
Update of /sources/public/validator/misc/testsuite/lib
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Test Suite python classes for markup validation. 
This code is an evolution from earlier work on the Link Test Suite ( )
with a number of small differences:
* instead of a nested directory structure, the test suite is described in a single XML file
* comparison of results and expected results are more flexible, e.g it is possible to specify
  "results should have some warning(s)" rather than "results should have 12 warnings exactly"

--- NEW FILE: ---
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Simple client lib to interact with the W3C Link Checker

Created by olivier Thereaux on 2008-01-22.
Copyright (c) 2008 W3C. Licensed under the W3C Software License

import sys
import os
import re
import unittest
from random import choice
from ValidatorsAPIs import W3CValidatorHTTP
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

class ValidatorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Atomic Test Case for validator test suite"""
    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, docURI=None, expectResults=None, checker=None):
        if docURI:
            self.docURI = docURI
            self.docURI = ""
        if description:
            self.description = description
            self.description = u""
        if title:
            self.title = title
            self.title = self.description
        if isinstance(expectResults, dict):
            self.expectResults = expectResults
            self.expectResults = dict()
        if checker != None:
            self.checker = checker
            self.checker = W3CValidatorHTTP()
        self._testMethodName= "run_testcase"

    def shortDescription(self):
        return self.title

    def run_testcase(self):
        """Run a validator test case
        We first remove irrelevant result keys in the validation results,
        and compare that to the expected results
        results = self.checker.parse_response(self.checker.call_check(self.docURI))
        results_filtered = dict()
        for result_key in self.expectResults.iterkeys():
            if results.has_key(result_key):
                # this is an interesting hack to state that we expect 
                #   at least some number of errors (or warnings) but don't specify how many
                if self.expectResults[result_key] == "yes" and int(results[result_key]) > 0:
                    results[result_key] = "yes"
                results_filtered[result_key] = results[result_key]
        self.assertEqual(results_filtered, self.expectResults)

class ValidatorTestSuite():
    """A Validator test suite is a flattened tree of test collections and test cases"""
    def __init__(self, checker=None):
        if checker == None:
            self.checker = None # leave undefined
            self.checker = checker
        self.collections= list()

    def randomId(self):
        return a randomized identifier for test collections or cases that do not have one
        Kudos to
        return ''.join([choice('bcdfghklmnprstvw')+choice('aeiou') for i in range(4)])

    def readTestSuiteFile(self, test_file):
        test_file_handle = open(test_file, 'r')
            tree = ET.parse(test_file_handle)
            ts_node = tree.getroot()
        except SyntaxError, v:
            raise v
        return ts_node

    def readTestCollection(self, collection_node):
        """read a test collection from a given ElementTree collection node
        The collection can have test cases as children (which will be read and returned)"""
        testcollection = ValidatorTestCollection()
        if collection_node.attrib.has_key("id"):
            testcollection.collection_id = collection_node.attrib["id"]
            testcollection.collection_id = self.randomId()
        for child_node in collection_node.getchildren():
            if child_node.tag == "{}title":
                testcollection.title = child_node.text
            if child_node.tag == "test":
                    testcase = self.readTestCase(child_node)
                    testcase = None
                if testcase != None:
        if collection_node.tag == "collection":
        for child_node in collection_node.getchildren():
            if child_node.tag == "collection":

    def readTestCase(self, testcase_node):
        """read metadata for a test case from an elementTree testcase node"""
        title = ""
        descr = ""
        descr = testcase_node.findtext(".//{}p")
        test_uri = ""
        test_uri = testcase_node.findtext(".//uri")
        expect_elt = testcase_node.find(".//expect")
        expected = dict()
        for child_expect in expect_elt.getchildren():
            expected[child_expect.tag] = child_expect.text
        case = ValidatorTestCase(title=title, description=descr, docURI=test_uri, expectResults=expected, checker=self.checker)
        return case

class ValidatorTestCollection(unittest.TestSuite):
    """subclassing the TestSuite from the unittest framework to add identifier and title"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(ValidatorTestCollection, self).__init__()
        self.collection_id = None
        self.title = None

class ValidatorTestCase_UT(unittest.TestCase):
    """Sanity Check for ValidatorTestCase classe"""
    def test_init_default(self):
        """Test initialization of a default ValidatorTestCase Object"""
        default_tc = ValidatorTestCase()
            [default_tc.title, default_tc.description, default_tc.docURI, default_tc.expectResults],
            [u'', u'', '', dict()]

class ValidatorTestSuite_UT(unittest.TestCase):
    """Sanity Check for ValidatorTestSuite classe"""
    def getSamplefile(self, filename):
        libdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        sampledir = os.path.join(os.path.split(libdir)[0], "samples")
        samplefile = os.path.join(sampledir, filename)
        return samplefile
    def test_init_default(self):
        """Test initialization of a default ValidatorTestSuite Object"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
    def test_readTestSuiteFile(self):
        """Test reading a sample Test Suite file"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("testsuite.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(node.tag, "testsuite")
    def test_readTestCollection(self):
        """Test reading a sample test collection from a parsed test suite file"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("collection.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(len(default_ts.collections), 1)

    def test_readTestCollection_2(self):
        """Test parsing a sample test collection for its id and title"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("collection.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
            [default_ts.collections[0].collection_id, default_ts.collections[0].title], 
            ["valid", "Valid Documents"])
    def test_readTestCase(self):
        """Test reading a test case from a parsed test suite file"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("testcase.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(default_ts.collections[0].countTestCases(), 1)

    def test_readTestCase_2(self):
        """Test reading a test case and check URI"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("testcase.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(default_ts.collections[0]._tests[0].docURI, "")

    def test_readTestCase_3(self):
        """Test reading a test case and check description"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("testcase.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(default_ts.collections[0]._tests[0].description, "HTML 2.0")

    def test_readTestCase_4(self):
        """Test reading a test case and check description"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("testcase.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(default_ts.collections[0]._tests[0].shortDescription(), "HTML 2.0")
    def test_readTestCollection_recursive(self):
        """Test reading a sample test file with nested test collections - and count them"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("collection_nested.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals(len(default_ts.collections), 2)

    def test_readTestCollection_recursive(self):
        """Test reading a sample test file with nested test collections - and check their order and title"""
        default_ts = ValidatorTestSuite()
        samplefile = self.getSamplefile("collection_nested.xml")
        node = default_ts.readTestSuiteFile(samplefile)
        self.assertEquals([default_ts.collections[0].title, default_ts.collections[1].title], 
        ["Valid Documents", "Very Valid Documents"] )

if __name__ == '__main__':

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 20:26:47 UTC