&#x02A43;" ><!--bar, intersection -->
<!ENTITY ncup             "&#x02A42;" ><!--bar, union -->
<!ENTITY oast             "&#x0229B;" ><!--/circledast B: asterisk in circle -->
<!ENTITY ocir             "&#x0229A;" ><!--/circledcirc B: small circle in circle -->
<!ENTITY odash            "&#x0229D;" ><!--/circleddash B: hyphen in circle -->
<!ENTITY odiv             "&#x02A38;" ><!--divide in circle -->
<!ENTITY odot             "&#x02299;" ><!--/odot B: middle dot in circle -->
<!ENTITY odsold           "&#x029BC;" ><!--dot, solidus, dot in circle -->
<!ENTITY ofcir            "&#x029BF;" ><!--filled circle in circle -->
<!ENTITY ogt              "&#x029C1;" ><!--greater-than in circle -->
<!ENTITY ohbar            "&#x029B5;" ><!--circle with horizontal bar -->
<!ENTITY olcir            "&#x029BE;" ><!--large circle in circle -->
<!ENTITY olt              "&#x029C0;" ><!--less-than in circle -->
<!ENTITY omid             "&#x029B6;" ><!--vertical bar in circle -->
<!ENTITY ominus           "&#x02296;" ><!--/ominus B: minus sign in circle -->
<!ENTITY opar             "&#x029B7;" ><!--parallel in circle -->
<!ENTITY operp            "&#x029B9;" ><!--perpendicular in circle -->
<!ENTITY oplus            "&#x02295;" ><!--/oplus B: plus sign in circle -->
<!ENTITY osol             "&#x02298;" ><!--/oslash B: solidus in circle -->
<!ENTITY Otimes           "&#x02A37;" ><!--multiply sign in double circle -->
<!ENTITY otimes           "&#x02297;" ><!--/otimes B: multiply sign in circle -->
<!ENTITY otimesas         "&#x02A36;" ><!--multiply sign in circle, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY ovbar            "&#x0233D;" ><!--circle with vertical bar -->
<!ENTITY plusacir         "&#x02A23;" ><!--plus, circumflex accent above -->
<!ENTITY plusb            "&#x0229E;" ><!--/boxplus B: plus sign in box -->
<!ENTITY pluscir          "&#x02A22;" ><!--plus, small circle above -->
<!ENTITY plusdo           "&#x02214;" ><!--/dotplus B: plus sign, dot above -->
<!ENTITY plusdu           "&#x02A25;" ><!--plus sign, dot below -->
<!ENTITY pluse            "&#x02A72;" ><!--plus, equals -->
<!ENTITY plussim          "&#x02A26;" ><!--plus, similar below -->
<!ENTITY plustwo          "&#x02A27;" ><!--plus, two; Nim-addition -->
<!ENTITY prod             "&#x0220F;" ><!--/prod L: product operator -->
<!ENTITY race             "&#x029DA;" ><!--reverse most positive, line below -->
<!ENTITY roplus           "&#x02A2E;" ><!--plus sign in right half circle -->
<!ENTITY rotimes          "&#x02A35;" ><!--multiply sign in right half circle -->
<!ENTITY rthree           "&#x022CC;" ><!--/rightthreetimes B: -->
<!ENTITY rtimes           "&#x022CA;" ><!--/rtimes B: times sign, right closed -->
<!ENTITY sdot             "&#x022C5;" ><!--/cdot B: small middle dot -->
<!ENTITY sdotb            "&#x022A1;" ><!--/dotsquare /boxdot B: small dot in box -->
<!ENTITY setmn            "&#x02216;" ><!--/setminus B: reverse solidus -->
<!ENTITY simplus          "&#x02A24;" ><!--plus, similar above -->
<!ENTITY smashp           "&#x02A33;" ><!--smash product -->
<!ENTITY solb             "&#x029C4;" ><!--solidus in square -->
<!ENTITY sqcap            "&#x02293;" ><!--/sqcap B: square intersection -->
<!ENTITY sqcaps           "&#x02293;&#x0FE00;" ><!--square intersection, serifs -->
<!ENTITY sqcup            "&#x02294;" ><!--/sqcup B: square union -->
<!ENTITY sqcups           "&#x02294;&#x0FE00;" ><!--square union, serifs -->
<!ENTITY ssetmn           "&#x02216;" ><!--/smallsetminus B: sm reverse solidus -->
<!ENTITY sstarf           "&#x022C6;" ><!--/star B: small star, filled -->
<!ENTITY subdot           "&#x02ABD;" ><!--subset, with dot -->
<!ENTITY sum              "&#x02211;" ><!--/sum L: summation operator -->
<!ENTITY supdot           "&#x02ABE;" ><!--superset, with dot -->
<!ENTITY timesb           "&#x022A0;" ><!--/boxtimes B: multiply sign in box -->
<!ENTITY timesbar         "&#x02A31;" ><!--multiply sign, bar below -->
<!ENTITY timesd           "&#x02A30;" ><!--times, dot -->
<!ENTITY tridot           "&#x025EC;" ><!--dot in triangle -->
<!ENTITY triminus         "&#x02A3A;" ><!--minus in triangle -->
<!ENTITY triplus          "&#x02A39;" ><!--plus in triangle -->
<!ENTITY trisb            "&#x029CD;" ><!--triangle, serifs at bottom -->
<!ENTITY tritime          "&#x02A3B;" ><!--multiply in triangle -->
<!ENTITY uplus            "&#x0228E;" ><!--/uplus B: plus sign in union -->
<!ENTITY veebar           "&#x022BB;" ><!--/veebar B: logical or, bar below -->
<!ENTITY wedbar           "&#x02A5F;" ><!--wedge, bar below -->
<!ENTITY wreath           "&#x02240;" ><!--/wr B: wreath product -->
<!ENTITY xcap             "&#x022C2;" ><!--/bigcap L: intersection operator -->
<!ENTITY xcirc            "&#x025EF;" ><!--/bigcirc B: large circle -->
<!ENTITY xcup             "&#x022C3;" ><!--/bigcup L: union operator -->
<!ENTITY xdtri            "&#x025BD;" ><!--/bigtriangledown B: big dn tri, open -->
<!ENTITY xodot            "&#x02A00;" ><!--/bigodot L: circle dot operator -->
<!ENTITY xoplus           "&#x02A01;" ><!--/bigoplus L: circle plus operator -->
<!ENTITY xotime           "&#x02A02;" ><!--/bigotimes L: circle times operator -->
<!ENTITY xsqcup           "&#x02A06;" ><!--/bigsqcup L: square union operator -->
<!ENTITY xuplus           "&#x02A04;" ><!--/biguplus L: -->
<!ENTITY xutri            "&#x025B3;" ><!--/bigtriangleup B: big up tri, open -->
<!ENTITY xvee             "&#x022C1;" ><!--/bigvee L: logical and operator -->
<!ENTITY xwedge           "&#x022C0;" ><!--/bigwedge L: logical or operator -->

