
Update of /sources/public/perl/modules/W3C/XHTML/HTMLCompatChecker/bin
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv32224

Modified Files: 
Log Message:
Moving the ugly inline code to HTML::Template-ing.

RCS file: /sources/public/perl/modules/W3C/XHTML/HTMLCompatChecker/bin/,v
retrieving revision 1.32
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -d -r1.32 -r1.33
---	7 Sep 2006 23:45:59 -0000	1.32
+++	8 Sep 2006 05:33:19 -0000	1.33
@@ -9,11 +9,16 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use XML::Parser;
-use CGI qw(hr img dt dd start_dl input submit p strong escapeHTML
-           a start_form start_html header param h1 start_div :standard);
+use CGI qw(param);
 require LWP::UserAgent;
 use URI;
 use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
+use HTML::Template       2.6  qw();
+# Define global constants
+use constant TRUE  => 1;
+use constant FALSE => 0;
 use constant APPC_FOUND_XML_DECL =>  1; #
 use constant APPC_FOUND_XML_PI   =>  2; #
@@ -121,10 +126,6 @@
     #print p($ct);
     if ($ct ne "text/html") {
             $IS_RELEVANT_CT = 0;
-            my $incorrect_ct_msg = join(' ', "This document is served with the Content-Type", 
-            $ct, 
-            "which is different from \"text/html\". HTML compatibility guidelines checking does not apply.");
-            push @MESSAGES, {severity => "Info", line => 0, column => 0, cnum => -1, message_text => $incorrect_ct_msg};
@@ -247,234 +248,70 @@
     my $doctypeint = shift;
     if (defined $doctypename) {
             $IS_RELEVANT_DOC = 0 if ($doctypename ne "html");
-    #        print p($doctypename);
-    #        print p($IS_RELEVANT_DOC);
     if(defined $doctypesys) {
             $_ = $doctypesys;
             $IS_RELEVANT_DOC = 0 if (not /http:\/\/\/TR\/xhtml1\/DTD\/xhtml1-(strict|transitional|frameset).dtd/);
-    #        print p($doctypesys);
-    #        print p($IS_RELEVANT_DOC);
     if (defined $doctypepub) {
             $_ = $doctypepub;
             $IS_RELEVANT_DOC = 0 if (not /-\/\/W3C\/\/DTD XHTML 1.0 (Strict|Transitional|Frameset)\/\/EN/);
-    #        print p($doctypepub);
-    #        print p($IS_RELEVANT_DOC);
     if (defined $doctypeint) # there should be no internal subset
            $IS_RELEVANT_DOC = 0 if (length  $doctypeint);
     $IS_RELEVANT_DOC = 0 if ((not defined $doctypesys) and (not defined $doctypepub)); # should not happen with XHTML 1.0
-    #print p($IS_RELEVANT_DOC);
-    my $bad_doc_msg = "Your document appears to not be XHTML 1.0. HTML compatibility guidelines checking does not apply.";
-    push @MESSAGES, {severity => "Info", line => 0, column => 0, cnum => -1, message_text => $bad_doc_msg} if (not $IS_RELEVANT_DOC);
 ## Output routines ########################################################
-sub output_start
-	my $output = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html")
-	{
-		&output_start_html;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		&output_start_xml;
-	}
-sub output_start_html
-	print header,
-	      start_html(-style=>{-src=>''},
-	                 -title=>"Experimental XHTML 1.0 Appendix C checker"),
-	      div({-id=>"banner"},
-	             h1( {-id=> "title"},
-	                 a({-href=>''},
-	                 img{-src=>'', -alt=>'W3C'}),
-	                 "XHTML 1.0 Appendix C checker"
-	                ),
-	        ),
-	      p({-id=>"tagline"}, "Checks XHTML 1.0 documents against HTML compatibility guidelines"),
-	      start_form("GET"),
-	      start_div;
-sub output_start_xml
-	#print header(-type  =>  'application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8');
-	print header(-type  =>  'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
-	print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
-sub output_messages
-	my $output = shift;
-	my $uri = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html")
-	{
-		&output_messages_html;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		&output_messages_xml($uri);
-	}
-sub output_messages_html
-	print start_dl;
-	for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @MESSAGES; $i++)
-	{
-                if ($MESSAGES[$i]{'cnum'} != -1) 
-                {
-		        print dt(strong($MESSAGES[$i]{'severity'}), "Line", $MESSAGES[$i]{'line'}, "column", $MESSAGES[$i]{'column'}),
-		        dd(a({-href=>'' . $MESSAGES[$i]{'cnum'}}, escapeHTML($MESSAGES[$i]{'message_text'})));
