- From: Thomas Gambet via cvs-syncmail <cvsmail@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 16:05:41 +0000
- To: www-validator-cvs@w3.org
Update of /sources/public/2006/unicorn/src/org/w3c/unicorn In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv2609/src/org/w3c/unicorn Modified Files: Tag: dev2 Init.java Added Files: Tag: dev2 UnicornCall.java Framework.java Removed Files: Tag: dev2 Parameters.java Log Message: all initialization actions in Init.java + compatibility windows/linux --- NEW FILE: Framework.java --- // $Id: Framework.java,v 2009/08/11 16:05:38 tgambet Exp $ // Author: Damien LEROY. // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM ant Keio, 2006. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.unicorn; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.Observer; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.WADLUnmarshaller; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.WADLUnmarshallerXPath; import org.w3c.unicorn.response.parser.ResponseParser; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.RDFUnmarshaller; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.RDFUnmarshallerJena; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.Task; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.TaskListUnmarshallerBeans; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.TasksListUnmarshaller; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.ListFiles; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.LocalizedString; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.Property; /** * Main class of the central module of UniCORN. * * @author Damien LEROY */ public class Framework { /** * Instance of log class to, as his name say, log any information during * execution. */ public static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Framework.class); /** * Data structure for the Observers */ public static Map<String, Observer> mapOfObserver = null; /** * Data structure for the tasks */ public static Map<String, Task> mapOfTask = null; /** * Properties of the framework */ public static Properties aPropertiesExtension; /** * List of availables output lang in PATH_TO_OUTPUT_TEMPLATES */ public static Set<String> outputLang; /** * Data structure for the various response parser */ public static Map<String, ResponseParser> mapOfReponseParser = null; /** * Load the list of extensions */ public static void init() { /*try { /*URL aURLPropFile = Property .getPropertyFileURL("extensions.properties"); final Properties aProperties = new Properties(); aProperties.load(aURLPropFile.openStream());*/ Framework.aPropertiesExtension = Property.getProps("extensions.properties"); //Framework.aPropertiesExtension = aProperties; /*} catch (final IOException e) { Framework.logger.error("IOException : " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); }*/ //Load the map of ResponseParser if (Framework.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Framework.logger.debug("Loading available parsers..."); } try { // Retrieve the properties of the response parsers in the resources mapOfReponseParser = new LinkedHashMap<String, ResponseParser>(); //URL aURLPropFile = Property // .getPropertyFileURL("responseParsers.properties"); //final Properties aProperties = new Properties(); Properties aProperties = Property.getProps("responseParsers.properties"); //aProperties.load(aURLPropFile.openStream()); for (Entry<Object, Object> e : aProperties.entrySet()) { ResponseParser aResponseParser = (ResponseParser) (Class .forName((String) (e.getValue())).newInstance()); mapOfReponseParser.put((String) (e.getKey()), aResponseParser); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (Framework.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Framework.logger.debug("... Parsers loaded"); } } // Static operations to initialize framework the first time this class is used. if (Framework.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Framework.logger.debug("Loading available observers..."); } final String sLanguage = Property.get("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE"); if (null != sLanguage) { LocalizedString.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = sLanguage; } Framework.mapOfObserver = new LinkedHashMap<String, Observer>(); try { // Add all observer contract final BufferedReader aBufferedReader; aBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(Property .get("OBSERVER_LIST_FILE"))); // Observer list file contains URL contracts of observers for (String sReadLine = aBufferedReader.readLine(); null != sReadLine; sReadLine = aBufferedReader .readLine()) { if ("".equals(sReadLine.trim())) { continue; } // Get URL of the contract. If the name of wadl file is not // defined, // the contract's name will be observer.wadl final String sWADL; if (sReadLine.matches(".