--- NEW FILE: isoamsa.ent ---

     File isoamsa.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY angzarr          "&#x0237C;" ><!--angle with down zig-zag arrow -->
<!ENTITY cirmid           "&#x02AEF;" ><!--circle, mid below -->
<!ENTITY cudarrl          "&#x02938;" ><!--left, curved, down arrow -->
<!ENTITY cudarrr          "&#x02935;" ><!--right, curved, down arrow -->
<!ENTITY cularr           "&#x021B6;" ><!--/curvearrowleft A: left curved arrow -->
<!ENTITY cularrp          "&#x0293D;" ><!--curved left arrow with plus -->
<!ENTITY curarr           "&#x021B7;" ><!--/curvearrowright A: rt curved arrow -->
<!ENTITY curarrm          "&#x0293C;" ><!--curved right arrow with minus -->
<!ENTITY Darr             "&#x021A1;" ><!--down two-headed arrow -->
<!ENTITY dArr             "&#x021D3;" ><!--/Downarrow A: down dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY ddarr            "&#x021CA;" ><!--/downdownarrows A: two down arrows -->
<!ENTITY DDotrahd         "&#x02911;" ><!--right arrow with dotted stem -->
<!ENTITY dfisht           "&#x0297F;" ><!--down fish tail -->
<!ENTITY dHar             "&#x02965;" ><!--down harpoon-left, down harpoon-right -->
<!ENTITY dharl            "&#x021C3;" ><!--/downharpoonleft A: dn harpoon-left -->
<!ENTITY dharr            "&#x021C2;" ><!--/downharpoonright A: down harpoon-rt -->
<!ENTITY duarr            "&#x021F5;" ><!--down arrow, up arrow -->
<!ENTITY duhar            "&#x0296F;" ><!--down harp, up harp -->
<!ENTITY dzigrarr         "&#x027FF;" ><!--right long zig-zag arrow -->
<!ENTITY erarr            "&#x02971;" ><!--equal, right arrow below -->
<!ENTITY hArr             "&#x021D4;" ><!--/Leftrightarrow A: l&r dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY harr             "&#x02194;" ><!--/leftrightarrow A: l&r arrow -->
<!ENTITY harrcir          "&#x02948;" ><!--left and right arrow with a circle -->
<!ENTITY harrw            "&#x021AD;" ><!--/leftrightsquigarrow A: l&r arr-wavy -->
<!ENTITY hoarr            "&#x021FF;" ><!--horizontal open arrow -->
<!ENTITY imof             "&#x022B7;" ><!--image of -->
<!ENTITY lAarr            "&#x021DA;" ><!--/Lleftarrow A: left triple arrow -->
<!ENTITY Larr             "&#x0219E;" ><!--/twoheadleftarrow A: -->
<!ENTITY larrbfs          "&#x0291F;" ><!--left arrow-bar, filled square -->
<!ENTITY larrfs           "&#x0291D;" ><!--left arrow, filled square -->
<!ENTITY larrhk           "&#x021A9;" ><!--/hookleftarrow A: left arrow-hooked -->
<!ENTITY larrlp           "&#x021AB;" ><!--/looparrowleft A: left arrow-looped -->
<!ENTITY larrpl           "&#x02939;" ><!--left arrow, plus -->
<!ENTITY larrsim          "&#x02973;" ><!--left arrow, similar -->
<!ENTITY larrtl           "&#x021A2;" ><!--/leftarrowtail A: left arrow-tailed -->
<!ENTITY lAtail           "&#x0291B;" ><!--left double arrow-tail -->
<!ENTITY latail           "&#x02919;" ><!--left arrow-tail -->
<!ENTITY lBarr            "&#x0290E;" ><!--left doubly broken arrow -->
<!ENTITY lbarr            "&#x0290C;" ><!--left broken arrow -->
<!ENTITY ldca             "&#x02936;" ><!--left down curved arrow -->
<!ENTITY ldrdhar          "&#x02967;" ><!--left harpoon-down over right harpoon-down -->
<!ENTITY ldrushar         "&#x0294B;" ><!--left-down-right-up harpoon -->
<!ENTITY ldsh             "&#x021B2;" ><!--left down angled arrow -->
<!ENTITY lfisht           "&#x0297C;" ><!--left fish tail -->
<!ENTITY lHar             "&#x02962;" ><!--left harpoon-up over left harpoon-down -->
<!ENTITY lhard            "&#x021BD;" ><!--/leftharpoondown A: l harpoon-down -->
<!ENTITY lharu            "&#x021BC;" ><!--/leftharpoonup A: left harpoon-up -->
<!ENTITY lharul           "&#x0296A;" ><!--left harpoon-up over long dash -->
<!ENTITY llarr            "&#x021C7;" ><!--/leftleftarrows A: two left arrows -->
<!ENTITY llhard           "&#x0296B;" ><!--left harpoon-down below long dash -->
<!ENTITY loarr            "&#x021FD;" ><!--left open arrow -->
<!ENTITY lrarr            "&#x021C6;" ><!--/leftrightarrows A: l arr over r arr -->
<!ENTITY lrhar            "&#x021CB;" ><!--/leftrightharpoons A: l harp over r -->
<!ENTITY lrhard           "&#x0296D;" ><!--right harpoon-down below long dash -->
<!ENTITY lsh              "&#x021B0;" ><!--/Lsh A: -->
<!ENTITY lurdshar         "&#x0294A;" ><!--left-up-right-down harpoon -->
<!ENTITY luruhar          "&#x02966;" ><!--left harpoon-up over right harpoon-up -->
<!ENTITY Map              "&#x02905;" ><!--twoheaded mapsto -->
<!ENTITY map              "&#x021A6;" ><!--/mapsto A: -->
<!ENTITY midcir           "&#x02AF0;" ><!--mid, circle below  -->
<!ENTITY mumap            "&#x022B8;" ><!--/multimap A: -->
<!ENTITY nearhk           "&#x02924;" ><!--NE arrow-hooked -->
<!ENTITY neArr            "&#x021D7;" ><!--NE pointing dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY nearr            "&#x02197;" ><!--/nearrow A: NE pointing arrow -->
<!ENTITY nesear           "&#x02928;" ><!--/toea A: NE & SE arrows -->
<!ENTITY nhArr            "&#x021CE;" ><!--/nLeftrightarrow A: not l&r dbl arr -->
<!ENTITY nharr            "&#x021AE;" ><!--/nleftrightarrow A: not l&r arrow -->
<!ENTITY nlArr            "&#x021CD;" ><!--/nLeftarrow A: not implied by -->
<!ENTITY nlarr            "&#x0219A;" ><!--/nleftarrow A: not left arrow -->
<!ENTITY nrArr            "&#x021CF;" ><!--/nRightarrow A: not implies -->
<!ENTITY nrarr            "&#x0219B;" ><!--/nrightarrow A: not right arrow -->
<!ENTITY nrarrc           "&#x02933;&#x00338;" ><!--not right arrow-curved -->
<!ENTITY nrarrw           "&#x0219D;&#x00338;" ><!--not right arrow-wavy -->
<!ENTITY nvHarr           "&#x02904;" ><!--not, vert, left and right double arrow  -->
<!ENTITY nvlArr           "&#x02902;" ><!--not, vert, left double arrow -->
<!ENTITY nvrArr           "&#x02903;" ><!--not, vert, right double arrow -->
<!ENTITY nwarhk           "&#x02923;" ><!--NW arrow-hooked -->
<!ENTITY nwArr            "&#x021D6;" ><!--NW pointing dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY nwarr            "&#x02196;" ><!--/nwarrow A: NW pointing arrow -->
<!ENTITY nwnear           "&#x02927;" ><!--NW & NE arrows -->
<!ENTITY olarr            "&#x021BA;" ><!--/circlearrowleft A: l arr in circle -->
<!ENTITY orarr            "&#x021BB;" ><!--/circlearrowright A: r arr in circle -->
<!ENTITY origof           "&#x022B6;" ><!--original of -->
<!ENTITY rAarr            "&#x021DB;" ><!--/Rrightarrow A: right triple arrow -->
<!ENTITY Rarr             "&#x021A0;" ><!--/twoheadrightarrow A: -->
<!ENTITY rarrap           "&#x02975;" ><!--approximate, right arrow above -->
<!ENTITY rarrbfs          "&#x02920;" ><!--right arrow-bar, filled square -->
<!ENTITY rarrc            "&#x02933;" ><!--right arrow-curved -->
<!ENTITY rarrfs           "&#x0291E;" ><!--right arrow, filled square -->
<!ENTITY rarrhk           "&#x021AA;" ><!--/hookrightarrow A: rt arrow-hooked -->
<!ENTITY rarrlp           "&#x021AC;" ><!--/looparrowright A: rt arrow-looped -->
<!ENTITY rarrpl           "&#x02945;" ><!--right arrow, plus -->
<!ENTITY rarrsim          "&#x02974;" ><!--right arrow, similar -->
<!ENTITY Rarrtl           "&#x02916;" ><!--right two-headed arrow with tail -->
<!ENTITY rarrtl           "&#x021A3;" ><!--/rightarrowtail A: rt arrow-tailed -->
<!ENTITY rarrw            "&#x0219D;" ><!--/rightsquigarrow A: rt arrow-wavy -->
<!ENTITY rAtail           "&#x0291C;" ><!--right double arrow-tail -->
<!ENTITY ratail           "&#x0291A;" ><!--right arrow-tail -->
<!ENTITY RBarr            "&#x02910;" ><!--/drbkarow A: twoheaded right broken arrow -->
<!ENTITY rBarr            "&#x0290F;" ><!--/dbkarow A: right doubly broken arrow -->
<!ENTITY rbarr            "&#x0290D;" ><!--/bkarow A: right broken arrow -->
<!ENTITY rdca             "&#x02937;" ><!--right down curved arrow -->
<!ENTITY rdldhar          "&#x02969;" ><!--right harpoon-down over left harpoon-down -->
<!ENTITY rdsh             "&#x021B3;" ><!--right down angled arrow -->
<!ENTITY rfisht           "&#x0297D;" ><!--right fish tail -->
<!ENTITY rHar             "&#x02964;" ><!--right harpoon-up over right harpoon-down -->
<!ENTITY rhard            "&#x021C1;" ><!--/rightharpoondown A: rt harpoon-down -->
<!ENTITY rharu            "&#x021C0;" ><!--/rightharpoonup A: rt harpoon-up -->
<!ENTITY rharul           "&#x0296C;" ><!--right harpoon-up over long dash -->
<!ENTITY rlarr            "&#x021C4;" ><!--/rightleftarrows A: r arr over l arr -->
<!ENTITY rlhar            "&#x021CC;" ><!--/rightleftharpoons A: r harp over l -->
<!ENTITY roarr            "&#x021FE;" ><!--right open arrow -->
<!ENTITY rrarr            "&#x021C9;" ><!--/rightrightarrows A: two rt arrows -->
<!ENTITY rsh              "&#x021B1;" ><!--/Rsh A: -->
<!ENTITY ruluhar          "&#x02968;" ><!--right harpoon-up over left harpoon-up -->
<!ENTITY searhk           "&#x02925;" ><!--/hksearow A: SE arrow-hooken -->
<!ENTITY seArr            "&#x021D8;" ><!--SE pointing dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY searr            "&#x02198;" ><!--/searrow A: SE pointing arrow -->
<!ENTITY seswar           "&#x02929;" ><!--/tosa A: SE & SW arrows -->
<!ENTITY simrarr          "&#x02972;" ><!--similar, right arrow below -->
<!ENTITY slarr            "&#x02190;" ><!--short left arrow -->
<!ENTITY srarr            "&#x02192;" ><!--short right arrow -->
<!ENTITY swarhk           "&#x02926;" ><!--/hkswarow A: SW arrow-hooked -->
<!ENTITY swArr            "&#x021D9;" ><!--SW pointing dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY swarr            "&#x02199;" ><!--/swarrow A: SW pointing arrow -->
<!ENTITY swnwar           "&#x0292A;" ><!--SW & NW arrows -->
<!ENTITY Uarr             "&#x0219F;" ><!--up two-headed arrow -->
<!ENTITY uArr             "&#x021D1;" ><!--/Uparrow A: up dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY Uarrocir         "&#x02949;" ><!--up two-headed arrow above circle -->
<!ENTITY udarr            "&#x021C5;" ><!--up arrow, down arrow -->
<!ENTITY udhar            "&#x0296E;" ><!--up harp, down harp -->
<!ENTITY ufisht           "&#x0297E;" ><!--up fish tail -->
<!ENTITY uHar             "&#x02963;" ><!--up harpoon-left, up harpoon-right -->
<!ENTITY uharl            "&#x021BF;" ><!--/upharpoonleft A: up harpoon-left -->
<!ENTITY uharr            "&#x021BE;" ><!--/upharpoonright /restriction A: up harp-r -->
<!ENTITY uuarr            "&#x021C8;" ><!--/upuparrows A: two up arrows -->
<!ENTITY vArr             "&#x021D5;" ><!--/Updownarrow A: up&down dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY varr             "&#x02195;" ><!--/updownarrow A: up&down arrow -->
<!ENTITY xhArr            "&#x027FA;" ><!--/Longleftrightarrow A: long l&r dbl arr -->
<!ENTITY xharr            "&#x027F7;" ><!--/longleftrightarrow A: long l&r arr -->
<!ENTITY xlArr            "&#x027F8;" ><!--/Longleftarrow A: long l dbl arrow -->
<!ENTITY xlarr            "&#x027F5;" ><!--/longleftarrow A: long left arrow -->
<!ENTITY xmap             "&#x027FC;" ><!--/longmapsto A: -->
<!ENTITY xrArr            "&#x027F9;" ><!--/Longrightarrow A: long rt dbl arr -->
<!ENTITY xrarr            "&#x027F6;" ><!--/longrightarrow A: long right arrow -->
<!ENTITY zigrarr          "&#x021DD;" ><!--right zig-zag arrow -->

--- NEW FILE: isomopf.ent ---

     File isomopf.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY % plane1D  "&#38;#38;#x1D">