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		        print dt(strong($MESSAGES[$i]{'severity'})),
-		        dd(escapeHTML($MESSAGES[$i]{'message_text'}));
-		}
-	}
-	print end_dl;
-sub output_messages_xml
-	my $uri = shift;
-	for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @MESSAGES; $i++)
-	{
-		if ($MESSAGES[$i]{'severity'} eq "Error") {
-			push @ERRORS, $MESSAGES[$i];
-		}
-		elsif ($MESSAGES[$i]{'severity'} eq "Warning")
-		{
-			push @WARNINGS, $MESSAGES[$i];
-		}
-		else # info
-		{
-			push @INFO, $MESSAGES[$i];
-		}
-	}
-	print '<observationresponse xmlns=""
-	  xmlns:xsi=""
-	  xsi:schemaLocation="">', "\n",
-	'<uri>', $uri,'</uri>', "\n";
-	if (@ERRORS){
-		print '<passed>false</passed><result>';
-		print '<errors><errorcount>', scalar @ERRORS, '</errorcount><errorlist>';
-		print '<uri>', $uri, '</uri>';
-		for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @ERRORS; $i++)
-		{
-			print '<error><line>', $ERRORS[$i]{'line'}, '</line>', 
-			'<column>', $ERRORS[$i]{'column'}, '</column>',
-			'<message>', 
-			escapeHTML($ERRORS[$i]{'message_text'}), 
-			' see ', '' . $ERRORS[$i]{'cnum'}, 
-			'</message></error>';
-		}
-		print '</errorlist></errors>';
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		print '<passed>true</passed><result>';
-	}
-	if (@WARNINGS){
-		print '<warnings><warningcount>', scalar @WARNINGS, '</warningcount><warninglist>';
-		print '<uri>', $uri, '</uri>';
-		for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @WARNINGS; $i++)
-		{
-			print '<warning><line>', $WARNINGS[$i]{'line'}, '</line>', 
-			'<column>', $WARNINGS[$i]{'column'}, '</column>',
-			'<message>', 
-			escapeHTML($WARNINGS[$i]{'message_text'}), 
-			' see ', '' . $WARNINGS[$i]{'cnum'}, 
-			'</message></warning>';
-		}
-		print '</warninglist></warnings>';
-	}
-	if (@INFO){
-		print '<informations><infocount>', scalar @INFO, '</infocount><infolist>';
-		print '<uri>', $uri, '</uri>';
-		for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @INFO; $i++)
-		{
-			print '<info><line>', $INFO[$i]{'line'}, '</line>', 
-			'<column>', $INFO[$i]{'column'}, '</column>',
-			'<message>', 
-			escapeHTML($INFO[$i]{'message_text'});
-                    if ($INFO[$i]{'cnum'} != -1) { # ignoring the "your document is irrelevant" message in xml format
-			    print ' see ', '' . $INFO[$i]{'cnum'}, 
-			    '</message></info>';
-			} 
-		}
-		print '</infolist></informations>';
-	}
-	print '</result></observationresponse>';
+sub prep_output {
+    my $output_param = shift;
+    my $html_output_template_text = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
+<!DOCTYPE html
+	PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+	 "">
+<html xmlns="" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
+<title>Experimental XHTML 1.0 Appendix C checker</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
+<div id="banner"><h1 id="title"><a href=""><img src="" alt="W3C" /></a> XHTML 1.0 Appendix C checker</h1></div>
+<p id="tagline">Checks XHTML 1.0 documents against HTML compatibility guidelines</p>
-sub output_NoError
-	my $output = shift;
-	my $uri = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html")
-	{
-		&output_NoError_html;
-	}
+<form method="get" action="/appc/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+<div><input name="uri" size="60" <TMPL_IF NAME="uri">value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="uri" ESCAPE="HTML">"</TMPL_IF> /><input type="submit" value="Check" />
+<TMPL_LOOP NAME="message_loop">
+    <dt><strong><TMPL_VAR NAME="severity" ESCAPE="HTML"></strong> Line <TMPL_VAR NAME="line" ESCAPE="HTML"> column <TMPL_VAR NAME="column" ESCAPE="HTML"></dt>
+    <dd><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cnum" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="message_text" ESCAPE="HTML"></a></dd>
-sub output_NoError_html
-	print p("Cool, no errors found");    
-sub output_fault{
-	my $output = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html")
-	{
-		&output_fault_html;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		&output_fault_xml;
-	}
+<TMPL_UNLESS NAME="uri"><p>Enter the URI of an XHTML 1.0 document which you would like to check against the 
+<a href="">HTML Compatibility Guidelines</a> .</p></TMPL_UNLESS>
-sub output_fault_html
-	print p("Oops.");
+<p>The document appears to not be well-formed XML. Either it is not XHTML (e.g HTML up to version 4.01) or it has XML well-formedness errors. 
