2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css StyleSheetGeneratorHTML2.java,1.9,1.10

Update of /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv10053/css

Modified Files:
Log Message:
HTML output escaped

Index: StyleSheetGeneratorHTML2.java
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/css/StyleSheetGeneratorHTML2.java,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- StyleSheetGeneratorHTML2.java	6 Oct 2004 10:03:19 -0000	1.9
+++ StyleSheetGeneratorHTML2.java	25 Nov 2004 13:23:25 -0000	1.10
@@ -74,523 +74,524 @@
      *                     (-1 means no warnings)
     public StyleSheetGeneratorHTML2(ApplContext ac, 
-				   String title, 
-				   StyleSheet style,
-				   String document,
-				   int warningLevel) {
+                   String title, 
+                   StyleSheet style,
+                   String document,
+                   int warningLevel) {
-	if (document == null) {
-	    document = "html.en";
-	}
-	if (Util.onDebug) {
-	    System.err.println( "document format is " + document );
-	}
-	this.ac = ac;
-	this.style = style;
-	general = new Properties(setDocumentBase(getDocumentName(ac, document)));
-	general.put("file-title", title);
-	warnings = style.getWarnings();
-	errors = style.getErrors();
-	items =  style.newGetRules();
+    if (document == null) {
+        document = "html.en";
+    }
+    if (Util.onDebug) {
+        System.err.println( "document format is " + document );
+    }
+    this.ac = ac;
+    this.style = style;
+    general = new Properties(setDocumentBase(getDocumentName(ac, document)));
+    general.put("file-title", title);
+    warnings = style.getWarnings();
+    errors = style.getErrors();
+    items =  style.newGetRules();
-	this.warningLevel = warningLevel;
-	general.put("errors-count", 
-		    Integer.toString(errors.getErrorCount()));
-	general.put("warnings-count", 
-		    Integer.toString(warnings.getWarningCount()));
-	general.put("rules-count", 
-		    Integer.toString(items.size()));
-	if (errors.getErrorCount() == 0) {
-	    desactivateError();
-	}
-	if ((errors.getErrorCount() != 0) 
-	        || (!title.startsWith("http://"))) {
-	    general.put("no-errors", "");
-	}
-	if (style.charset == null) {
-	    general.put("charset-rule", "");
-	}
-	if (warnings.getWarningCount() == 0 || warningLevel == -1) {
-	    general.put("go-warnings", ""); // remove go-warnings
-	    general.put("warnings", ""); // remove warnings
-	}
-	if (items.size() == 0) {
-	    general.put("go-rules", ""); // remove go-rules
-	    general.put("rules", ""); // remove rules
-	    general.put("no-errors", "");
-	} else {
-	    general.put("no-rules", ""); // remove no-rules
-	}
-	if (errors.getErrorCount() != 0 || warnings.getWarningCount() != 0) {
-	    // remove no-error-or-warning
-	    general.put("no-error-or-warning", ""); 
-	}
+    this.warningLevel = warningLevel;
+    general.put("errors-count", 
+            Integer.toString(errors.getErrorCount()));
+    general.put("warnings-count", 
+            Integer.toString(warnings.getWarningCount()));
+    general.put("rules-count", 
+            Integer.toString(items.size()));
+    if (errors.getErrorCount() == 0) {
+        desactivateError();
+    }
+    if ((errors.getErrorCount() != 0) 
+            || (!title.startsWith("http://"))) {
+        general.put("no-errors", "");
+    }
+    if (style.charset == null) {
+        general.put("charset-rule", "");
+    }
+    if (warnings.getWarningCount() == 0 || warningLevel == -1) {
+        general.put("go-warnings", ""); // remove go-warnings
+        general.put("warnings", ""); // remove warnings
+    }
+    if (items.size() == 0) {
+        general.put("go-rules", ""); // remove go-rules
+        general.put("rules", ""); // remove rules
+        general.put("no-errors", "");
+    } else {
+        general.put("no-rules", ""); // remove no-rules
+    }
+    if (errors.getErrorCount() != 0 || warnings.getWarningCount() != 0) {
+        // remove no-error-or-warning
+        general.put("no-error-or-warning", ""); 
+    }
-	if (Util.onDebug) general.list(System.err);
+    if (Util.onDebug) general.list(System.err);
-	DateFormat df = null;
+    DateFormat df = null;
-	if (ac.getLang() != null) {
-	    try {
-		df = DateFormat
-		    .getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, 
-					 DateFormat.FULL,