<!ENTITY Aopf             "%plane1D;538;" ><!--/Bbb A, open face A -->
<!ENTITY Bopf             "%plane1D;539;" ><!--/Bbb B, open face B -->
<!ENTITY Copf             "&#x02102;" ><!--/Bbb C, open face C -->
<!ENTITY Dopf             "%plane1D;53B;" ><!--/Bbb D, open face D -->
<!ENTITY Eopf             "%plane1D;53C;" ><!--/Bbb E, open face E -->
<!ENTITY Fopf             "%plane1D;53D;" ><!--/Bbb F, open face F -->
<!ENTITY Gopf             "%plane1D;53E;" ><!--/Bbb G, open face G -->
<!ENTITY Hopf             "&#x0210D;" ><!--/Bbb H, open face H -->
<!ENTITY Iopf             "%plane1D;540;" ><!--/Bbb I, open face I -->
<!ENTITY Jopf             "%plane1D;541;" ><!--/Bbb J, open face J -->
<!ENTITY Kopf             "%plane1D;542;" ><!--/Bbb K, open face K  -->
<!ENTITY Lopf             "%plane1D;543;" ><!--/Bbb L, open face L  -->
<!ENTITY Mopf             "%plane1D;544;" ><!--/Bbb M, open face M  -->
<!ENTITY Nopf             "&#x02115;" ><!--/Bbb N, open face N -->
<!ENTITY Oopf             "%plane1D;546;" ><!--/Bbb O, open face O -->
<!ENTITY Popf             "&#x02119;" ><!--/Bbb P, open face P -->
<!ENTITY Qopf             "&#x0211A;" ><!--/Bbb Q, open face Q -->
<!ENTITY Ropf             "&#x0211D;" ><!--/Bbb R, open face R -->
<!ENTITY Sopf             "%plane1D;54A;" ><!--/Bbb S, open face S -->
<!ENTITY Topf             "%plane1D;54B;" ><!--/Bbb T, open face T -->
<!ENTITY Uopf             "%plane1D;54C;" ><!--/Bbb U, open face U -->
<!ENTITY Vopf             "%plane1D;54D;" ><!--/Bbb V, open face V -->
<!ENTITY Wopf             "%plane1D;54E;" ><!--/Bbb W, open face W -->
<!ENTITY Xopf             "%plane1D;54F;" ><!--/Bbb X, open face X -->
<!ENTITY Yopf             "%plane1D;550;" ><!--/Bbb Y, open face Y -->
<!ENTITY Zopf             "&#x02124;" ><!--/Bbb Z, open face Z -->

--- NEW FILE: isoamsn.ent ---

     File isoamsn.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     References to the VARIANT SELECTOR 1 character (&#x0FE00;)
     should match the uses listed in Unicode Technical Report 25.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY gnap             "&#x02A8A;" ><!--/gnapprox N: greater, not approximate -->
<!ENTITY gnE              "&#x02269;" ><!--/gneqq N: greater, not dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY gne              "&#x02A88;" ><!--/gneq N: greater, not equals -->
<!ENTITY gnsim            "&#x022E7;" ><!--/gnsim N: greater, not similar -->
<!ENTITY gvnE             "&#x02269;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/gvertneqq N: gt, vert, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY lnap             "&#x02A89;" ><!--/lnapprox N: less, not approximate -->
<!ENTITY lnE              "&#x02268;" ><!--/lneqq N: less, not double equals -->
<!ENTITY lne              "&#x02A87;" ><!--/lneq N: less, not equals -->
<!ENTITY lnsim            "&#x022E6;" ><!--/lnsim N: less, not similar -->
<!ENTITY lvnE             "&#x02268;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/lvertneqq N: less, vert, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY nap              "&#x02249;" ><!--/napprox N: not approximate -->
<!ENTITY napE             "&#x02A70;&#x00338;" ><!--not approximately equal or equal to -->
<!ENTITY napid            "&#x0224B;&#x00338;" ><!--not approximately identical to -->
<!ENTITY ncong            "&#x02247;" ><!--/ncong N: not congruent with -->
<!ENTITY ncongdot         "&#x02A6D;&#x00338;" ><!--not congruent, dot -->
<!ENTITY nequiv           "&#x02262;" ><!--/nequiv N: not identical with -->
<!ENTITY ngE              "&#x02267;&#x00338;" ><!--/ngeqq N: not greater, dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY nge              "&#x02271;" ><!--/ngeq N: not greater-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY nges             "&#x02A7E;&#x00338;" ><!--/ngeqslant N: not gt-or-eq, slanted -->
<!ENTITY nGg              "&#x022D9;&#x00338;" ><!--not triple greater than -->
<!ENTITY ngsim            "&#x02275;" ><!--not greater, similar -->
<!ENTITY nGt              "&#x0226B;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, much greater than -->
<!ENTITY ngt              "&#x0226F;" ><!--/ngtr N: not greater-than -->
<!ENTITY nGtv             "&#x0226B;&#x00338;" ><!--not much greater than, variant -->
<!ENTITY nlE              "&#x02266;&#x00338;" ><!--/nleqq N: not less, dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY nle              "&#x02270;" ><!--/nleq N: not less-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY nles             "&#x02A7D;&#x00338;" ><!--/nleqslant N: not less-or-eq, slant -->
<!ENTITY nLl              "&#x022D8;&#x00338;" ><!--not triple less than -->
<!ENTITY nlsim            "&#x02274;" ><!--not less, similar -->
<!ENTITY nLt              "&#x0226A;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, much less than -->
<!ENTITY nlt              "&#x0226E;" ><!--/nless N: not less-than -->
<!ENTITY nltri            "&#x022EA;" ><!--/ntriangleleft N: not left triangle -->
<!ENTITY nltrie           "&#x022EC;" ><!--/ntrianglelefteq N: not l tri, eq -->
<!ENTITY nLtv             "&#x0226A;&#x00338;" ><!--not much less than, variant -->
<!ENTITY nmid             "&#x02224;" ><!--/nmid -->
<!ENTITY npar             "&#x02226;" ><!--/nparallel N: not parallel -->
<!ENTITY npr              "&#x02280;" ><!--/nprec N: not precedes -->
<!ENTITY nprcue           "&#x022E0;" ><!--not curly precedes, eq -->
<!ENTITY npre             "&#x02AAF;&#x00338;" ><!--/npreceq N: not precedes, equals -->
<!ENTITY nrtri            "&#x022EB;" ><!--/ntriangleright N: not rt triangle -->
<!ENTITY nrtrie           "&#x022ED;" ><!--/ntrianglerighteq N: not r tri, eq -->
<!ENTITY nsc              "&#x02281;" ><!--/nsucc N: not succeeds -->
<!ENTITY nsccue           "&#x022E1;" ><!--not succeeds, curly eq -->
<!ENTITY nsce             "&#x02AB0;&#x00338;" ><!--/nsucceq N: not succeeds, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsim             "&#x02241;" ><!--/nsim N: not similar -->
<!ENTITY nsime            "&#x02244;" ><!--/nsimeq N: not similar, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsmid            "&#x02224;" ><!--/nshortmid -->
<!ENTITY nspar            "&#x02226;" ><!--/nshortparallel N: not short par -->
<!ENTITY nsqsube          "&#x022E2;" ><!--not, square subset, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsqsupe          "&#x022E3;" ><!--not, square superset, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsub             "&#x02284;" ><!--not subset -->
<!ENTITY nsubE            "&#x02AC5;&#x00338;" ><!--/nsubseteqq N: not subset, dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY nsube            "&#x02288;" ><!--/nsubseteq N: not subset, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsup             "&#x02285;" ><!--not superset -->
<!ENTITY nsupE            "&#x02AC6;&#x00338;" ><!--/nsupseteqq N: not superset, dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY nsupe            "&#x02289;" ><!--/nsupseteq N: not superset, equals -->
<!ENTITY ntgl             "&#x02279;" ><!--not greater, less -->
<!ENTITY ntlg             "&#x02278;" ><!--not less, greater -->
<!ENTITY nvap             "&#x0224D;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, approximate -->
<!ENTITY nVDash           "&#x022AF;" ><!--/nVDash N: not dbl vert, dbl dash -->
<!ENTITY nVdash           "&#x022AE;" ><!--/nVdash N: not dbl vertical, dash -->
<!ENTITY nvDash           "&#x022AD;" ><!--/nvDash N: not vertical, dbl dash -->
<!ENTITY nvdash           "&#x022AC;" ><!--/nvdash N: not vertical, dash -->
<!ENTITY nvge             "&#x02265;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, greater-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY nvgt             "&#x0003E;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, greater-than -->
<!ENTITY nvle             "&#x02264;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, less-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY nvlt             "&#38;#x0003C;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, less-than -->
<!ENTITY nvltrie          "&#x022B4;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, left triangle, equals -->
<!ENTITY nvrtrie          "&#x022B5;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, right triangle, equals -->
<!ENTITY nvsim            "&#x0223C;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, similar -->
<!ENTITY parsim           "&#x02AF3;" ><!--parallel, similar -->
<!ENTITY prnap            "&#x02AB9;" ><!--/precnapprox N: precedes, not approx -->
<!ENTITY prnE             "&#x02AB5;" ><!--/precneqq N: precedes, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY prnsim           "&#x022E8;" ><!--/precnsim N: precedes, not similar -->
<!ENTITY rnmid            "&#x02AEE;" ><!--reverse /nmid -->
<!ENTITY scnap            "&#x02ABA;" ><!--/succnapprox N: succeeds, not approx -->
<!ENTITY scnE             "&#x02AB6;" ><!--/succneqq N: succeeds, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY scnsim           "&#x022E9;" ><!--/succnsim N: succeeds, not similar -->
<!ENTITY simne            "&#x02246;" ><!--similar, not equals -->
<!ENTITY solbar           "&#x0233F;" ><!--solidus, bar through -->
<!ENTITY subnE            "&#x02ACB;" ><!--/subsetneqq N: subset, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY subne            "&#x0228A;" ><!--/subsetneq N: subset, not equals -->
<!ENTITY supnE            "&#x02ACC;" ><!--/supsetneqq N: superset, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY supne            "&#x0228B;" ><!--/supsetneq N: superset, not equals -->
<!ENTITY vnsub            "&#x02282;&#x020D2;" ><!--/nsubset N: not subset, var -->
<!ENTITY vnsup            "&#x02283;&#x020D2;" ><!--/nsupset N: not superset, var -->
<!ENTITY vsubnE           "&#x02ACB;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/varsubsetneqq N: subset not dbl eq, var -->
<!ENTITY vsubne           "&#x0228A;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/varsubsetneq N: subset, not eq, var -->
<!ENTITY vsupnE           "&#x02ACC;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/varsupsetneqq N: super not dbl eq, var -->
<!ENTITY vsupne           "&#x0228B;&#x0FE00;" ><!--/varsupsetneq N: superset, not eq, var -->