*\\.wadl$")) { sWADL = sReadLine; } else { sWADL = sReadLine + "/" + Property.get("OBSERVER_XML_FILENAME"); } try { if (Framework.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Framework.logger.debug("Observer WADL file : " + sWADL + "."); } // Create each observer final Observer aObserver = new Observer(); final WADLUnmarshaller aWADLUnmarshaller = new WADLUnmarshallerXPath(); aWADLUnmarshaller.addURL(new URL(sWADL)); aWADLUnmarshaller.unmarshal(); aObserver.setListOfCallMethod(aWADLUnmarshaller .getListOfCallMethod()); aObserver.setParamLangName(aWADLUnmarshaller .getNameOfLangParameter()); aObserver.setID(aWADLUnmarshaller.getID()); aObserver.setName(aWADLUnmarshaller.getName()); aObserver .setDescription(aWADLUnmarshaller.getDescription()); aObserver.setHelpLocation(aWADLUnmarshaller .getHelpLocation()); aObserver.setProvider(aWADLUnmarshaller.getProvider()); aObserver.setMapOfInputMethod(aWADLUnmarshaller .getMapOfInputMethod()); aObserver.setResponseType(aWADLUnmarshaller .getResponseType()); aObserver.setSupportedMimeTypes(aWADLUnmarshaller .getSupportedMimeTypes()); Framework.mapOfObserver.put(new String(aObserver.getID()), aObserver); } catch (final Exception e) { Framework.logger.error("Exception : " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (Framework.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Framework.logger.debug("... Observers loaded."); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException aFileNotFoundException) { Framework.logger.error("FileNotFoundException : " + aFileNotFoundException.getMessage(), aFileNotFoundException); aFileNotFoundException.printStackTrace(); } catch (final IOException ioe) { Framework.logger.error("IOException : " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); ioe.printStackTrace(); } if (Framework.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Framework.logger.debug("Task initialisation."); } try { // parse all the task files final File[] tFileXML = ListFiles.listFiles(Property .get("PATH_TO_TASKLIST"), "\\.xml$"); final TasksListUnmarshaller aTaskListUnmarshaller = new TaskListUnmarshallerBeans( Framework.mapOfObserver); for (final File aFile : tFileXML) { aTaskListUnmarshaller.addURL(aFile.toURI().toURL()); } aTaskListUnmarshaller.unmarshal(); final File[] tFileRDF = ListFiles.listFiles(Property .get("PATH_TO_TASKLIST"), "\\.rdf$"); final RDFUnmarshaller aRDFUnmarshaller = new RDFUnmarshallerJena(); aRDFUnmarshaller.setMapOfTask(aTaskListUnmarshaller.getMapOfTask()); aRDFUnmarshaller.setMapOfObserver(Framework.mapOfObserver); for (final File aFile : tFileRDF) { aRDFUnmarshaller.addURL(aFile.toURI().toURL()); } aRDFUnmarshaller.unmarshal(); Framework.mapOfTask = aTaskListUnmarshaller.getMapOfTask(); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { Framework.logger.error("MalformedURLException : " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final Exception e) { Framework.logger.error("Exception : " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); } // Retrieve output lang from PATH_TO_OUTPUT_TEMPLATES File[] listFD = (new File(Property.get("PATH_TO_TEMPLATES"))) .listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.getName().matches(".*\\.vm$"); } }); outputLang = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < listFD.length; i++) { outputLang.add((listFD[i].getName().split("_"))[0]); } Framework.logger.info("End of initialisation of UniCORN."); } } --- Parameters.java DELETED --- --- NEW FILE: UnicornCall.java --- // $Id: UnicornCall.java,v 2009/08/11 16:05:38 tgambet Exp $ // Author: Jean-Guilhem Rouel // (c) COPYRIGHT MIT, ERCIM and Keio, 2006. // Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html package org.w3c.unicorn; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.activation.MimeType; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.CallParameter; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.EnumInputMethod; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.InputMethod; import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.Observer; import org.w3c.unicorn.exceptions.EmptyDocumentException; import org.w3c.unicorn.exceptions.NoDocumentException; import org.w3c.unicorn.exceptions.NoMimeTypeException; import org.w3c.unicorn.input.InputFactory; import org.w3c.unicorn.request.Request; import org.w3c.unicorn.request.RequestList; import org.w3c.unicorn.response.Response; import