validator/misc/testsuite catalog.xml,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/validator/misc/testsuite
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv1552

Added Files:
Log Message:
metadata for the Markup Validator Test Suite
(work in progress) imported from the previously hand-rolled

The metadata is using a simple (?) XML format:
* root element is testsuite
* testsuite element can have 0~n collection children 
  - collection elements should (for selection purposes) have an id attribute
  - collection elements should have a dc:title child element describing the collection
  - collection elements may have 0~n collection children (hence allowing nesting of test collections)
  - collection elements may have 0~n test children
    + test elements must have a uri child
    + test elements may have a dc:title child describing the test and/or an html:p longer description 
    + test elements should include expected results in an expect child

transition of the test suite metadata to this XML format is still work in progress

--- NEW FILE: catalog.xml ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<collection id="valid">
    <dc:title>Valid Documents</dc:title>

<collection id="doctypes">
    <dc:title>Document types support</dc:title>
        Below is a list of sample documents for a number of document types the validator is supposed to be supporting.
        The first validate link will attempt validation with the current instance, for test purposes. The v.w.o instance
        can be taken as reference/comparison.
      <html:p>HTML 2.0</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 2.0 Strict</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.0 Strict</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.0 Transitional</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.0 Frameset</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.01 Strict</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.01 Transitional -  (from the HTML 4.01 PR)</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.01 Transitional -  with iframe element 
          (test for <a href="">Bug 2329</a>)</html:p>
      <html:p>ISO-HTML (aka ISO/IEC 15445:2000)</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML 1.0 Strict</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML 1.0 Strict (from XHTML Spec)</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML Basic 1.0</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML Basic 1.1</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML MP 1.2</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML 1.1</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML/MathML2 (with FPI)</html:p>
      <html:p>MathML 2.0 (minimal test document)</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML 1.1 served as application/xhtml+xml</html:p>
      <html:p>SMIL 1.0 minimal document</html:p>
      <html:p>SMIL 2.0</html:p> 
      <html:p>SMIL 2.1</html:p> 
      <html:p>SMIL 2.1 Mobile</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML + MathML + SVG (from the 9 August 2002 WD)</html:p>
      <html:p>SVG 1.0 Rec. minimal document</html:p>
      <html:p>SVG 1.1 Rec. minimal document</html:p>
      <html:p>SVG Tiny 1.1</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML + RDFa</html:p>
<collection id="valid_notcat">
    <dc:title>Document types outside the main catalogue</dc:title>
        Below is a number of other types of documents that the validator does not have in its "hardcoded" catalogue, 
        but should support anyway. All these documents should validate, without "pretty print" for the document type
	  <html:p>HTML4.0 plus blink ("Custom" SGML DTD)</html:p>
      <html:p>RDDL (with FPI)</html:p>
      <html:p>RDDL (no FPI)</html:p>
      <html:p>MusicXML (also test for <a href="" title="Bug 5031 - Doctype detection fails if root element includes non &quot;word&quot; character">Bug 5031</a>)</html:p>
<collection id="valid_doctypeless">
    <dc:title>Valid Doctypeless Documents</dc:title>
  <html:p>Some document types (SVG) do not require the presence of the DOCTYPE declaration, although a DTD can be used to validate. The validator can however determine the version to validate against by preparsing the root element and the presence of version, baseProfile attributes.</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG 1.0, using a DOCTYPE</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG 1.0, but no declared DOCTYPE. Version attribute present for auto-detection</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG 1.1, using a DOCTYPE</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG 1.1, no declared DOCTYPE. Version attribute present for auto-detection.</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG Basic 1.1, using a DOCTYPE</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG Basic 1.1, no declared DOCTYPE. Version and baseProfile attributes present for auto-detection.</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG Tiny 1.1, using a DOCTYPE</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG Tiny 1.1, no declared DOCTYPE. Version and baseProfile attributes present for auto-detection.</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG 1.1, using a DOCTYPE. No version attribute (optional). Should use info given by doctype.</html:p>
      <html:p>Valid SVG 1.0, using a DOCTYPE. No version attribute (optional). Should use info given by doctype.</html:p>
      <html:p>SVG with neither DOCTYPE nor version attribute. The validator may use a default.</html:p>

<collection id="valid_warn">
    <dc:title>Valid Documents, with Warnings</dc:title>
    <html:p>Reference to a non-existing ID
    (opensp message type X, See <a href="">bug 2342</a>).</html:p>
     <html:p>Non-SGML Chars</html:p>
   <html:p>HTML 4.01 Document with Ampersand as data <br />
    (OK in SGML, not XML :see <a href="">Bug798: Ampersand as data in XHTML</a>)</html:p>
    <html:p>document served as <code>text/html</code>, using a custom DTD and for which parse mode is impossible to determine via generic heuristics (triggers warning W06)</html:p>
	<html:p>FPI/SI doctype declaration mismatch (system Id refers to a 404)</html:p>
	<html:p>FPI/SI doctype declaration mismatch (html 4 doc with system Id refers to xhtml)</html:p>
	<html:p>FPI/SI doctype declaration mismatch (system Id is OK but FPI has wrong case)</html:p>
	  <html:p>sample HTML 4 document using the (valid, but problematic) shorttags features</html:p>