-					 new Locale(ac.getLang().substring(0, 2),
-						    "US"));
-	    } catch (Exception e) {
-		df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, 
-						    DateFormat.FULL,
-						    Locale.US);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (df != null) {
-	    general.put("today", df.format(new Date()));
-	} else {
-	    general.put("today", new Date().toString());
-	}
+    if (ac.getLang() != null) {
+        try {
+        df = DateFormat
+            .getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, 
+                     DateFormat.FULL,
+                     new Locale(ac.getLang().substring(0, 2),
+                            "US"));
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+        df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, 
+                            DateFormat.FULL,
+                            Locale.US);
+        }
+    }
+    if (df != null) {
+        general.put("today", df.format(new Date()));
+    } else {
+        general.put("today", new Date().toString());
+    }
     public void desactivateError() {
-	general.put("go-errors", ""); // remove go-errors
-	general.put("errors", ""); // remove errors
+    general.put("go-errors", ""); // remove go-errors
+    general.put("errors", ""); // remove errors
      * Returns a string representation of the object.
     public void print(PrintWriter out) {
-	this.out = out; // must be in first !
-	String output = processSimple("document");
-	if (output != null) {
-	    out.println(output);
-	} else {
-	    out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("request"));
-	}
-	out.flush();
+    this.out = out; // must be in first !
+    String output = processSimple("document");
+    if (output != null) {
+        out.println(output);
+    } else {
+        out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("request"));
+    }
+    out.flush();
     // prints the stylesheet at the screen
     public void produceStyleSheet() {
-	Vector atRules = style.newGetRules();
-	for (int idx = 0; idx < atRules.size(); idx++) {
-//	    out.print(((CssRuleList)atRules.elementAt(idx)).toHTML());
-	    ((CssRuleList)atRules.elementAt(idx)).toHTML(out);
-	    out.print("\n");
-	}
+    Vector atRules = style.newGetRules();
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < atRules.size(); idx++) {
+//      out.print(((CssRuleList)atRules.elementAt(idx)).toHTML());
+        ((CssRuleList)atRules.elementAt(idx)).toHTML(out);
+        out.print("\n");
+    }
     public void print(CssProperty property) {
-	Properties prop = new Properties(general); 
-	prop.put("property-name", property.getPropertyName().toString());
-	prop.put("property-value", property.toString());
-	if (!property.getImportant()) {
-	    prop.put("important-style", "");
-	}
-	out.print(processStyle(prop.getProperty("declaration"), prop));
+    Properties prop = new Properties(general); 
+    prop.put("property-name", property.getPropertyName().toString());
+    prop.put("property-value", property.toString());
+    if (!property.getImportant()) {
+        prop.put("important-style", "");
+    }
+    out.print(processStyle(prop.getProperty("declaration"), prop));
     public void produceParseException(CssParseException error,
-				      StringBuffer ret) {
-	ret.append(' ');
-	if (error.getContexts() != null && error.getContexts().size() != 0) {
-	    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-	    for (Enumeration e = error.getContexts().elements(); 
-		 e.hasMoreElements();) {
-		Object t = e.nextElement();
-		if (t != null) {
-		    buf.append(t);
-		    if (e.hasMoreElements())
-			buf.append(", ");
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (buf.length() != 0) {
-		ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("context"));
-		ret.append(" : <span class='error'>").append(buf);
-		ret.append("</span> ");
-	    }
-	}
-	ret.append("\n<p>");
-	String name = error.getProperty();
-	if ((name != null) && (getURLProperty(name) != null)) {
-	    ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("property"));
-	    ret.append(" : <a href=\"");
-	    ret.append(getURLProperty("@url-base"));
-	    ret.append(getURLProperty(name)).append("\">");
-	    ret.append(name).append("</a>");
-	}
-	if ((error.getException() != null) && (error.getMessage() != null)) {
-	    if (error.isParseException()) {