--- NEW FILE: isoamso.ent ---

     File isoamso.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY ang              "&#x02220;" ><!--/angle - angle -->
<!ENTITY ange             "&#x029A4;" ><!--angle, equal -->
<!ENTITY angmsd           "&#x02221;" ><!--/measuredangle - angle-measured -->
<!ENTITY angmsdaa         "&#x029A8;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, up, right -->
<!ENTITY angmsdab         "&#x029A9;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, up, left -->
<!ENTITY angmsdac         "&#x029AA;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, down, right -->
<!ENTITY angmsdad         "&#x029AB;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, down, left -->
<!ENTITY angmsdae         "&#x029AC;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, right, up -->
<!ENTITY angmsdaf         "&#x029AD;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, left, up -->
<!ENTITY angmsdag         "&#x029AE;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, right, down -->
<!ENTITY angmsdah         "&#x029AF;" ><!--angle-measured, arrow, left, down -->
<!ENTITY angrtvb          "&#x022BE;" ><!--right angle-measured -->
<!ENTITY angrtvbd         "&#x0299D;" ><!--right angle-measured, dot -->
<!ENTITY bbrk             "&#x023B5;" ><!--bottom square bracket -->
<!ENTITY bbrktbrk         "&#x023B6;" ><!--bottom above top square bracket -->
<!ENTITY bemptyv          "&#x029B0;" ><!--reversed circle, slash -->
<!ENTITY beth             "&#x02136;" ><!--/beth - beth, Hebrew -->
<!ENTITY boxbox           "&#x029C9;" ><!--two joined squares -->
<!ENTITY bprime           "&#x02035;" ><!--/backprime - reverse prime -->
<!ENTITY bsemi            "&#x0204F;" ><!--reverse semi-colon -->
<!ENTITY cemptyv          "&#x029B2;" ><!--circle, slash, small circle above -->
<!ENTITY cirE             "&#x029C3;" ><!--circle, two horizontal stroked to the right -->
<!ENTITY cirscir          "&#x029C2;" ><!--circle, small circle to the right -->
<!ENTITY comp             "&#x02201;" ><!--/complement - complement sign -->
<!ENTITY daleth           "&#x02138;" ><!--/daleth - daleth, Hebrew -->
<!ENTITY demptyv          "&#x029B1;" ><!--circle, slash, bar above -->
<!ENTITY ell              "&#x02113;" ><!--/ell - cursive small l -->
<!ENTITY empty            "&#x02205;" ><!--/emptyset - zero, slash -->
<!ENTITY emptyv           "&#x02205;" ><!--/varnothing - circle, slash -->
<!ENTITY gimel            "&#x02137;" ><!--/gimel - gimel, Hebrew -->
<!ENTITY iiota            "&#x02129;" ><!--inverted iota -->
<!ENTITY image            "&#x02111;" ><!--/Im - imaginary   -->
<!ENTITY imath            "&#x00131;" ><!--/imath - small i, no dot -->
<!ENTITY jmath            "&#x0006A;" ><!--/jmath - small j, no dot -->
<!ENTITY laemptyv         "&#x029B4;" ><!--circle, slash, left arrow above -->
<!ENTITY lltri            "&#x025FA;" ><!--lower left triangle -->
<!ENTITY lrtri            "&#x022BF;" ><!--lower right triangle -->
<!ENTITY mho              "&#x02127;" ><!--/mho - conductance -->
<!ENTITY nang             "&#x02220;&#x020D2;" ><!--not, vert, angle -->
<!ENTITY nexist           "&#x02204;" ><!--/nexists - negated exists -->
<!ENTITY oS               "&#x024C8;" ><!--/circledS - capital S in circle -->
<!ENTITY planck           "&#x0210F;" ><!--/hbar - Planck's over 2pi -->
<!ENTITY plankv           "&#x0210F;" ><!--/hslash - variant Planck's over 2pi -->
<!ENTITY raemptyv         "&#x029B3;" ><!--circle, slash, right arrow above -->
<!ENTITY range            "&#x029A5;" ><!--reverse angle, equal -->
<!ENTITY real             "&#x0211C;" ><!--/Re - real -->
<!ENTITY tbrk             "&#x023B4;" ><!--top square bracket -->
<!ENTITY trpezium         "&#x0FFFD;" ><!--trapezium -->
<!ENTITY ultri            "&#x025F8;" ><!--upper left triangle -->
<!ENTITY urtri            "&#x025F9;" ><!--upper right triangle -->
<!ENTITY vzigzag          "&#x0299A;" ><!--vertical zig-zag line -->
<!ENTITY weierp           "&#x02118;" ><!--/wp - Weierstrass p -->