<collection id="appc">
    <dc:title>Valid XHTML 1.0 documents not conforming to HTML compatibility Guidelines</dc:title>

<html:p>The XHTML 1.0 spec states: <q cite="">XHTML Documents which follow the guidelines set forth in Appendix C, "HTML Compatibility Guidelines" may be labeled with the Internet Media Type "text/html" [RFC2854], as they are compatible with most HTML browsers. </q>. It's really unclear as to whether this is a real conformance issue, but regardless there is demand for sending at least warnings when a text/html XHTML 1.0 document does not follow these guidelines.</html:p>

  <html:p>C1: XML Declaration</html:p>
  <html:p>C2: empty elements and minimized form</html:p>
  <html:p>C3: Element Minimization and Empty Element Content</html:p>

<collection id="wrong_mime">
  <dc:title>Valid Documents served with a wrong media type</dc:title>
    <html:p>HTML 4.01 Strict served with an XHTML mime type</html:p>
    <a href="REC-SVG-1_0-minimal.html">View</a> SVG 1.0 Rec. minimal document served as text/html</test>
    <html:p>XHTML-Print served as text/html</html:p>
      <html:p>MathML 2.0 as text/html </html:p> 

<collection id="valid_bugfix">
    <dc:title>Bug Regression Tests: Valid documents</dc:title>
        <html:p>XHTML+Math+SVG document with non-unix newlines,
   (See <a href="">Bug 3992: non-unix newlines confuse the parser</a>)</html:p>
        <html:p>XHTML with named entities on a line with colons and numbers, caused bogus error report in validator 0.8.0
   (See <a href="" title="Bug 4892 - parsing of XML WF-errors too loose, confuses content with error data">Bug 4892</a>)</html:p>

<collection id="invalid">
    <dc:title>Invalid Documents</dc:title>
<collection id="invalid_misc">
    <dc:title>Miscellaneous invalid docs</dc:title>
      <html:p>XHTML1, bogus element (foo element not in DTD)</html:p>
        <html:p>XHTML1, bogus attribute</html:p>
        <html:p>XHTML1, bogus element (uppercase A element not in DTD), tends to cascade errors about each attribute</html:p>
      <html:p>us-ascii xhtml document with a latin1 character</html:p> 
      <html:p>Invalid document (img without alt, invalid <a href="">per</a>). 
      <br />
      Also has non-sgml character (testing for warning output)</html:p>
      <html:p>invalid frames document (noframes in forbidden location). Also test for absence of newlines</html:p>
      <html:p>HTML 4.01 Strict -  with iframe element (test for <a href="">Bug 2329</a>)</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML1, blank first line (<a href="">should be marked as invalid</a>)</html:p>
      <html:p>Bug <a href="">798: Ampersand as data in XHTML</a> (OK in SGML, not XML)</html:p>
      <a href="bogus-xmlpi.xhtml">view</a>
      <html:p>XHTML with bogus XML Decl, served as application/xhtml+xml (missing final "?")</html:p>
    <test><a href="bogus-xmlpi.html">view</a>
      	<html:p>XHTML with bogus XML Decl, served as text/html (missing final "?")</html:p>
      <a href="bogus-fpi.html">view</a>
      <html:p>bogus FPI #1: lowercase "doctype".</html:p>
      <html:p>SMIL 2.0 with bogus xmlns and missing space between attributes</html:p>
      <html:p>SMIL 2.0 with bogus xmlns, xml ill-formedness and bogus elements (used to test sorting of errors)</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML 1.0 missing space between attributes (<a href="" title="Bug 2689 - documents with no whitespace between attributes validate">Bug 2689</a>)</html:p>
<collection id="invalid_nodoctype">
    <dc:title>Missing Doctype</dc:title>
<html:p>See also <a href="well-formed">Docs that should be Well Formed</a> for examples of doctype-less but well-formed XML documents.</html:p>

    <html:p>XHTML, no DOCTYPE, no xmlns (thus invalid)</html:p>
    <html:p>XML, no DOCTYPE, not well-formed (marked as "invalid XML" - FIXME should be reworded)</html:p>
    <html:p>SGML-ish document without html root. Served as text/html. No DOCTYPE. Correct SGML syntax. Would pass as well-formed XML if it were XML...</html:p>
    <html:p>SGML-ish document without html root. Served as text/html. No DOCTYPE. Bogus SGML syntax.</html:p>
<collection id="nonconform">
    <dc:title>DTD-Valid but not conformant</dc:title>
    <html:p>For those, we will need to change the message, or hordes of SGML zombies will come down upon us ;)...</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML 1.0 Strict missing xmlns attribute (valid)</html:p>

