- From: Yves Lafon via cvs-syncmail <cvsmail@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 16:25:17 +0000
- To: www-validator-cvs@w3.org
Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/svgproperties In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv7360/svgproperties Removed Files: AlignmentBaseline.java AtRuleColorProfile.java ClipPath.java ClipRule.java ColorInterpolation.java ColorInterpolationFilters.java ColorProfile.java ColorProfileName.java ColorProfileSrc.java ColorRendering.java CssRenderIntent.java DominantBaseLine.java EnableBackground.java Fill.java FillOpacity.java FillRule.java Filter.java FloodColor.java FloodOpacity.java ImageRendering.java Kerning.java LightingColor.java Marker.java MarkerEnd.java MarkerMid.java MarkerStart.java Mask.java PointerEvents.java SVGBasicStyle.java SVGStyle.java SVGTinyStyle.java ShapeRendering.java SolidColor.java SolidOpacity.java StopColor.java StopOpacity.java Stroke.java StrokeDashArray.java StrokeDashOffset.java StrokeLineCap.java StrokeLinejoin.java StrokeMiterLimit.java StrokeOpacity.java StrokeWidth.java TextAnchor.java TextRendering.java WritingModeSVG.java svgbasic.properties svgproperties.properties svgtiny.properties Log Message: Patch by Jean-Guilhem Rouel Better handling of media and properties files Major reorganization of those properties files --- DominantBaseLine.java DELETED --- --- svgbasic.properties DELETED --- --- ImageRendering.java DELETED --- --- LightingColor.java DELETED --- --- Filter.java DELETED --- --- ColorProfileName.java DELETED --- --- ClipRule.java DELETED --- --- StrokeOpacity.java DELETED --- --- Kerning.java DELETED --- --- SVGBasicStyle.java DELETED --- --- AtRuleColorProfile.java DELETED --- --- Fill.java DELETED --- --- svgtiny.properties DELETED --- --- EnableBackground.java DELETED --- --- ColorProfile.java DELETED --- --- FillOpacity.java DELETED --- --- AlignmentBaseline.java DELETED --- --- ColorInterpolationFilters.java DELETED --- --- MarkerMid.java DELETED --- --- FloodColor.java DELETED --- --- SolidOpacity.java DELETED --- --- ColorProfileSrc.java DELETED --- --- StopColor.java DELETED --- --- svgproperties.properties DELETED --- --- MarkerEnd.java DELETED --- --- Mask.java DELETED --- --- SVGStyle.java DELETED --- --- WritingModeSVG.java DELETED --- --- PointerEvents.java DELETED --- --- ClipPath.java DELETED --- --- StrokeWidth.java DELETED --- --- Marker.java DELETED --- --- FillRule.java DELETED --- --- ColorRendering.java DELETED --- --- StrokeDashOffset.java DELETED --- --- SVGTinyStyle.java DELETED --- --- StopOpacity.java DELETED --- --- ColorInterpolation.java DELETED --- --- StrokeDashArray.java DELETED --- --- CssRenderIntent.java DELETED --- --- SolidColor.java DELETED --- --- ShapeRendering.java DELETED --- --- StrokeLinejoin.java DELETED --- --- Stroke.java DELETED --- --- StrokeMiterLimit.java DELETED --- --- MarkerStart.java DELETED --- --- FloodOpacity.java DELETED --- --- StrokeLineCap.java DELETED --- --- TextRendering.java DELETED --- --- TextAnchor.java DELETED ---
Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2005 16:26:11 UTC