--- NEW FILE: isoamsr.ent ---

     File isoamsr.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     References to the VARIANT SELECTOR 1 character (&#x0FE00;)
     should match the uses listed in Unicode Technical Report 25.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY apE              "&#x02A70;" ><!--approximately equal or equal to -->
<!ENTITY ape              "&#x0224A;" ><!--/approxeq R: approximate, equals -->
<!ENTITY apid             "&#x0224B;" ><!--approximately identical to -->
<!ENTITY asymp            "&#x02248;" ><!--/asymp R: asymptotically equal to -->
<!ENTITY Barv             "&#x02AE7;" ><!--vert, dbl bar (over) -->
<!ENTITY bcong            "&#x0224C;" ><!--/backcong R: reverse congruent -->
<!ENTITY bepsi            "&#x003F6;" ><!--/backepsilon R: such that -->
<!ENTITY bowtie           "&#x022C8;" ><!--/bowtie R: -->
<!ENTITY bsim             "&#x0223D;" ><!--/backsim R: reverse similar -->
<!ENTITY bsime            "&#x022CD;" ><!--/backsimeq R: reverse similar, eq -->
<!ENTITY bsolhsub         "&#x0005C;&#x02282;" ><!--reverse solidus, subset -->
<!ENTITY bump             "&#x0224E;" ><!--/Bumpeq R: bumpy equals -->
<!ENTITY bumpE            "&#x02AAE;" ><!--bump, equals -->
<!ENTITY bumpe            "&#x0224F;" ><!--/bumpeq R: bumpy equals, equals -->
<!ENTITY cire             "&#x02257;" ><!--/circeq R: circle, equals -->
<!ENTITY Colon            "&#x02237;" ><!--/Colon, two colons -->
<!ENTITY Colone           "&#x02A74;" ><!--double colon, equals -->
<!ENTITY colone           "&#x02254;" ><!--/coloneq R: colon, equals -->
<!ENTITY congdot          "&#x02A6D;" ><!--congruent, dot -->
<!ENTITY csub             "&#x02ACF;" ><!--subset, closed -->
<!ENTITY csube            "&#x02AD1;" ><!--subset, closed, equals -->
<!ENTITY csup             "&#x02AD0;" ><!--superset, closed -->
<!ENTITY csupe            "&#x02AD2;" ><!--superset, closed, equals -->
<!ENTITY cuepr            "&#x022DE;" ><!--/curlyeqprec R: curly eq, precedes -->
<!ENTITY cuesc            "&#x022DF;" ><!--/curlyeqsucc R: curly eq, succeeds -->
<!ENTITY Dashv            "&#x02AE4;" ><!--dbl dash, vertical -->
<!ENTITY dashv            "&#x022A3;" ><!--/dashv R: dash, vertical -->
<!ENTITY easter           "&#x02A6E;" ><!--equal, asterisk above -->
<!ENTITY ecir             "&#x02256;" ><!--/eqcirc R: circle on equals sign -->
<!ENTITY ecolon           "&#x02255;" ><!--/eqcolon R: equals, colon -->
<!ENTITY eDDot            "&#x02A77;" ><!--/ddotseq R: equal with four dots -->
<!ENTITY eDot             "&#x02251;" ><!--/doteqdot /Doteq R: eq, even dots -->
<!ENTITY efDot            "&#x02252;" ><!--/fallingdotseq R: eq, falling dots -->
<!ENTITY eg               "&#x02A9A;" ><!--equal-or-greater -->
<!ENTITY egs              "&#x02A96;" ><!--/eqslantgtr R: equal-or-gtr, slanted -->
<!ENTITY egsdot           "&#x02A98;" ><!--equal-or-greater, slanted, dot inside -->
<!ENTITY el               "&#x02A99;" ><!--equal-or-less -->
<!ENTITY els              "&#x02A95;" ><!--/eqslantless R: eq-or-less, slanted -->
<!ENTITY elsdot           "&#x02A97;" ><!--equal-or-less, slanted, dot inside -->
<!ENTITY equest           "&#x0225F;" ><!--/questeq R: equal with questionmark -->
<!ENTITY equivDD          "&#x02A78;" ><!--equivalent, four dots above -->
<!ENTITY erDot            "&#x02253;" ><!--/risingdotseq R: eq, rising dots -->
<!ENTITY esdot            "&#x02250;" ><!--/doteq R: equals, single dot above -->
<!ENTITY Esim             "&#x02A73;" ><!--equal, similar -->
<!ENTITY esim             "&#x02242;" ><!--/esim R: equals, similar -->
<!ENTITY fork             "&#x022D4;" ><!--/pitchfork R: pitchfork -->
<!ENTITY forkv            "&#x02AD9;" ><!--fork, variant -->
<!ENTITY frown            "&#x02322;" ><!--/frown R: down curve -->
<!ENTITY gap              "&#x02A86;" ><!--/gtrapprox R: greater, approximate -->
<!ENTITY gE               "&#x02267;" ><!--/geqq R: greater, double equals -->
<!ENTITY gEl              "&#x02A8C;" ><!--/gtreqqless R: gt, dbl equals, less -->
<!ENTITY gel              "&#x022DB;" ><!--/gtreqless R: greater, equals, less -->
<!ENTITY ges              "&#x02A7E;" ><!--/geqslant R: gt-or-equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY gescc            "&#x02AA9;" ><!--greater than, closed by curve, equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY gesdot           "&#x02A80;" ><!--greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside -->
<!ENTITY gesdoto          "&#x02A82;" ><!--greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above -->
<!ENTITY gesdotol         "&#x02A84;" ><!--greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above left -->
<!ENTITY gesl             "&#x022DB;&#x0FE00;" ><!--greater, equal, slanted, less -->
<!ENTITY gesles           "&#x02A94;" ><!--greater, equal, slanted, less, equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY Gg               "&#x022D9;" ><!--/ggg /Gg /gggtr R: triple gtr-than -->
<!ENTITY gl               "&#x02277;" ><!--/gtrless R: greater, less -->
<!ENTITY gla              "&#x02AA5;" ><!--greater, less, apart -->
<!ENTITY glE              "&#x02A92;" ><!--greater, less, equal -->
<!ENTITY glj              "&#x02AA4;" ><!--greater, less, overlapping -->
<!ENTITY gsim             "&#x02273;" ><!--/gtrsim R: greater, similar -->
<!ENTITY gsime            "&#x02A8E;" ><!--greater, similar, equal -->
<!ENTITY gsiml            "&#x02A90;" ><!--greater, similar, less -->
<!ENTITY Gt               "&#x0226B;" ><!--/gg R: dbl greater-than sign -->
<!ENTITY gtcc             "&#x02AA7;" ><!--greater than, closed by curve -->
<!ENTITY gtcir            "&#x02A7A;" ><!--greater than, circle inside -->
<!ENTITY gtdot            "&#x022D7;" ><!--/gtrdot R: greater than, with dot -->
<!ENTITY gtquest          "&#x02A7C;" ><!--greater than, questionmark above -->
<!ENTITY gtrarr           "&#x02978;" ><!--greater than, right arrow -->
<!ENTITY homtht           "&#x0223B;" ><!--homothetic -->
<!ENTITY lap              "&#x02A85;" ><!--/lessapprox R: less, approximate -->
<!ENTITY lat              "&#x02AAB;" ><!--larger than -->
<!ENTITY late             "&#x02AAD;" ><!--larger than or equal -->
<!ENTITY lates            "&#x02AAD;&#x0FE00;" ><!--larger than or equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY lE               "&#x02266;" ><!--/leqq R: less, double equals -->
<!ENTITY lEg              "&#x02A8B;" ><!--/lesseqqgtr R: less, dbl eq, greater -->
<!ENTITY leg              "&#x022DA;" ><!--/lesseqgtr R: less, eq, greater -->
<!ENTITY les              "&#x02A7D;" ><!--/leqslant R: less-than-or-eq, slant -->
<!ENTITY lescc            "&#x02AA8;" ><!--less than, closed by curve, equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY lesdot           "&#x02A7F;" ><!--less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside -->
<!ENTITY lesdoto          "&#x02A81;" ><!--less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above -->
<!ENTITY lesdotor         "&#x02A83;" ><!--less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above right -->
<!ENTITY lesg             "&#x022DA;&#x0FE00;" ><!--less, equal, slanted, greater -->
<!ENTITY lesges           "&#x02A93;" ><!--less, equal, slanted, greater, equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY lg               "&#x02276;" ><!--/lessgtr R: less, greater -->
<!ENTITY lgE              "&#x02A91;" ><!--less, greater, equal -->
<!ENTITY Ll               "&#x022D8;" ><!--/Ll /lll /llless R: triple less-than -->
<!ENTITY lsim             "&#x02272;" ><!--/lesssim R: less, similar -->
<!ENTITY lsime            "&#x02A8D;" ><!--less, similar, equal -->
<!ENTITY lsimg            "&#x02A8F;" ><!--less, similar, greater -->
<!ENTITY Lt               "&#x0226A;" ><!--/ll R: double less-than sign -->
<!ENTITY ltcc             "&#x02AA6;" ><!--less than, closed by curve -->
<!ENTITY ltcir            "&#x02A79;" ><!--less than, circle inside -->
<!ENTITY ltdot            "&#x022D6;" ><!--/lessdot R: less than, with dot -->
<!ENTITY ltlarr           "&#x02976;" ><!--less than, left arrow -->
<!ENTITY ltquest          "&#x02A7B;" ><!--less than, questionmark above -->
<!ENTITY ltrie            "&#x022B4;" ><!--/trianglelefteq R: left triangle, eq -->
<!ENTITY mcomma           "&#x02A29;" ><!--minus, comma above -->
<!ENTITY mDDot            "&#x0223A;" ><!--minus with four dots, geometric properties -->
<!ENTITY mid              "&#x02223;" ><!--/mid R: -->
<!ENTITY mlcp             "&#x02ADB;" ><!--/mlcp -->
<!ENTITY models           "&#x022A7;" ><!--/models R: -->
<!ENTITY mstpos           "&#x0223E;" ><!--most positive -->
<!ENTITY Pr               "&#x02ABB;" ><!--dbl precedes -->
<!ENTITY pr               "&#x0227A;" ><!--/prec R: precedes -->
<!ENTITY prap             "&#x02AB7;" ><!--/precapprox R: precedes, approximate -->
<!ENTITY prcue            "&#x0227C;" ><!--/preccurlyeq R: precedes, curly eq -->
<!ENTITY prE              "&#x02AB3;" ><!--precedes, dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY pre              "&#x02AAF;" ><!--/preceq R: precedes, equals -->
<!ENTITY prsim            "&#x0227E;" ><!--/precsim R: precedes, similar -->
<!ENTITY prurel           "&#x022B0;" ><!--element precedes under relation -->
<!ENTITY ratio            "&#x02236;" ><!--/ratio -->
<!ENTITY rtrie            "&#x022B5;" ><!--/trianglerighteq R: right tri, eq -->
<!ENTITY rtriltri         "&#x029CE;" ><!--right triangle above left triangle -->
<!ENTITY Sc               "&#x02ABC;" ><!--dbl succeeds -->
<!ENTITY sc               "&#x0227B;" ><!--/succ R: succeeds -->
<!ENTITY scap             "&#x02AB8;" ><!--/succapprox R: succeeds, approximate -->
<!ENTITY sccue            "&#x0227D;" ><!--/succcurlyeq R: succeeds, curly eq -->
<!ENTITY scE              "&#x02AB4;" ><!--succeeds, dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY sce              "&#x02AB0;" ><!--/succeq R: succeeds, equals -->
<!ENTITY scsim            "&#x0227F;" ><!--/succsim R: succeeds, similar -->
<!ENTITY sdote            "&#x02A66;" ><!--equal, dot below -->
<!ENTITY sfrown           "&#x02322;" ><!--/smallfrown R: small down curve -->
<!ENTITY simg             "&#x02A9E;" ><!--similar, greater -->
<!ENTITY simgE            "&#x02AA0;" ><!--similar, greater, equal -->
<!ENTITY siml             "&#x02A9D;" ><!--similar, less -->
<!ENTITY simlE            "&#x02A9F;" ><!--similar, less, equal -->
<!ENTITY smid             "&#x02223;" ><!--/shortmid R: -->
<!ENTITY smile            "&#x02323;" ><!--/smile R: up curve -->
<!ENTITY smt              "&#x02AAA;" ><!--smaller than -->
<!ENTITY smte             "&#x02AAC;" ><!--smaller than or equal -->
<!ENTITY smtes            "&#x02AAC;&#x0FE00;" ><!--smaller than or equal, slanted -->
<!ENTITY spar             "&#x02225;" ><!--/shortparallel R: short parallel -->
<!ENTITY sqsub            "&#x0228F;" ><!--/sqsubset R: square subset -->
<!ENTITY sqsube           "&#x02291;" ><!--/sqsubseteq R: square subset, equals -->
<!ENTITY sqsup            "&#x02290;" ><!--/sqsupset R: square superset -->
<!ENTITY sqsupe           "&#x02292;" ><!--/sqsupseteq R: square superset, eq -->
<!ENTITY ssmile           "&#x02323;" ><!--/smallsmile R: small up curve -->
<!ENTITY Sub              "&#x022D0;" ><!--/Subset R: double subset -->
<!ENTITY subE             "&#x02AC5;" ><!--/subseteqq R: subset, dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY subedot          "&#x02AC3;" ><!--subset, equals, dot -->
<!ENTITY submult          "&#x02AC1;" ><!--subset, multiply -->
<!ENTITY subplus          "&#x02ABF;" ><!--subset, plus -->
<!ENTITY subrarr          "&#x02979;" ><!--subset, right arrow -->
<!ENTITY subsim           "&#x02AC7;" ><!--subset, similar -->
<!ENTITY subsub           "&#x02AD5;" ><!--subset above subset -->
<!ENTITY subsup           "&#x02AD3;" ><!--subset above superset -->
<!ENTITY Sup              "&#x022D1;" ><!--/Supset R: dbl superset -->
<!ENTITY supdsub          "&#x02AD8;" ><!--superset, subset, dash joining them -->
<!ENTITY supE             "&#x02AC6;" ><!--/supseteqq R: superset, dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY supedot          "&#x02AC4;" ><!--superset, equals, dot -->
<!ENTITY suphsol          "&#x02283;&#x0002F;" ><!--superset, solidus -->
<!ENTITY suphsub          "&#x02AD7;" ><!--superset, subset -->
<!ENTITY suplarr          "&#x0297B;" ><!--superset, left arrow -->
<!ENTITY supmult          "&#x02AC2;" ><!--superset, multiply -->
<!ENTITY supplus          "&#x02AC0;" ><!--superset, plus -->
<!ENTITY supsim           "&#x02AC8;" ><!--superset, similar -->
<!ENTITY supsub           "&#x02AD4;" ><!--superset above subset -->
<!ENTITY supsup           "&#x02AD6;" ><!--superset above superset -->
<!ENTITY thkap            "&#x02248;" ><!--/thickapprox R: thick approximate -->
<!ENTITY thksim           "&#x0223C;" ><!--/thicksim R: thick similar -->
<!ENTITY topfork          "&#x02ADA;" ><!--fork with top -->
<!ENTITY trie             "&#x0225C;" ><!--/triangleq R: triangle, equals -->
<!ENTITY twixt            "&#x0226C;" ><!--/between R: between -->
<!ENTITY Vbar             "&#x02AEB;" ><!--dbl vert, bar (under) -->
<!ENTITY vBar             "&#x02AE8;" ><!--vert, dbl bar (under) -->
<!ENTITY vBarv            "&#x02AE9;" ><!--dbl bar, vert over and under -->
<!ENTITY VDash            "&#x022AB;" ><!--dbl vert, dbl dash -->
<!ENTITY Vdash            "&#x022A9;" ><!--/Vdash R: dbl vertical, dash -->
<!ENTITY vDash            "&#x022A8;" ><!--/vDash R: vertical, dbl dash -->
<!ENTITY vdash            "&#x022A2;" ><!--/vdash R: vertical, dash -->
<!ENTITY Vdashl           "&#x02AE6;" ><!--vertical, dash (long) -->
<!ENTITY vltri            "&#x022B2;" ><!--/vartriangleleft R: l tri, open, var -->
<!ENTITY vprop            "&#x0221D;" ><!--/varpropto R: proportional, variant -->
<!ENTITY vrtri            "&#x022B3;" ><!--/vartriangleright R: r tri, open, var -->
<!ENTITY Vvdash           "&#x022AA;" ><!--/Vvdash R: triple vertical, dash -->

--- NEW FILE: isomfrk.ent ---

     File isomfrk.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY % plane1D  "&#38;#38;#x1D">

