Re: validator/httpd/conf httpd.conf,1.34,1.35

Hi Olivier!

Am 25.07.2007 um 03:11 schrieb olivier Thereaux:

> Hello Sierk, Ville,
> On Jul 25, 2007, at 00:59 , Ville Skyttä wrote:
>> On Tuesday 24 July 2007, Sierk Bornemann wrote:
>>> If adding the outdated MIME type text/javascript and the proprietary
>>> MIME type application/x-javascript
>>> why not also adding the new recommended and to-be-preferred MIME
>>> types for JavaScript, application/javascript and that one for
>>> ECMAScript, application/ecmascript as stated in RFC 4329 "Scripting
>>> Media Types" on
>>> So add also:
>>> + ExpiresByType application/javascript A2592000
>>> + ExpiresByType application/ecmascript A2592000
>>>>  </IfModule>
> Absolutely, I forgot these. Adding them now.

Don't forget to add these types also to mime.types, as Ville  
suggested (and I forgot to mention); better take a most recent  
version of mime.types -- the current one seems to be a little bit of  
outdated, and then add the new mimetypes for javascript and ecmascript.

>> But more importantly, shouldn't these ExpiresByType directives be  
>> set only
>> within <Directory /usr/local/validator/htdocs/>?  Otherwise I  
>> suppose they'd
>> affect the whole server/virtual host/similar.
> Yes, you're right. I guess I was subconsciously hoping everyone  
> would use mod_expires for all their sites ;).

Not everyone follows this hope. Life is sometimes a little more  
tricky than a developer dreams of... ;-)

> It would be nice if all the validator config could be in a  
> <VirtualHost> (As Sierk also suggested), but unfortunately not  
> everyone uses the validator that way, so...

I didn't suggest to use the validator that way primary, I suggested  
to provide a VirtualHost configuration, based on the normal httpd  
configuration to give the user/developer/admin the possibility to  
choose, which of both does fir better to his needs.
I would find it useful, if both configuration files (I did sent you a  
modified one for VirtualHost) would be part of the validator's source  
(Tarball), so that any user/developer/admin who installs the  
validator locally, can choose one of them and isn't forced to write  
one new by himself, if needed.

> Sending a commit with the amended httpd.conf now.

I would also recommend to wrap the <Proxy *> directive with an  
<IfModule ...>, because mod_proxy might not be enabled per default on  
every apache installation:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
     <Proxy *>
         Order Deny,Allow
         Allow from all


Sierk Bornemann

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2007 02:34:47 UTC