+HTML Compatibility guidelines checking does not apply.
+<TMPL_UNLESS NAME="is_relevant_ct">
+<TMPL_UNLESS NAME="is_relevant_doctype">
-sub output_fault_xml
-	print '<env:Fault><env:Reason><env:Text xml:lang="en-US">oops</env:Text></env:Reason></env:Fault>';
-sub output_end
-	my $output = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html")
-	{
-		&output_end_html;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		&output_end_xml;
-	}
-sub output_end_html
-	print end_div, end_form,
-	   '
 	   <ul class="navbar"  id="menu">
                 <li><a href="" title="About this service">About</a> <span class="hideme">|</span></li>
@@ -483,6 +320,7 @@
               <a href="" title="W3C\'s Quality Assurance Activity, bringing you free Web quality tools and more"><img src="" alt="QA" /></a>
            <p id="support_logo">
         Support this tool, become a<br />
         <a href=""><img src="" alt="W3C Supporter" /></a>
@@ -504,69 +342,104 @@
               with our <a href="">public</a> and
               <a href="">Member</a> privacy
-            </p>',	
-	end_html;
+            </p>
-sub output_end_xml
+    my $html_output = HTML::Template->new_scalar_ref(\$html_output_template_text, 
+        die_on_bad_params => FALSE,
+        loop_context_vars => TRUE,
+        );
-sub output_noinput {
-	my $output = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html") {
-		&output_formEmpty_html;
-	}
+    my $xml_output_template_text = 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
-sub output_formEmpty_html
-    print input({-name=>"uri", -size=>60}),input({-type=>'submit', -value=>"Check"});
-    print p("Enter the URI of an XHTML 1.0 document which you would like to check against the ", a({-href=>""}, "HTML Compatibility Guidelines"), ".")
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><observationresponse xmlns=""
+	  xmlns:xsi=""
+	  xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+<passed><TMPL_IF NAME="passed">true<TMPL_ELSE>false</TMPL_IF></passed>
+  <errorcount><TMPL_VAR NAME="error_count" ESCAPE="HTML"></errorcount>
+  <errorlist>
+      <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+      <TMPL_LOOP NAME="error_loop">
+      <error>
+              <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line" ESCAPE="HTML"></line>
+              <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="column" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
+              <message><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cnum" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="message_text" ESCAPE="HTML"></a></message>
+      </error>
+      </TMPL_LOOP>
+      <TMPL_UNLESS NAME="is_wf">
+      <error>
+              <message>The document appears to not be well-formed XML. Either it is not XHTML (e.g HTML up to version 4.01) or it has XML well-formedness errors. 
