[Bug 1399] Description misrepresents what the validator does


------- Additional Comments From hsivonen@iki.fi  2005-05-13 14:24 -------
Since people are likely to read the tagline but not much else, making the point
that the validator does not check everything is important. Third-party hype, the
unconditional praise of valid documents and the current tagline make people
believe that everything is ok if their document validates. Since the usual
explanation given to people who have thought that the validator does more than
it actually does is that the validator is a DTD validator--nothing more nothing
less, I think it would be fair to point out conspicuously that it is a DTD

Hence: "The W3C Markup Validation Service is a free service that checks Web
in formats like HTML and XHTML for validity according to the specified DTD."

Received on Friday, 13 May 2005 14:24:24 UTC