org.w3c.unicorn.response.parser.ResponseParserFactory; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.Task; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.parameters.Mapping; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.parameters.Parameter; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.parameters.Value; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklisttree.EnumCondType; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklisttree.TLTCond; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklisttree.TLTExec; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklisttree.TLTIf; import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklisttree.TLTNode; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.Property; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.TemplateHelper; import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.jaxp.XPathFactoryImpl; /** * UnicornCall Created: Jun 29, 2006 2:44:12 PM * * @author Jean-Guilhem Rouel */ public class UnicornCall { /** * Log Object to perform powerful logs */ private static final Log logger = Framework.logger; // Request /** * The task to call */ private Task aTask = null; /** * Check Method : Upload, URI , Direct... */ private EnumInputMethod aEnumInputMethod = null; private Object oInputParameterValue = null; private String sDocumentName = null; private String sLang = null; private RequestList aRequestList = null; private Map<String, String[]> mapOfStringParameter = null; /** * Data Structure for the response */ private Map<String, Response> mapOfResponse; /** * Active threads number in doRequests() method */ private int nbActiveThreads; /** * Tells if all the checks passed */ private boolean bPassed; /** * Creates a new UnicornCall. */ public UnicornCall() { UnicornCall.logger.trace("Constructor()"); this.mapOfStringParameter = new LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>(); this.mapOfResponse = new LinkedHashMap<String, Response>(); this.nbActiveThreads = 0; } /** * Execute the task aTask * * @throws Exception */ public void doTask() throws Exception { UnicornCall.logger.trace("doTask."); if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("String task id : " + this.aTask.getID() + "."); UnicornCall.logger.debug("EnumInputMethod : " + this.aEnumInputMethod + "."); UnicornCall.logger.debug("Document name : " + this.sDocumentName + "."); UnicornCall.logger.debug("Map of string parameter : " + this.mapOfStringParameter + "."); } // find mimetype of the document MimeType aMimeType = this.getMimeType(); // Create input method final InputFactory aInputFactory = new InputFactory(aMimeType, this.aEnumInputMethod, this.oInputParameterValue); this.doNode(aInputFactory, this.aTask.getTree()); aInputFactory.dispose(); } /** * Main function called to do the recursion over the Task tree to launch the * requests * * @param aInputFactory * InputFactory used for the resquests * @param node * the current node that we're parsing in the Task tree * @throws Exception * raised from generateRequestList and doRequest */ private void doNode(InputFactory aInputFactory, TLTNode node) throws Exception { // Generate the list of request UnicornCall.logger.trace("doNode."); if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("InputFactory : " + aInputFactory + "."); UnicornCall.logger.debug("Current node : " + node + "."); } if (node != null) { this.aRequestList = this.generateRequestList(aInputFactory, this.mapOfStringParameter, node); if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("RequestList : " + this.aRequestList + "."); } // send requests to observer this.doRequests(); UnicornCall.logger.info("Check the condition of the Ifs"); // browse the conditions to do the connection for (TLTIf ifs : node.getIfList()) { if (this.checkCond(ifs)) { this.doNode(aInputFactory, ifs.getIfOk()); } else { this.doNode(aInputFactory, ifs.getIfNotOk()); } } } else { // Inform if the node is null if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("The node is null at this point."); } } } /** * Check the conditions of the if branch it makes a OR between all * conditions * * @param ifs * the if branch to check * @return whether or not the conditions are true * @throws Exception */ private boolean checkCond(TLTIf ifs) throws Exception { UnicornCall.logger.trace("checkCond."); if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("If node : " + ifs + "."); } boolean conditionOK = false; // boolean to manage the OR in the conditions, if the cond is false we // change the boolean to true , if not we don't care // that will simulate the OR for (TLTCond cond : ifs.getCondArray()) { if (this.checkCond(cond)) { conditionOK = true; } } return conditionOK; } /** * Creates