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<h2>CSS Validator Web Service API<br />
SOAP 1.2 validation interface documentation</h2>

<h3 id="TableOfContents">Table of Contents</h3>

<div id="toc">
  <li><a href="#requestformat">Validation Request Format</a></li>
  <li><a href="#soap12format">SOAP format description</a> 
      <li><a href="#soap12_sample">sample SOAP 1.2 validation
      <li><a href="#soap12response">SOAP1.2 response format reference</a></li>
      <li><a href="#soap12message">SOAP1.2 atomic message (error or warning)
        format reference</a></li>

<p id="skip"></p>

<h3 id="requestformat">Validation Request Format</h3>

<p>Below is a table of the parameter you can use to send a query to the W3C
CSS Validator.</p>

<p>If you want to use W3c's public validation server, use the parameters
below in conjunction with the following base URI:<br />
<kbd>http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator</kbd><br />
(replace with the address of your own server if you want to call a private
instance of the validator.</p>

<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you wish to call the validator programmatically
for a batch of documents, please make sure that your script will
<code>sleep</code> for <strong>at least 1 second</strong> between requests.
The CSS Validation service is a free, public service for all, your respect is
appreciated. thanks.</p>

<table class="refdoc">
      <th>Default value</th>
      <td>The <acronym title="Universal Resource Locator">URL</acronym> of
        the document to validate. CSS and HTML documents are allowed.</td>
      <td>None, but either this parameter, or <code>text</code> must be
      <td>The document to validate, only CSS is allowed.</td>
      <td>None, but either this parameter, or <code>uri</code> must be
      <td>The medium used for the validation, like <code>screen</code>,
        <code>print</code>, <code>braille</code>....</td>
      <td>Triggers the various outputs formats of the validator. If unset,
        the usual Web format will be sent. If set to <code>soap12</code>, the
        SOAP1.2 interface will be triggered. See <a href="soap12format">below
        for the SOAP 1.2 response format description</a>.</td>
      <td>The CSS profile used for the validation. It can be
        <code>css1</code>, <code>css2</code>, <code>css21</code>,
        <code>css3</code>, <code>svg</code>, <code>svgbasic</code>,
        <code>svgtiny</code>, <code>mobile</code>, <code>atsc-tv</code>,
        <code>tv</code> or <code>none</code></td>
      <td>By default the profile used is the one from the most recent W3C
        Recommendation: CSS 2</td>
      <td>The language used for the response, currently, <code>en</code>,
        <code>fr</code>, <code>ja</code>, <code>it</code>, <code>es</code>,
        <code>zh-cn</code>, <code>nl</code>, <code>de</code>.</td>
      <td>By default English (<code>en</code>) is used.</td>
      <td>The warning level, <code>0</code> for less warnings, <code>1</code>
        or <code>2</code> for more warnings</td>

<h3 id="soap12format">SOAP format description</h3>

<p>When called with parameter <code>output=soap12</code>, the validator will
switch to its SOAP 1.2 interface. Below is a sample response, as well as a
description of the most important elements of the response.</p>

<h4>sample SOAP 1.2 validation request</h4>

<p>It is a simple HTTP GET call to a URI like:</p>


<h4 id="soap12_sample">sample SOAP 1.2 validation response</h4>

<p>A SOAP response for the validation of a document (invalid) will look like
<pre style="font-size: smaller">&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"&gt;
        &lt;m:errors xml:lang="en"&gt;
        &lt;m:warnings xml:lang="en"&gt;
              &lt;m:message&gt;Properties for other media might not work for usermedium&lt;/m:message&gt;
              &lt;m:message&gt;Properties for other media might not work for usermedium&lt;/m:message&gt;
              &lt;m:message&gt;Properties for other media might not work for usermedium&lt;/m:message&gt;
              &lt;m:message&gt;Properties for other media might not work for usermedium&lt;/m:message&gt;

<h4 id="soap12response">SOAP1.2 response format reference</h4>

<table class="refdoc">
      <th id="soap12_markupvalidationresponse">cssvalidationresponse</th>
      <td>The main element of the validation response. Encloses all other
        information about the validation results.</td>
      <th id="soap12_uri">uri</th>
      <td>the address of the document validated. In <a
        href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/">EARL</a> terms, this is the
      <th id="soap12_checkedby">checkedby</th>
      <td>Location of the service which provided the validation result. In <a
        href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/">EARL</a> terms, this is the
      <th id="soap12_doctype">csslevel</th>
      <td>The CSS level (or profile) in use during the validation.</td>
      <th id="soap12_charset">date</th>
      <td>The actual date of the validation</td>
      <th id="soap12_validity">validity</th>
      <td>Whether or not the document validated passed or not formal
        validation (boolean)</td>
      <th id="soap12_errors">errors</th>
      <td>Encapsulates all data about errors encountered through the
        validation process</td>
      <th id="soap12_errorcount">errorcount</th>
      <td>a child of <a href="#soap12_errors">errors</a>, counts the number
        of errors listed</td>
      <th id="soap12_errorlist">errorlist</th>
      <td>a child of <a href="#soap12_errors">errors</a>, contains the list
        of errors (surprise!)</td>
      <th id="soap12_error">error</th>
      <td>a child of <a href="#soap12_errorlist">errorlist</a>, contains the
        information on a single validation error.</td>

<p><strong>Note</strong>: <code>warnings</code>, <code>warningcount</code>,
<code>warninglist</code> and <code>warning</code> are similar to,
respectively, <code><a href="#soap12_errors">errors</a></code>, <code><a
href="soap12_errorcount">errorcount</a></code>, <code><a
href="soap12_errorlist">errorlist</a></code> and <code><a

<h4 id="soap12message">SOAP1.2 atomic message (error or warning) format

<p>As seen as the example above, the children of the <code><a
href="soap12_error">error</a></code> element, but also the
<code>warning</code> element are <code>line</code>, <code>col</code> and
<code>message</code>, defined below:</p>

<table class="refdoc">
      <th id="soap12_line">line</th>
      <td>Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the
        line where the error was detected.</td>
      <th id="soap12_col">level</th>
      <td>The level of the warning, only the ones whose level is under or
        equal to the value specified in the request will be displayed.</td>
      <th id="soap12_message">message</th>
      <td>The actual error or warning message</td>
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  </a> Feedback: <a
  title="Send Feedback for the W3C Markup Validation Service"
  href="../feedback.html">The W3C Validator Team</a><br />
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