<!ENTITY Afr              "%plane1D;504;" ><!--/frak A, upper case a -->
<!ENTITY afr              "%plane1D;51E;" ><!--/frak a, lower case a -->
<!ENTITY Bfr              "%plane1D;505;" ><!--/frak B, upper case b -->
<!ENTITY bfr              "%plane1D;51F;" ><!--/frak b, lower case b -->
<!ENTITY Cfr              "&#x0212D;" ><!--/frak C, upper case c -->
<!ENTITY cfr              "%plane1D;520;" ><!--/frak c, lower case c -->
<!ENTITY Dfr              "%plane1D;507;" ><!--/frak D, upper case d -->
<!ENTITY dfr              "%plane1D;521;" ><!--/frak d, lower case d -->
<!ENTITY Efr              "%plane1D;508;" ><!--/frak E, upper case e -->
<!ENTITY efr              "%plane1D;522;" ><!--/frak e, lower case e -->
<!ENTITY Ffr              "%plane1D;509;" ><!--/frak F, upper case f -->
<!ENTITY ffr              "%plane1D;523;" ><!--/frak f, lower case f -->
<!ENTITY Gfr              "%plane1D;50A;" ><!--/frak G, upper case g -->
<!ENTITY gfr              "%plane1D;524;" ><!--/frak g, lower case g -->
<!ENTITY Hfr              "&#x0210C;" ><!--/frak H, upper case h -->
<!ENTITY hfr              "%plane1D;525;" ><!--/frak h, lower case h -->
<!ENTITY Ifr              "&#x02111;" ><!--/frak I, upper case i -->
<!ENTITY ifr              "%plane1D;526;" ><!--/frak i, lower case i -->
<!ENTITY Jfr              "%plane1D;50D;" ><!--/frak J, upper case j -->
<!ENTITY jfr              "%plane1D;527;" ><!--/frak j, lower case j -->
<!ENTITY Kfr              "%plane1D;50E;" ><!--/frak K, upper case k -->
<!ENTITY kfr              "%plane1D;528;" ><!--/frak k, lower case k -->
<!ENTITY Lfr              "%plane1D;50F;" ><!--/frak L, upper case l -->
<!ENTITY lfr              "%plane1D;529;" ><!--/frak l, lower case l -->
<!ENTITY Mfr              "%plane1D;510;" ><!--/frak M, upper case m -->
<!ENTITY mfr              "%plane1D;52A;" ><!--/frak m, lower case m -->
<!ENTITY Nfr              "%plane1D;511;" ><!--/frak N, upper case n -->
<!ENTITY nfr              "%plane1D;52B;" ><!--/frak n, lower case n -->
<!ENTITY Ofr              "%plane1D;512;" ><!--/frak O, upper case o -->
<!ENTITY ofr              "%plane1D;52C;" ><!--/frak o, lower case o -->
<!ENTITY Pfr              "%plane1D;513;" ><!--/frak P, upper case p -->
<!ENTITY pfr              "%plane1D;52D;" ><!--/frak p, lower case p -->
<!ENTITY Qfr              "%plane1D;514;" ><!--/frak Q, upper case q -->
<!ENTITY qfr              "%plane1D;52E;" ><!--/frak q, lower case q -->
<!ENTITY Rfr              "&#x0211C;" ><!--/frak R, upper case r -->
<!ENTITY rfr              "%plane1D;52F;" ><!--/frak r, lower case r -->
<!ENTITY Sfr              "%plane1D;516;" ><!--/frak S, upper case s -->
<!ENTITY sfr              "%plane1D;530;" ><!--/frak s, lower case s -->
<!ENTITY Tfr              "%plane1D;517;" ><!--/frak T, upper case t -->
<!ENTITY tfr              "%plane1D;531;" ><!--/frak t, lower case t -->
<!ENTITY Ufr              "%plane1D;518;" ><!--/frak U, upper case u -->
<!ENTITY ufr              "%plane1D;532;" ><!--/frak u, lower case u -->
<!ENTITY Vfr              "%plane1D;519;" ><!--/frak V, upper case v -->
<!ENTITY vfr              "%plane1D;533;" ><!--/frak v, lower case v -->
<!ENTITY Wfr              "%plane1D;51A;" ><!--/frak W, upper case w -->
<!ENTITY wfr              "%plane1D;534;" ><!--/frak w, lower case w -->
<!ENTITY Xfr              "%plane1D;51B;" ><!--/frak X, upper case x -->
<!ENTITY xfr              "%plane1D;535;" ><!--/frak x, lower case x -->
<!ENTITY Yfr              "%plane1D;51C;" ><!--/frak Y, upper case y -->
<!ENTITY yfr              "%plane1D;536;" ><!--/frak y, lower case y -->
<!ENTITY Zfr              "&#x02128;" ><!--/frak Z, upper case z  -->
<!ENTITY zfr              "%plane1D;537;" ><!--/frak z, lower case z -->

--- NEW FILE: isogrk4.ent ---

     File isogrk4.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY % plane1D  "&#38;#38;#x1D">

<!ENTITY b.alpha          "%plane1D;6C2;" ><!--small alpha, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.beta           "%plane1D;6C3;" ><!--small beta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.chi            "%plane1D;6D8;" ><!--small chi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Delta          "%plane1D;6AB;" ><!--capital delta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY          "%plane1D;6C5;" ><!--small delta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.epsi           "%plane1D;6C6;" ><!--small epsilon, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.epsiv          "%plane1D;6DC;" ><!--variant epsilon -->
<!ENTITY b.eta            "%plane1D;6C8;" ><!--small eta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Gamma          "%plane1D;6AA;" ><!--capital gamma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.gamma          "%plane1D;6C4;" ><!--small gamma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Gammad         "&#x003DC;" ><!--capital Digamma -->
<!ENTITY b.gammad         "&#x003DD;" ><!--digamma -->
<!ENTITY b.iota           "%plane1D;6CA;" ><!--small iota, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.kappa          "%plane1D;6CB;" ><!--small kappa, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.kappav         "%plane1D;6DE;" ><!--variant kappa -->
<!ENTITY b.Lambda         "%plane1D;6B2;" ><!--capital Lambda, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.lambda         "%plane1D;6CC;" ><!--small lambda, Greek -->
<!ENTITY             "%plane1D;6CD;" ><!--small mu, Greek -->
<!ENTITY             "%plane1D;6CE;" ><!--small nu, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Omega          "%plane1D;6C0;" ><!--capital Omega, Greek -->
<!ENTITY          "%plane1D;6DA;" ><!--small omega, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Phi            "%plane1D;6BD;" ><!--capital Phi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.phi            "%plane1D;6D7;" ><!--small phi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.phiv           "%plane1D;6DF;" ><!--variant phi -->
<!ENTITY b.Pi             "%plane1D;6B7;" ><!--capital Pi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.pi             "%plane1D;6D1;" ><!--small pi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.piv            "%plane1D;6E1;" ><!--variant pi -->
<!ENTITY b.Psi            "%plane1D;6BF;" ><!--capital Psi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.psi            "%plane1D;6D9;" ><!--small psi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.rho            "%plane1D;6D2;" ><!--small rho, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.rhov           "%plane1D;6E0;" ><!--variant rho -->
<!ENTITY b.Sigma          "%plane1D;6BA;" ><!--capital Sigma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.sigma          "%plane1D;6D4;" ><!--small sigma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.sigmav         "%plane1D;6D3;" ><!--variant sigma -->
<!ENTITY b.tau            "%plane1D;6D5;" ><!--small tau, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Theta          "%plane1D;6AF;" ><!--capital Theta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.thetas         "%plane1D;6C9;" ><!--straight theta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.thetav         "%plane1D;6DD;" ><!--variant theta -->
<!ENTITY b.Upsi           "%plane1D;6BC;" ><!--capital Upsilon, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.upsi           "%plane1D;6D6;" ><!--small upsilon, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.Xi             "%plane1D;6B5;" ><!--capital Xi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.xi             "%plane1D;6CF;" ><!--small xi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY b.zeta           "%plane1D;6C7;" ><!--small zeta, Greek -->

--- NEW FILE: isogrk3.ent ---

     File isogrk3.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY alpha            "&#x003B1;" ><!--/alpha small alpha, Greek -->
<!ENTITY beta             "&#x003B2;" ><!--/beta small beta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY chi              "&#x003C7;" ><!--/chi small chi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Delta            "&#x00394;" ><!--/Delta capital Delta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY delta            "&#x003B4;" ><!--/delta small delta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY epsi             "&#x003F5;" ><!--/straightepsilon, small epsilon, Greek -->
<!ENTITY epsiv            "&#x003B5;" ><!--/varepsilon -->
<!ENTITY eta              "&#x003B7;" ><!--/eta small eta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Gamma            "&#x00393;" ><!--/Gamma capital Gamma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY gamma            "&#x003B3;" ><!--/gamma small gamma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Gammad           "&#x003DC;" ><!--capital digamma -->
<!ENTITY gammad           "&#x003DD;" ><!--/digamma -->
<!ENTITY iota             "&#x003B9;" ><!--/iota small iota, Greek -->
<!ENTITY kappa            "&#x003BA;" ><!--/kappa small kappa, Greek -->
<!ENTITY kappav           "&#x003F0;" ><!--/varkappa -->
<!ENTITY Lambda           "&#x0039B;" ><!--/Lambda capital Lambda, Greek -->
<!ENTITY lambda           "&#x003BB;" ><!--/lambda small lambda, Greek -->
<!ENTITY mu               "&#x003BC;" ><!--/mu small mu, Greek -->
<!ENTITY nu               "&#x003BD;" ><!--/nu small nu, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Omega            "&#x003A9;" ><!--/Omega capital Omega, Greek -->
<!ENTITY omega            "&#x003C9;" ><!--/omega small omega, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Phi              "&#x003A6;" ><!--/Phi capital Phi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY phi              "&#x003D5;" ><!--/straightphi - small phi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY phiv             "&#x003C6;" ><!--/varphi - curly or open phi -->
<!ENTITY Pi               "&#x003A0;" ><!--/Pi capital Pi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY pi               "&#x003C0;" ><!--/pi small pi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY piv              "&#x003D6;" ><!--/varpi -->
<!ENTITY Psi              "&#x003A8;" ><!--/Psi capital Psi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY psi              "&#x003C8;" ><!--/psi small psi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY rho              "&#x003C1;" ><!--/rho small rho, Greek -->
<!ENTITY rhov             "&#x003F1;" ><!--/varrho -->
<!ENTITY Sigma            "&#x003A3;" ><!--/Sigma capital Sigma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY sigma            "&#x003C3;" ><!--/sigma small sigma, Greek -->
<!ENTITY sigmav           "&#x003C2;" ><!--/varsigma -->
<!ENTITY tau              "&#x003C4;" ><!--/tau small tau, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Theta            "&#x00398;" ><!--/Theta capital Theta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY theta            "&#x003B8;" ><!--/theta straight theta, small theta, Greek -->
<!ENTITY thetav           "&#x003D1;" ><!--/vartheta - curly or open theta -->
<!ENTITY Upsi             "&#x003D2;" ><!--/Upsilon capital Upsilon, Greek -->
<!ENTITY upsi             "&#x003C5;" ><!--/upsilon small upsilon, Greek -->
<!ENTITY Xi               "&#x0039E;" ><!--/Xi capital Xi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY xi               "&#x003BE;" ><!--/xi small xi, Greek -->
<!ENTITY zeta             "&#x003B6;" ><!--/zeta small zeta, Greek -->