the map of all the Observer to call in the current node * * @param node * the current node of the Task tree we are parsing */ private Map<String, Observer> createExecList(TLTNode node) { Map<String, Observer> mapOfCurrentNodeObserver = new LinkedHashMap<String, Observer>(); for (TLTExec exec : node.getExecutionList()) { mapOfCurrentNodeObserver.put(exec.getValue(), exec.getObserver()); } return mapOfCurrentNodeObserver; } /** * Adds 1 to active threads number */ public synchronized void incCounter() { this.nbActiveThreads++; } /** * Substracts 1 to active threads number */ public synchronized void decCounter() { this.nbActiveThreads--; } /** * Change the value the boolean bPassed * * @param b * new value */ public void setbPassed(boolean b) { this.bPassed = b; } /** * getter for bPassed * * @return the value of bPassed */ public boolean getBPassed() { return this.bPassed; } /** * Execute the request depending on the priority * * @param aTPriority * priority of the request * @throws IOException * Input/Output error */ private boolean doRequests() throws IOException { UnicornCall.logger.trace("doRequest"); bPassed = true; final Map<String, Request> requests = this.aRequestList.getRequestMap(); // Creation of the thread list ArrayList<Thread> threadsList = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (final String obsID : requests.keySet()) { // send request to observer if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("Request : " + requests.get(obsID).toString()); } threadsList.add(new RequestThread(mapOfResponse, requests .get(obsID), obsID, this)); } for (int i = 0; i < threadsList.size(); i++) { threadsList.get(i).start(); } for (int i = 0; i < threadsList.size(); i++) { try { threadsList.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return bPassed; } /** * Generate the list of the request for the call * * @param aInputFactory * Input factory for the parameter * @param mapOfArrayUseParameter * array of the parameter * @param node * the current node that we are parsing * @return the list of the request for the call * @throws Exception * error occured during the process */ private RequestList generateRequestList(final InputFactory aInputFactory, final Map<String, String[]> mapOfArrayUseParameter, TLTNode node) throws Exception { // Log information UnicornCall.logger.trace("generateRequestList"); if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("InputFactory : " + aInputFactory + "."); UnicornCall.logger.debug("Map of string parameter : " + mapOfArrayUseParameter + "."); } final MimeType aMimeType = aInputFactory.getMimeType(); final EnumInputMethod aEnumInputMethod = aInputFactory .getDefaultInputModule().getEnumInputMethod(); final RequestList aRequestList = new RequestList(this.sLang); // Iterate over all observation of this task to build a basic // request list with only the url of observator and input parameter // Il faut creer une list avec tous les exec et toutes les rencardeur de // ifs // Une liste d'Observer for (final Observer aObserver : this.createExecList(node).values()) { final String sObserverID = aObserver.getID(); // add only observer who handle the current mimetype if (!aObserver.canHandleMimeType(aMimeType)) { if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("Observer " + sObserverID + " does not handle mime type " + aMimeType.toString()); } continue; } // the best available observation method final InputMethod aInputMethod = aObserver .getBestInputMethod(aEnumInputMethod); // create a new request with input parameter final Request aRequest = Request.createRequest( // the corresponding best input module aInputFactory.getInputModule(aInputMethod.getMethod()), // URL of the service to call aInputMethod.getCallMethod().getURL().toString(), // Name of the parameter holding resource information // (uri,url,txt,text,file,...) aInputMethod.getCallParameter().getName(), // Has a file been uploaded? aInputMethod.getCallMethod().isPost(), // Response format aObserver.getResponseType()); // add this request to request list aRequestList.addRequest(aRequest, aObserver.getID()); // log debug information if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("Redirect request " + aRequest + " from " + aEnumInputMethod + " to " + aInputMethod.getMethod() + " added to request list."); } // Get value of ucn_lang parameter to associate it with parameter // lang of the observer (if it has one). // ucn_lang is defined in forms of index templates // (xx_index.html.vm) String[] valOfUcnLang = this.mapOfStringParameter.get(Property .get("UNICORN_PARAMETER_PREFIX") + "lang"); // Get name of the lang parameter (defined in RDF file) String