[Bug 199] Validator "API" Needs Sample Code.


------- Comment #7 from brett.bieber@gmail.com  2007-06-11 15:51 -------
(In reply to comment #4)
> There's not a single line of code in the API docs referenced. -> Reopening.

If code is provided to interact with the API, the W3 would need to maintain
their own library to interact with the API. I think this is unnecessary at the
moment and we should just link to API libraries which have code samples and
documentation. I feel that the W3 has fulfilled enough of an obligation by
providing the SOAP output without causing additional coding support.

The other alternative is to make an official API library supported by the W3,
but this would add non-core burden on the validator team (there are already
libraries which are in the wild and supported externally).

A library which does have documentation and code samples is available at
pear.php.net which could be link in the libraries references which may fulfill
some of this bug.

Link to library homepage:

API and methods available for the library:

API interaction example:

Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 15:51:04 UTC