--- NEW FILE: isomscr.ent ---

     File isomscr.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY % plane1D  "&#38;#38;#x1D">

<!ENTITY Ascr             "%plane1D;49C;" ><!--/scr A, script letter A -->
<!ENTITY ascr             "%plane1D;4B6;" ><!--/scr a, script letter a -->
<!ENTITY Bscr             "&#x0212C;" ><!--/scr B, script letter B -->
<!ENTITY bscr             "%plane1D;4B7;" ><!--/scr b, script letter b -->
<!ENTITY Cscr             "%plane1D;49E;" ><!--/scr C, script letter C -->
<!ENTITY cscr             "%plane1D;4B8;" ><!--/scr c, script letter c -->
<!ENTITY Dscr             "%plane1D;49F;" ><!--/scr D, script letter D -->
<!ENTITY dscr             "%plane1D;4B9;" ><!--/scr d, script letter d -->
<!ENTITY Escr             "&#x02130;" ><!--/scr E, script letter E -->
<!ENTITY escr             "&#x0212F;" ><!--/scr e, script letter e -->
<!ENTITY Fscr             "&#x02131;" ><!--/scr F, script letter F -->
<!ENTITY fscr             "%plane1D;4BB;" ><!--/scr f, script letter f -->
<!ENTITY Gscr             "%plane1D;4A2;" ><!--/scr G, script letter G -->
<!ENTITY gscr             "&#x0210A;" ><!--/scr g, script letter g -->
<!ENTITY Hscr             "&#x0210B;" ><!--/scr H, script letter H -->
<!ENTITY hscr             "%plane1D;4BD;" ><!--/scr h, script letter h -->
<!ENTITY Iscr             "&#x02110;" ><!--/scr I, script letter I -->
<!ENTITY iscr             "%plane1D;4BE;" ><!--/scr i, script letter i -->
<!ENTITY Jscr             "%plane1D;4A5;" ><!--/scr J, script letter J -->
<!ENTITY jscr             "%plane1D;4BF;" ><!--/scr j, script letter j -->
<!ENTITY Kscr             "%plane1D;4A6;" ><!--/scr K, script letter K -->
<!ENTITY kscr             "%plane1D;4C0;" ><!--/scr k, script letter k -->
<!ENTITY Lscr             "&#x02112;" ><!--/scr L, script letter L -->
<!ENTITY lscr             "%plane1D;4C1;" ><!--/scr l, script letter l -->
<!ENTITY Mscr             "&#x02133;" ><!--/scr M, script letter M -->
<!ENTITY mscr             "%plane1D;4C2;" ><!--/scr m, script letter m -->
<!ENTITY Nscr             "%plane1D;4A9;" ><!--/scr N, script letter N -->
<!ENTITY nscr             "%plane1D;4C3;" ><!--/scr n, script letter n -->
<!ENTITY Oscr             "%plane1D;4AA;" ><!--/scr O, script letter O -->
<!ENTITY oscr             "&#x02134;" ><!--/scr o, script letter o -->
<!ENTITY Pscr             "%plane1D;4AB;" ><!--/scr P, script letter P -->
<!ENTITY pscr             "%plane1D;4C5;" ><!--/scr p, script letter p -->
<!ENTITY Qscr             "%plane1D;4AC;" ><!--/scr Q, script letter Q -->
<!ENTITY qscr             "%plane1D;4C6;" ><!--/scr q, script letter q -->
<!ENTITY Rscr             "&#x0211B;" ><!--/scr R, script letter R -->
<!ENTITY rscr             "%plane1D;4C7;" ><!--/scr r, script letter r -->
<!ENTITY Sscr             "%plane1D;4AE;" ><!--/scr S, script letter S -->
<!ENTITY sscr             "%plane1D;4C8;" ><!--/scr s, script letter s -->
<!ENTITY Tscr             "%plane1D;4AF;" ><!--/scr T, script letter T -->
<!ENTITY tscr             "%plane1D;4C9;" ><!--/scr t, script letter t -->
<!ENTITY Uscr             "%plane1D;4B0;" ><!--/scr U, script letter U -->
<!ENTITY uscr             "%plane1D;4CA;" ><!--/scr u, script letter u -->
<!ENTITY Vscr             "%plane1D;4B1;" ><!--/scr V, script letter V -->
<!ENTITY vscr             "%plane1D;4CB;" ><!--/scr v, script letter v -->
<!ENTITY Wscr             "%plane1D;4B2;" ><!--/scr W, script letter W -->
<!ENTITY wscr             "%plane1D;4CC;" ><!--/scr w, script letter w -->
<!ENTITY Xscr             "%plane1D;4B3;" ><!--/scr X, script letter X -->
<!ENTITY xscr             "%plane1D;4CD;" ><!--/scr x, script letter x -->
<!ENTITY Yscr             "%plane1D;4B4;" ><!--/scr Y, script letter Y -->
<!ENTITY yscr             "%plane1D;4CE;" ><!--/scr y, script letter y -->
<!ENTITY Zscr             "%plane1D;4B5;" ><!--/scr Z, script letter Z -->
<!ENTITY zscr             "%plane1D;4CF;" ><!--/scr z, script letter z -->