observerParamLangName = aObserver.getParamLangName(); // If lang parameter exists, we add name and value in parameters of // the request. if (observerParamLangName != null && valOfUcnLang != null) { aRequest.addParameter(observerParamLangName, valOfUcnLang[0]); } // Add this request to request list aRequestList.addRequest(aRequest, aObserver.getID()); // Log debug information if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("Request " + aRequest + " added to request list."); } // Add fixed parameter for (final CallParameter aCallParameter : aObserver.getCallMethod( aInputMethod.getMethod()).getMapOfCallParameter().values()) { if (aCallParameter.isRequired() && aCallParameter.isFixed()) { aRequest.addParameter(aCallParameter.getName(), aCallParameter.getFixed()); } } } // foreach this.aTask.getMapOfObservation().values() // Iterate over all parameter of this task to add at the // request list the parameter input by the framework client for (final String sTaskParameterName : this.aTask.getMapOfParameter() .keySet()) { final Parameter aTaskParameter = this.aTask.getMapOfParameter() .get(sTaskParameterName); if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("Parameter : " + sTaskParameterName + "."); } // check if this parameter have a given value String[] tStringUseParameterValue = mapOfArrayUseParameter .get(sTaskParameterName); if (null == tStringUseParameterValue) { if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("No value input for parameter " + sTaskParameterName + "."); } // check if this parameter have a default value final Map<String, Value> mapOfDefaultValue = aTaskParameter .getMapOfDefaultValue(); if (null == mapOfDefaultValue || 0 == mapOfDefaultValue.size()) { UnicornCall.logger.warn("Parameter " + sTaskParameterName + " has no value intput and no default value."); continue; } tStringUseParameterValue = new String[mapOfDefaultValue .keySet().size()]; int i = 0; for (final String s : mapOfDefaultValue.keySet()) { tStringUseParameterValue[i++] = s; } } if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { for (final String sParameterValue : tStringUseParameterValue) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("Parameter Value : " + sParameterValue + "."); } } final Map<String, Value> mapOfValue = aTaskParameter .getMapOfValue(); // if there no value the parameter allow all string if (null == mapOfValue) { final Map<String, Value> mapOfDefaultValue = aTaskParameter .getMapOfDefaultValue(); // Parameter allow all string ! final Value aValue = mapOfDefaultValue.values().iterator() .next(); final Map<String, List<Mapping>> mapOfMapping = aValue .getMapOfMapping(); for (final String sObserverName : mapOfMapping.keySet()) { final Request aRequest = aRequestList .getRequest(sObserverName); for (final Mapping aMapping : mapOfMapping .get(sObserverName)) { final String sValue = aMapping.getValue(); // check if (null == sValue || "".equals(sValue)) { aRequest.addParameter(aMapping.getParam(), tStringUseParameterValue[0]); continue; } aRequest.addParameter(aMapping.getParam(), sValue); } } // foreach mapOfMapping.keySet() continue; } for (final String sUseParameterValue : tStringUseParameterValue) { final Value aValue = mapOfValue.get(sUseParameterValue); final Map<String, List<Mapping>> mapOfMapping = aValue .getMapOfMapping(); for (final String sObserverName : mapOfMapping.keySet()) { if (aRequestList.getRequest(sObserverName) != null) { final Request aRequest = aRequestList .getRequest(sObserverName); for (final Mapping aMapping : mapOfMapping .get(sObserverName)) { final String sValue = aMapping.getValue(); // check if (null == sValue || "".equals(sValue)) { aRequest.addParameter(aMapping.getParam(), sUseParameterValue); continue; } aRequest.addParameter(aMapping.getParam(), aMapping .getValue()); } } } // foreach mapOfMapping.keySet() } // foreach sArrayParameterValue } // foreach this.parameters.values() return aRequestList; } /** * Returns the responses of low priority observations. * * @return responses of low priority observations. */ public Map<String, Response> getResponses() { return this.mapOfResponse; } /** * Set the task to perform * * @param sTaskID * ID of the task to perform */ public void setTask(final String sTaskID) { if (null == sTaskID) { UnicornCall.logger.error("Call setTask with null argument."); return; } this.aTask = Framework.mapOfTask.get(sTaskID); if (null == this.aTask) { UnicornCall.logger.error("The task " + sTaskID + " does not exists."); } } /** * define the lang of the check * * @param sLang * defines the lang to configure */ public void setLang(final String sLang) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("setLang(" + sLang + ")"); this.sLang = sLang; } /** * Returns the document name * * @return Returns the documentName. */ public String getDocumentName() { return this.sDocumentName; } /** * Set the name of the document * * @param sDocumentName * The documentName to set. */ public void setDocumentName(final String sDocumentName) { this.sDocumentName = sDocumentName; } /** * Gives the list of the observations * * @return map of the observations of the check */ public Map<String, Response> getObservationList() { return mapOfResponse; } /** * @return Returns the mapOfStringParameter. */ public Map<String, String[]> getMapOfStringParameter() { return mapOfStringParameter; } /** * Enter a new parameter in the list * * @param sName * Name of the parameter * @param tStringValue * value of the parameter */ public void addParameter(final String sName, final String[] tStringValue) { final String[] tStringValueLocal = mapOfStringParameter.get(sName); if (tStringValueLocal != null) { int tValuesLength = tStringValueLocal.length; int newSize = tStringValue.length + tValuesLength; final String[] tStringValueNew = new String[newSize]; for (int i = 0; i < tStringValueLocal.length; i++) { tStringValueNew[i] = tStringValueLocal[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < tStringValue.length; i++) { tStringValueNew[tValuesLength + i] = tStringValue[i]; } this.mapOfStringParameter.put(sName, tStringValueNew); } else { this.mapOfStringParameter.put(sName, tStringValue); } } /** * Set the map of String Parameter * * @param mapOfStringParameter * The mapOfStringParameter to set. */ public void setMapOfStringParameter( final Map<String, String[]> mapOfStringParameter) { this.mapOfStringParameter = mapOfStringParameter; } /** * Returns the current task * * @return Returns the current task. */ public Task getTask() { return this.aTask; } /** * Set the aEnumInputMethod * * @param enumInputMethod * The aEnumInputMethod to set. */ public void setEnumInputMethod(final EnumInputMethod aEnumInputMethod) { this.aEnumInputMethod = aEnumInputMethod; } /** * Set the uploadedFile * * @param uploadedFile * The uploadedFile to set. */ public void setInputParameterValue(final Object oInputParameterValue) { this.oInputParameterValue = oInputParameterValue; } /** * Giving a TLTCond, checks in the map of response if the condition passes * or fails and consequently returns a boolean. * * @param cond * The condition to check * @return true if there is a matching response and if the condition passes * else false */ public boolean checkCond(TLTCond cond) throws Exception { UnicornCall.logger.trace("checkCond : "); UnicornCall.logger.trace(cond); UnicornCall.logger.trace("condId : " + cond.getId()); UnicornCall.logger.trace("condType : " + cond.getType()); UnicornCall.logger.trace("condValue : " + cond.getValue()); boolean passed = false; if (cond.getType().equals(EnumCondType.MIMETYPE)) { passed = cond.getValue().equals(getMimeType().toString()); } else if (cond.getType().equals(EnumCondType.XPATH)) { UnicornCall.logger.trace("condObserver : " + cond.getObserver().getID()); Response res = mapOfResponse.get(cond.getObserver().getID()); // Testing if there is a matching response in the map // and if it is passed if (res != null) { String xmlStr = res.getXml().toString(); DocumentBuilderFactory xmlFact = DocumentBuilderFactory .newInstance(); // namespace awareness is escaped since we don't use it // for the moment xmlFact.setNamespaceAware(false); DocumentBuilder builder = xmlFact.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream( xmlStr.getBytes())); String xpathStr = cond.getValue(); XPathFactory xpathFact = new XPathFactoryImpl(); XPath xpath = xpathFact.newXPath(); XPathExpression xpe = xpath.compile(xpathStr); passed = (Boolean) xpe.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); } } cond.setResult(passed); UnicornCall.logger.trace("cond result : " + passed); return passed; } /** * * @return The MimeType of the document * @throws Exception */ private MimeType getMimeType() throws Exception { UnicornCall.logger.trace("getMimeType"); MimeType aMimeType = null; String sMimeType; switch (this.aEnumInputMethod) { case URI: sMimeType = (new URL(this.sDocumentName)).openConnection() .getContentType(); if (null == sMimeType || "".equals(sMimeType)) { UnicornCall.logger.error("No specified mimetype for upload."); throw new NoMimeTypeException("Mimetype not found"); } if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger.debug("URI MimeType : " + sMimeType + "."); } sMimeType = sMimeType.split(";")[0]; aMimeType = new MimeType(sMimeType); break; case UPLOAD: FileItem f = (FileItem) this.oInputParameterValue; if (f.getName() == null || f.getName().equals("")) { UnicornCall.logger.error("No document provided."); throw new NoDocumentException("No document provided"); } if (f.getSize() == 0) { UnicornCall.logger.error("Empty document provided."); throw new EmptyDocumentException("Empty document provided"); } sMimeType = ((FileItem) this.oInputParameterValue).getContentType(); if (null == sMimeType || "".equals(sMimeType)) { UnicornCall.logger.error("No specified mimetype for upload."); throw new NoMimeTypeException("Mimetype not found"); } aMimeType = new MimeType(sMimeType); break; case DIRECT: sMimeType = this.mapOfStringParameter.get(Property .get("UNICORN_PARAMETER_PREFIX") + "mime")[0]; if (null == sMimeType || "".equals(sMimeType)) { UnicornCall.logger .error("No mimetype specified for direct input."); throw new NoMimeTypeException("Mimetype not found."); } aMimeType = new MimeType(sMimeType); break; } if (UnicornCall.logger.isDebugEnabled()) { UnicornCall.logger .debug("MimeType : " + aMimeType.toString() + "."); } return aMimeType; } } /** * Thread executing a request * * @author Damien Leroy * */ class RequestThread extends Thread { /** * Used for complex logging purpose */ private static final Log logger = Framework.logger; /** * Data Structure for the responses */ private Map<String, Response> mapOfResponse; /** * The request to make */ private Request aRequest; /** * ID of the Observer */ private String obsID; /** * The call to perform */ private UnicornCall unicornCall; /** * Initialize the thread by filling the properties * * @param mapOfResponse * the map of the responses * @param aRequest * the request to make * @param obsID * the ID of the observer * @param unicorn * the unicorn call to make */ public RequestThread(Map<String, Response> mapOfResponse, Request aRequest, String obsID, UnicornCall unicorn) { this.mapOfResponse = mapOfResponse; this.aRequest = aRequest; this.obsID = obsID; this.unicornCall = unicorn; } /** * Allow to launch the thread */ @Override public void run() { this.unicornCall.incCounter(); Response aResponse = null; try { // Uncomment/comment next lines to test io_error // throw new Exception("Message test de l'exception"); aResponse = this.aRequest.doRequest(); } catch (final Exception e) { RequestThread.logger.error("Exception : " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); try { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String lang = unicornCall.getMapOfStringParameter().get( Property.get("UNICORN_PARAMETER_PREFIX") + "lang")[0]; // generateFileFromTemplate generates the error xml file if it // doesn't exist already // String filePath = // TemplateHelper.generateFileFromTemplate("io_error", lang, // Property.get("PATH_TO_INDEX_OUTPUT"), "xml"); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("exception", e.getMessage()); Template temp = TemplateHelper.getInternationalizedTemplate( "io_error", lang, context); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os); temp.merge(context, osw); osw.close(); // InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new URL("file:" // + filePath).openConnection().getInputStream()); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray())); char[] chararray = new char[8192]; int readLength = 0; while ((readLength = isr.read(chararray, 0, 8192)) > -1) { builder.append(chararray, 0, readLength); } aResponse = ResponseParserFactory.parse(builder.toString(), this.aRequest.getResponseType()); aResponse.setXml(builder); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { RequestThread.logger .error("Exception : " + e1.getMessage(), e1); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { RequestThread.logger .error("Exception : " + e1.getMessage(), e1); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e1) { RequestThread.logger .error("Exception : " + e1.getMessage(), e1); e1.printStackTrace(); } } synchronized (mapOfResponse) { mapOfResponse.put(obsID, aResponse); } if (!aResponse.isPassed() && this.unicornCall.getBPassed()) { this.unicornCall.setbPassed(false); } this.unicornCall.decCounter(); } } Index: Init.java =================================================================== RCS file: /sources/public/2006/unicorn/src/org/w3c/unicorn/Attic/Init.java,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -u -d -r1.1.2.6 -r1.1.2.7 --- Init.java 7 Aug 2009 12:03:42 -0000 +++ Init.java 11 Aug 2009 16:05:38 -0000 @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ package org.w3c.unicorn; import java.io.File; +import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URI; -import java.util.List; +import java.net.URL; +import