+              HTML Compatibility guidelines checking does not apply.</message>
+      </error>
+      </TMPL_UNLESS>
+  </errorlist>
+  <warningcount><TMPL_VAR NAME="warning_count" ESCAPE="HTML"></warningcount>
+  <warninglist>
+      <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+      <TMPL_LOOP NAME="warning_loop">
+      <warning>
+              <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line" ESCAPE="HTML"></line>
+              <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="column" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
+              <message><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cnum" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="message_text" ESCAPE="HTML"></a></message>
+      </warning>
+      </TMPL_LOOP>
+  </warninglist>
+  <infocount><TMPL_VAR NAME="info_count" ESCAPE="HTML"></infocount>
+  <infolist>
+      <uri><TMPL_VAR NAME="uri" ESCAPE="HTML"></uri>
+      <TMPL_LOOP NAME="info_loop">
+      <info>
+              <line><TMPL_VAR NAME="line" ESCAPE="HTML"></line>
+              <column><TMPL_VAR NAME="column" ESCAPE="HTML"></column>
+              <message><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="cnum" ESCAPE="HTML">"><TMPL_VAR NAME="message_text" ESCAPE="HTML"></a></message>
+      </info>
+      </TMPL_LOOP>
+  </infolist>
-sub output_formFilled_html
-	my $uri = shift;
-	print input({-value=>$uri, -name=>"uri", -size=>60}),input({-type=>'submit', -value=>"Check"});
+    my $xml_output = HTML::Template->new_scalar_ref(\$xml_output_template_text, 
+        die_on_bad_params => FALSE,
+        loop_context_vars => TRUE,
+        );
-sub output_NotWellFormed 
-        my $output = shift;
-	if ($output eq "html")
-	{
-	        print p("The document appears to not be well-formed XML. Either it is not XHTML (e.g HTML up to version 4.01) or it has XML well-formedness errors. HTML Compatibility guidelines checking does not apply.");
-        }
-	else
-	{
-                # TODO add an ERROR message about non-wellformedness
-	}
+    if ($output_param eq "html") {
+        return $html_output;
+    }
+    else {
+        return $xml_output;
+    }
 ## Main ###################################################################
 my $uri = param('uri'); # "";
-my $output = "html";
+my $output_param = "html";
 if (defined param('output'))
-	$output = param('output');
-	if ($output ne "html" and $output ne "xml") {
-		$output = "html";
+	$output_param = param('output');
+	if ($output_param ne "html" and $output_param ne "xml") {
+		$output_param = "html";
+my $output = &prep_output($output_param);
 if (defined $uri and length $uri and URI->new($uri)->scheme eq "http")
-	if ($output eq "html") 
-	{
-		&output_formFilled_html($uri);
-	}
+     $output->param(uri => $uri);
      my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
      my $response = $ua->get($uri);
      my $xml = undef;
@@ -585,25 +458,16 @@
         $p->setHandlers(Doctype => \&_doctype);
         eval { $p->parsestring($xml); };
-        if (not $IS_RELEVANT_CT) #content type no good
-        {
-	    @MESSAGES = () if ($output eq "xml");
-             &output_messages($output, $uri);
-	     print "<!-- not relevant CT -->\n";
-             @MESSAGES = (); #reset
-        }
-        elsif (not $IS_RELEVANT_DOC) # wrong doctype, 
-        {
-	    @MESSAGES = () if ($output eq "xml");
-               &output_messages($output, $uri);
-               @MESSAGES = (); #reset
-        }
-        elsif ($@) # not well-formed
+        $output->param(is_relevant_ct => $IS_RELEVANT_CT);
+        $output->param(is_relevant_doctype => $IS_RELEVANT_DOC);
+        if ($@) # not well-formed
-                &output_NotWellFormed($output, $uri);
                 $IS_WF = 0;
+                $output->param(passed => 0);
+         $output->param(error_count => 1);       
-        else
+        else # woot, WF
             my $p = XML::Parser->new;
             $p->setHandlers(Char    => \&_char,
@@ -611,29 +475,33 @@
                         Start   => \&_start,
                         XMLDecl => \&_xmldecl);       
             eval { $p->parsestring($xml); };
-            if (@MESSAGES)
-            {
-               &output_messages($output, $uri);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               &output_NoError($output, $uri);
+            my (@ERRORS, @WARNINGS, @INFOS);
+            for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @MESSAGES; $i++)
+    	    {
+    	            if ($MESSAGES[$i]{'severity'} eq "Error") {	push @ERRORS, $MESSAGES[$i];}
+                    elsif ($MESSAGES[$i]{'severity'} eq "Warning") {push @WARNINGS, $MESSAGES[$i];}
+                    else {push @INFOS, $MESSAGES[$i];}
+            $output->param(message_loop => \@MESSAGES);
+            if (@ERRORS) {$output->param(passed => 0) } else {$output->param(passed => 1)}
+            $output->param(info_loop => \@INFOS);
+            $output->param(info_count => scalar @INFOS);
+            $output->param(warning_loop => \@WARNINGS);
+            $output->param(warning_count => scalar @WARNINGS);
+            $output->param(error_loop => \@ERRORS);
+            $output->param(error_count => scalar @ERRORS);
-        #else do nothing, this document is not relevant to us
+        $output->param(is_wf => $IS_WF);        
-    else
+    else # houston, we had a problem
-		&output_fault;
+            # TODO some fault code
-	&output_noinput($output);
+print $output->output();

Received on Friday, 8 September 2006 05:33:36 UTC