--- NEW FILE: isotech.ent ---

     File isotech.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY acd              "&#x0223F;" ><!--ac current -->
<!ENTITY aleph            "&#x02135;" ><!--/aleph aleph, Hebrew -->
<!ENTITY And              "&#x02A53;" ><!--dbl logical and -->
<!ENTITY and              "&#x02227;" ><!--/wedge /land B: logical and -->
<!ENTITY andand           "&#x02A55;" ><!--two logical and -->
<!ENTITY andd             "&#x02A5C;" ><!--and, horizontal dash -->
<!ENTITY andslope         "&#x02A58;" ><!--sloping large and -->
<!ENTITY andv             "&#x02A5A;" ><!--and with middle stem -->
<!ENTITY angrt            "&#x0221F;" ><!--right (90 degree) angle -->
<!ENTITY angsph           "&#x02222;" ><!--/sphericalangle angle-spherical -->
<!ENTITY angst            "&#x0212B;" ><!--Angstrom capital A, ring -->
<!ENTITY ap               "&#x02248;" ><!--/approx R: approximate -->
<!ENTITY apacir           "&#x02A6F;" ><!--approximate, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY awconint         "&#x02233;" ><!--contour integral, anti-clockwise -->
<!ENTITY awint            "&#x02A11;" ><!--anti clock-wise integration -->
<!ENTITY becaus           "&#x02235;" ><!--/because R: because -->
<!ENTITY bernou           "&#x0212C;" ><!--Bernoulli function (script capital B)  -->
<!ENTITY bne              "&#x0003D;&#x020E5;" ><!--reverse not equal -->
<!ENTITY bnequiv          "&#x02261;&#x020E5;" ><!--reverse not equivalent -->
<!ENTITY bNot             "&#x02AED;" ><!--reverse not with two horizontal strokes -->
<!ENTITY bnot             "&#x02310;" ><!--reverse not -->
<!ENTITY bottom           "&#x022A5;" ><!--/bot bottom -->
<!ENTITY cap              "&#x02229;" ><!--/cap B: intersection -->
<!ENTITY Cconint          "&#x02230;" ><!--triple contour integral operator -->
<!ENTITY cirfnint         "&#x02A10;" ><!--circulation function -->
<!ENTITY compfn           "&#x02218;" ><!--/circ B: composite function (small circle) -->
<!ENTITY cong             "&#x02245;" ><!--/cong R: congruent with -->
<!ENTITY Conint           "&#x0222F;" ><!--double contour integral operator -->
<!ENTITY conint           "&#x0222E;" ><!--/oint L: contour integral operator -->
<!ENTITY ctdot            "&#x022EF;" ><!--/cdots, three dots, centered -->
<!ENTITY cup              "&#x0222A;" ><!--/cup B: union or logical sum -->
<!ENTITY cwconint         "&#x02232;" ><!--contour integral, clockwise -->
<!ENTITY cwint            "&#x02231;" ><!--clockwise integral -->
<!ENTITY cylcty           "&#x0232D;" ><!--cylindricity -->
<!ENTITY disin            "&#x022F2;" ><!--set membership, long horizontal stroke -->
<!ENTITY Dot              "&#x000A8;" ><!--dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY DotDot           " &#x020DC;" ><!--four dots above -->
<!ENTITY dsol             "&#x029F6;" ><!--solidus, bar above -->
<!ENTITY dtdot            "&#x022F1;" ><!--/ddots, three dots, descending -->
<!ENTITY dwangle          "&#x029A6;" ><!--large downward pointing angle -->
<!ENTITY elinters         "&#x0FFFD;" ><!--electrical intersection -->
<!ENTITY epar             "&#x022D5;" ><!--parallel, equal; equal or parallel -->
<!ENTITY eparsl           "&#x029E3;" ><!--parallel, slanted, equal; homothetically congruent to -->
<!ENTITY equiv            "&#x02261;" ><!--/equiv R: identical with -->
<!ENTITY eqvparsl         "&#x029E5;" ><!--equivalent, equal; congruent and parallel -->
<!ENTITY exist            "&#x02203;" ><!--/exists at least one exists -->
<!ENTITY fltns            "&#x025B1;" ><!--flatness -->
<!ENTITY fnof             "&#x00192;" ><!--function of (italic small f) -->
<!ENTITY forall           "&#x02200;" ><!--/forall for all -->
<!ENTITY fpartint         "&#x02A0D;" ><!--finite part integral -->
<!ENTITY ge               "&#x02265;" ><!--/geq /ge R: greater-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY hamilt           "&#x0210B;" ><!--Hamiltonian (script capital H)  -->
<!ENTITY iff              "&#x021D4;" ><!--/iff if and only if  -->
<!ENTITY iinfin           "&#x029DC;" ><!--infinity sign, incomplete -->
<!ENTITY imped            "&#x001B5;" ><!--impedance -->
<!ENTITY infin            "&#x0221E;" ><!--/infty infinity -->
<!ENTITY infintie         "&#x029DD;" ><!--tie, infinity -->
<!ENTITY Int              "&#x0222C;" ><!--double integral operator -->
<!ENTITY int              "&#x0222B;" ><!--/int L: integral operator -->
<!ENTITY intlarhk         "&#x02A17;" ><!--integral, left arrow with hook -->
<!ENTITY isin             "&#x02208;" ><!--/in R: set membership  -->
<!ENTITY isindot          "&#x022F5;" ><!--set membership, dot above -->
<!ENTITY isinE            "&#x022F9;" ><!--set membership, two horizontal strokes -->
<!ENTITY isins            "&#x022F4;" ><!--set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->
<!ENTITY isinsv           "&#x022F3;" ><!--large set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->
<!ENTITY isinv            "&#x02208;" ><!--set membership, variant -->
<!ENTITY lagran           "&#x02112;" ><!--Lagrangian (script capital L)  -->
<!ENTITY Lang             "&#x0300A;" ><!--left angle bracket, double -->
<!ENTITY lang             "&#x02329;" ><!--/langle O: left angle bracket -->
<!ENTITY lArr             "&#x021D0;" ><!--/Leftarrow A: is implied by -->
<!ENTITY lbbrk            "&#x03014;" ><!--left broken bracket -->
<!ENTITY le               "&#x02264;" ><!--/leq /le R: less-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY loang            "&#x03018;" ><!--left open angular bracket -->
<!ENTITY lobrk            "&#x0301A;" ><!--left open bracket -->
<!ENTITY lopar            "&#x02985;" ><!--left open parenthesis -->
<!ENTITY lowast           "&#x02217;" ><!--low asterisk -->
<!ENTITY minus            "&#x02212;" ><!--B: minus sign -->
<!ENTITY mnplus           "&#x02213;" ><!--/mp B: minus-or-plus sign -->
<!ENTITY nabla            "&#x02207;" ><!--/nabla del, Hamilton operator -->
<!ENTITY ne               "&#x02260;" ><!--/ne /neq R: not equal -->
<!ENTITY nedot            "&#x02250;&#x00338;" ><!--not equal, dot -->
<!ENTITY nhpar            "&#x02AF2;" ><!--not, horizontal, parallel -->
<!ENTITY ni               "&#x0220B;" ><!--/ni /owns R: contains -->
<!ENTITY nis              "&#x022FC;" ><!--contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->
<!ENTITY nisd             "&#x022FA;" ><!--contains, long horizontal stroke -->
<!ENTITY niv              "&#x0220B;" ><!--contains, variant -->
<!ENTITY Not              "&#x02AEC;" ><!--not with two horizontal strokes -->
<!ENTITY notin            "&#x02209;" ><!--/notin N: negated set membership -->
<!ENTITY notindot         "&#x022F5;&#x00338;" ><!--negated set membership, dot above -->
<!ENTITY notinE           "&#x022F9;&#x00338;" ><!--negated set membership, two horizontal strokes -->
<!ENTITY notinva          "&#x02209;" ><!--negated set membership, variant -->
<!ENTITY notinvb          "&#x022F7;" ><!--negated set membership, variant -->
<!ENTITY notinvc          "&#x022F6;" ><!--negated set membership, variant -->
<!ENTITY notni            "&#x0220C;" ><!--negated contains -->
<!ENTITY notniva          "&#x0220C;" ><!--negated contains, variant -->
<!ENTITY notnivb          "&#x022FE;" ><!--contains, variant -->
<!ENTITY notnivc          "&#x022FD;" ><!--contains, variant -->
<!ENTITY nparsl           "&#x02AFD;&#x020E5;" ><!--not parallel, slanted -->
<!ENTITY npart            "&#x02202;&#x00338;" ><!--not partial differential -->
<!ENTITY npolint          "&#x02A14;" ><!--line integration, not including the pole -->
<!ENTITY nvinfin          "&#x029DE;" ><!--not, vert, infinity -->
<!ENTITY olcross          "&#x029BB;" ><!--circle, cross -->
<!ENTITY Or               "&#x02A54;" ><!--dbl logical or -->
<!ENTITY or               "&#x02228;" ><!--/vee /lor B: logical or -->
<!ENTITY ord              "&#x02A5D;" ><!--or, horizontal dash -->
<!ENTITY order            "&#x02134;" ><!--order of (script small o)  -->
<!ENTITY oror             "&#x02A56;" ><!--two logical or -->
<!ENTITY orslope          "&#x02A57;" ><!--sloping large or -->
<!ENTITY orv              "&#x02A5B;" ><!--or with middle stem -->
<!ENTITY par              "&#x02225;" ><!--/parallel R: parallel -->
<!ENTITY parsl            "&#x02AFD;" ><!--parallel, slanted -->
<!ENTITY part             "&#x02202;" ><!--/partial partial differential -->
<!ENTITY permil           "&#x02030;" ><!--per thousand -->
<!ENTITY perp             "&#x022A5;" ><!--/perp R: perpendicular -->
<!ENTITY pertenk          "&#x02031;" ><!--per 10 thousand -->
<!ENTITY phmmat           "&#x02133;" ><!--physics M-matrix (script capital M)  -->
<!ENTITY pointint         "&#x02A15;" ><!--integral around a point operator -->
<!ENTITY Prime            "&#x02033;" ><!--double prime or second -->
<!ENTITY prime            "&#x02032;" ><!--/prime prime or minute -->
<!ENTITY profalar         "&#x0232E;" ><!--all-around profile -->
<!ENTITY profline         "&#x02312;" ><!--profile of a line -->
<!ENTITY profsurf         "&#x02313;" ><!--profile of a surface -->
<!ENTITY prop             "&#x0221D;" ><!--/propto R: is proportional to -->
<!ENTITY qint             "&#x02A0C;" ><!--/iiiint quadruple integral operator -->
<!ENTITY qprime           "&#x02057;" ><!--quadruple prime -->
<!ENTITY quatint          "&#x02A16;" ><!--quaternion integral operator -->
<!ENTITY radic            "&#x0221A;" ><!--/surd radical -->
<!ENTITY Rang             "&#x0300B;" ><!--right angle bracket, double -->
<!ENTITY rang             "&#x0232A;" ><!--/rangle C: right angle bracket -->
<!ENTITY rArr             "&#x021D2;" ><!--/Rightarrow A: implies -->
<!ENTITY rbbrk            "&#x03015;" ><!--right broken bracket -->
<!ENTITY roang            "&#x03019;" ><!--right open angular bracket -->
<!ENTITY robrk            "&#x0301B;" ><!--right open bracket -->
<!ENTITY ropar            "&#x02986;" ><!--right open parenthesis -->
<!ENTITY rppolint         "&#x02A12;" ><!--line integration, rectangular path around pole -->
<!ENTITY scpolint         "&#x02A13;" ><!--line integration, semi-circular path around pole -->
<!ENTITY sim              "&#x0223C;" ><!--/sim R: similar -->
<!ENTITY simdot           "&#x02A6A;" ><!--similar, dot -->
<!ENTITY sime             "&#x02243;" ><!--/simeq R: similar, equals -->
<!ENTITY smeparsl         "&#x029E4;" ><!--similar, parallel, slanted, equal -->
<!ENTITY square           "&#x025A1;" ><!--/square, square -->
<!ENTITY squarf           "&#x025AA;" ><!--/blacksquare, square, filled  -->
<!ENTITY strns            "&#x000AF;" ><!--straightness -->
<!ENTITY sub              "&#x02282;" ><!--/subset R: subset or is implied by -->
<!ENTITY sube             "&#x02286;" ><!--/subseteq R: subset, equals -->
<!ENTITY sup              "&#x02283;" ><!--/supset R: superset or implies -->
<!ENTITY supe             "&#x02287;" ><!--/supseteq R: superset, equals -->
<!ENTITY tdot             " &#x020DB;" ><!--three dots above -->
<!ENTITY there4           "&#x02234;" ><!--/therefore R: therefore -->
<!ENTITY tint             "&#x0222D;" ><!--/iiint triple integral operator -->
<!ENTITY top              "&#x022A4;" ><!--/top top -->
<!ENTITY topbot           "&#x02336;" ><!--top and bottom -->
<!ENTITY topcir           "&#x02AF1;" ><!--top, circle below -->
<!ENTITY tprime           "&#x02034;" ><!--triple prime -->
<!ENTITY utdot            "&#x022F0;" ><!--three dots, ascending -->
<!ENTITY uwangle          "&#x029A7;" ><!--large upward pointing angle -->
<!ENTITY vangrt           "&#x0299C;" ><!--right angle, variant -->
<!ENTITY veeeq            "&#x0225A;" ><!--logical or, equals -->
<!ENTITY Verbar           "&#x02016;" ><!--/Vert dbl vertical bar -->
<!ENTITY wedgeq           "&#x02259;" ><!--/wedgeq R: corresponds to (wedge, equals) -->
<!ENTITY xnis             "&#x022FB;" ><!--large contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke -->

--- NEW FILE: isoamsc.ent ---

     File isoamsc.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.


<!ENTITY dlcorn           "&#x0231E;" ><!--/llcorner O: lower left corner -->
<!ENTITY drcorn           "&#x0231F;" ><!--/lrcorner C: lower right corner -->
<!ENTITY gtlPar           "&#x02995;" ><!--dbl left parenthesis, greater -->
<!ENTITY langd            "&#x02991;" ><!--left angle, dot -->
<!ENTITY lbrke            "&#x0298B;" ><!--left bracket, equal -->
<!ENTITY lbrksld          "&#x0298F;" ><!--left bracket, solidus bottom corner -->
<!ENTITY lbrkslu          "&#x0298D;" ><!--left bracket, solidus top corner -->
<!ENTITY lceil            "&#x02308;" ><!--/lceil O: left ceiling -->
<!ENTITY lfloor           "&#x0230A;" ><!--/lfloor O: left floor -->
<!ENTITY lmoust           "&#x023B0;" ><!--/lmoustache -->
<!ENTITY lparlt           "&#x02993;" ><!--O: left parenthesis, lt -->
<!ENTITY ltrPar           "&#x02996;" ><!--dbl right parenthesis, less -->
<!ENTITY rangd            "&#x02992;" ><!--right angle, dot -->
<!ENTITY rbrke            "&#x0298C;" ><!--right bracket, equal -->
<!ENTITY rbrksld          "&#x0298E;" ><!--right bracket, solidus bottom corner -->
<!ENTITY rbrkslu          "&#x02990;" ><!--right bracket, solidus top corner -->
<!ENTITY rceil            "&#x02309;" ><!--/rceil C: right ceiling -->
<!ENTITY rfloor           "&#x0230B;" ><!--/rfloor C: right floor -->
<!ENTITY rmoust           "&#x023B1;" ><!--/rmoustache -->
<!ENTITY rpargt           "&#x02994;" ><!--C: right paren, gt -->
<!ENTITY ulcorn           "&#x0231C;" ><!--/ulcorner O: upper left corner -->
<!ENTITY urcorn           "&#x0231D;" ><!--/urcorner C: upper right corner -->

Received on Sunday, 25 October 2009 11:58:23 UTC