java.util.Properties; + import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; -import org.w3.unicorn.route.Route; -import org.w3c.unicorn.route.RouteParser; -import org.w3.unicorn.route.RoutesDocument; +import org.w3c.unicorn.contract.WADLUnmarshallerXPath; +import org.w3c.unicorn.index.IndexGenerator; +import org.w3c.unicorn.output.OutputFactory; +import org.w3c.unicorn.tasklist.RDFUnmarshallerJena; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.Property; import org.w3c.unicorn.util.UCNProperties; @@ -21,6 +25,7 @@ // Checks that unicorn.home (JVM parameter) is set to an existing directory String ucnHome = System.getProperty("unicorn.home"); + System.err.println(ucnHome); File ucnHomeFile = new File(ucnHome); if (ucnHome == null) { String error = "ERROR: \"unicorn.home\" is not set in the JVM parameters. Please read the README file before trying to install Unicorn"; @@ -35,7 +40,7 @@ System.out.println("OK - \"unicorn.home\" was found: " + unicornHome.getPath()); } - // Log4j initialisation attempt + // Log4j initialization attempt String log4jPath = unicornHome.getPath() + "/WEB-INF/conf/log4j.properties"; File log4jPropFile = new File(log4jPath); if (!log4jPropFile.exists()) { @@ -66,9 +71,10 @@ UCNProperties ucnProperties = new UCNProperties(); ucnProperties.put("UNICORN_HOME", unicornHome.getPath()); ucnProperties.load(unicornPropFile.toURI().toURL().openStream()); - Property.setUnicornProperties(ucnProperties); + Property.getUnicornPropertiesFiles().put("unicorn.properties", ucnProperties); + //Property.setUnicornProps(ucnProperties); logger.info("Unicorn properties file successfully loaded"); - logger.debug("Loaded properties: " + Property.getUnicornProperties()); + logger.debug("Loaded properties: " + ucnProperties); } // Checking Unicorn properties @@ -81,8 +87,87 @@ } } + // Loading config files + String[] propertyFiles = {"extensions.properties", "responseParsers.properties", "specialFormaters.properties", "velocity.properties"}; + for (String fileName : propertyFiles) { + logger.debug("Loading " + fileName); + String path = Property.get("PATH_TO_CONF_FILES") + fileName; + logger.debug(fileName + " path = " + path); + File file = new File(path); + if (!file.exists()) { + String error = "ERROR: \"" + fileName + "\" could not be found: " + path; + System.err.println(error); + logger.error(fileName + " file does not exists! Path is: " + path); + throw new Exception(error); + } else { + Properties properties = new Properties(); + properties.load(file.toURI().toURL().openStream()); + Property.getUnicornPropertiesFiles().put(fileName, properties); + logger.info(fileName + " file successfully loaded"); + logger.debug("Loaded properties: " + properties); + } + } + + /*logger.debug("Loading extensions.properties"); + String path = Property.get("PATH_TO_CONF_FILES") + "extensions.properties"; + logger.debug("extensions.properties file = " + path); + File file = new File(path); + if (!file.exists()) { + String error = "ERROR: \"extensions.properties\" could not be found: " + path; + System.err.println(error); + logger.error("extensions.properties file does not exists! Path is: " + path); + throw new Exception(error); + } else { + Properties properties = new Properties(); + properties.put("UNICORN_HOME", unicornHome.getPath()); + properties.load(unicornPropFile.toURI().toURL().openStream()); + Property.setUnicornProps(properties); + logger.info("Unicorn properties file successfully loaded"); + logger.debug("Loaded properties: " + Property.getUnicornProps()); + } + + URL aURLPropFile; + try { + if (System.getProperty("unicorn.conf") != null) { + aURLPropFile = new URL("file://" + + System.getProperty("unicorn.conf") + "/" + file); + } else { + aURLPropFile = new URL(Property.class.getResource("/"), + "org/w3c/unicorn/conf/" + file); + } + return aURLPropFile; + } catch (MalformedURLException e) { + Property.logger.error("Could not load property file :" + file + + "||" + e.getMessage(), e); + e.printStackTrace(); + return null; + }*/ + + WADLUnmarshallerXPath.init(); + RDFUnmarshallerJena.init(); + Framework.init(); + OutputFactory.init(); + + + IndexGenerator.init(); + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + // Initialising RouteParser - logger.debug("Initialising RouteParser"); + /*logger.debug("Initialising RouteParser"); File routesFile = new File(Property.get("PATH_TO_CONF_FILES", "ROUTE_XML")); if (!routesFile.exists()) { String error = "Route xml file could not be found: " + routesFile; @@ -120,7 +205,7 @@ throw new Exception(error); } else { logger.info("Unicorn routes successfully loaded"); - } + }*/ }
Received on Tuesday, 11 August 2009 16:08:53 UTC