<collection id="invalid_bug">
    <dc:title>Documents that are invalid, which the validator passes as OK</dc:title>
        	<test><a href="../../check?uri=;ss">bogus FPI #2: HTML 4.01 "Strict"</a></test>
        	<test><a href="../../check?uri=;ss">bogus FPI #3: XHTML 1.1 "Strict"</a></test>

<collection id="well-formed">
    <dc:title>Docs that should be Well Formed</dc:title>
    <html:p>well formed but no doctype. The validator could mark them as well formed, but not mention validity?</html:p>
      <html:p>Basic XML document, well formed. No doctype. Currently checked only for xmlwf. Passes.</html:p>
       <html:p>XML output from OpenOffice 5.2
       ("Build/Tag number OpenOffice605"), many namespaces. Currently checked only for xmlwf. Passes.</html:p>
      <html:p>Very minimal SVG document, no document type. Currently checked only for xmlwf. Passes.</html:p>
      <html:p>XHTML document without doctype, served as XML. Fallback to XHTML 1.0, and invalid.</html:p>
<collection id="encodings">
    <dc:title>Various Encodings</dc:title>  
	    <html:p>iso-2022-jp encoded document</html:p>
	    <html:p>windows-1250 encoded document (Slovenian)</html:p>
	    <html:p>utf-8 encoded document</html:p>
	    <html:p>XML file with a "Plane 20" character (bogus).</html:p>
        <html:p>Charset mismatch: HTTP Content-Type and XML Declaration (sends warning, proceed with HTTP and pass)</html:p>
        <html:p>Charset mismatch: HTTP Content-Type and meta http-equiv (sends warning, proceed with HTTP and pass)</html:p>
    	<html:p>iso-8859-1 HTML document with charset declared in meta,
        (test for <a href="">Bug 4520</a> - charset override)</html:p>
    	<html:p>iso-8859-1 HTML document with charset not declared in meta (nor in HTTP),
        (test for <a href="">Bug 4520</a> - charset override)</html:p>
    	<html:p><a href="">Bug 4917</a></html:p>

<collection id="errors">
    <dc:title>Error conditions &amp; strange cases</dc:title>
      <html:p>This should be split in UI testing and regression tests</html:p>

<html:p>The following documents trip up the parser pretty badly - finds errors way beyond the last line</html:p>      

    RDDL (with FPI, served as text/html - example of a custom XML language wrongly served as text/html)
        <test><a href="../../check?uri=">image/svg</a> (is this a bug? I think this media type is not allowed any more)</test>
	    dereference relative URIs for DTDs </test>

<collection id="output_test">
    <dc:title>Test for specific output</dc:title>
<collection id="output_preparse">
    <dc:title>Output of preparse warnings</dc:title>
      text/xml, no charset (W01)
      text/html, no charset, fbc set (W02)
      charset override (W03)
      text/html, no charset, override set (W04)
      text/html, no charset (W04)
    XHTML, no DOCTYPE, override ON.  (W05).
	  HTML4.0 plus blink ("Custom" SGML DTD), parse mode fallback to SGML (W06)
    HTML 4.01 Strict served with an XHTML mime type. Parse mode conflict (W07) 
  <test>W08 is obsolete</test>
    XHTML, no DOCTYPE, no xmlns (thus invalid).  (W09).
    SGML-ish document with root element != html. Served as text/html. No DOCTYPE. (W09nohtml)
    XML, no DOCTYPE, not well-formed (W09xml)
  <test>W10 needs test case</test>
      XHTML with doctype override to HTML401. namespace will trigger (W11) 
    HTML 4.01 with xmlns attribute on root element. 
    Should trigger a validation error (it does)
    and preparse warning W11 (it doesn't!)
      HTML 4.01 Strict, validated with HTML 4.01 Transitional override (W13)
	<test>w14 needs a test case</test>
      No doctype, override given, fallback fbd is off (W15)
      No doctype, fallback given (W16)
  <test>W17 needs a test case. is it a DUP of W04 now?</test>
      charset mismatch HTTP / XML decl (W18)
      charset mismatch HTTP / Meta (W19)
	<test>W20 needs a test case. probably rare.</test>
      UTF-8 document, with BOM (W21)
	<test>W22 (bad encoding alias) needs test case</test>

      MathML 2.0 as text/html (W23)
      supported, but rare, charset (W24)
    SVG with neither DOCTYPE nor version attribute (OK in SVG). (W25)

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 20:38:26 UTC