-		ret.append(queryReplace(error.getMessage())).append('\n');
-	    } else {
-		Exception ex = error.getException();
-		if (ex instanceof NumberFormatException) {
-		    ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("invalid-number"));
-		} else {
-		    ret.append(queryReplace(ex.getMessage()));
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (error.getSkippedString() != null) {
-		ret.append(" : <span>");
-		ret.append(queryReplace(error.getSkippedString()));
-		ret.append("</span>\n");
-	    } else if (error.getExp() != null) {
-		ret.append(" : ");
-		ret.append(queryReplace(error.getExp().toStringFromStart()));
-		ret.append("<span>");
-		ret.append(queryReplace(error.getExp().toString()));
-		ret.append("</span>\n");		
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("unrecognize"));
-	    ret.append(" - <span class='error'>");
-	    ret.append(queryReplace(error.getSkippedString()));
-	    ret.append("</span>\n");
-	}
+                      StringBuffer ret) {
+    ret.append(' ');
+    if (error.getContexts() != null && error.getContexts().size() != 0) {
+        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+        for (Enumeration e = error.getContexts().elements(); 
+         e.hasMoreElements();) {
+        Object t = e.nextElement();
+        if (t != null) {
+            buf.append(t);
+            if (e.hasMoreElements())
+            buf.append(", ");
+        }
+        }
+        if (buf.length() != 0) {
+        ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("context"));
+        ret.append(" : <span class='error'>").append(buf);
+        ret.append("</span> ");
+        }
+    }
+    ret.append("\n<p>");
+    String name = error.getProperty();
+    if ((name != null) && (getURLProperty(name) != null)) {
+        ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("property"));
+        ret.append(" : <a href=\"");
+        ret.append(getURLProperty("@url-base"));
+        ret.append(getURLProperty(name)).append("\">");
+        ret.append(name).append("</a>");
+    }
+    if ((error.getException() != null) && (error.getMessage() != null)) {
+        if (error.isParseException()) {
+        ret.append(queryReplace(error.getMessage())).append('\n');
+        } else {
+        Exception ex = error.getException();
+        if (ex instanceof NumberFormatException) {
+            ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("invalid-number"));
+        } else {
+            ret.append(queryReplace(ex.getMessage()));
+        }
+        }
+        if (error.getSkippedString() != null) {
+        ret.append(" : <span>");
+        ret.append(queryReplace(error.getSkippedString()));
+        ret.append("</span>\n");
+        } else if (error.getExp() != null) {
+        ret.append(" : ");
+        ret.append(queryReplace(error.getExp().toStringFromStart()));
+        ret.append("<span>");
+        ret.append(queryReplace(error.getExp().toString()));
+        ret.append("</span>\n");        
+        }
+    } else {
+        ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("unrecognize"));
+        ret.append(" - <span class='error'>");
+        ret.append(queryReplace(error.getSkippedString()));
+        ret.append("</span>\n");
+    }
     public void produceError() {
-	StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(1024);
-	String oldSourceFile = null;
-	boolean open = false;
+    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(1024);
+    String oldSourceFile = null;
+    boolean open = false;
-	try {
-	    if (errors.getErrorCount() != 0) {
-		int i = 0;
-		for (CssError[] error = errors.getErrors(); 
-		          i < error.length; i++) {
-		    Exception ex = error[i].getException();
-		    String file = error[i].getSourceFile();
-		    if (!file.equals(oldSourceFile)) {
-			oldSourceFile = file;
-			if (open) {
-			    ret.append("</ul>\n</div>");
-			}
-			ret.append("\n<div><h3>URI : "
-				   + "<a href=\"");
-			ret.append(file).append("\">");
-			ret.append(file).append("</a></h3><ul>");
-			open = true;
-		    }
-		    ret.append("\n<li>");
-		    ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("line"));
-		    ret.append(": ").append(error[i].getLine());
-		    if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
-			ret.append("\n<p>");
-			ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("not-found"));
-			ret.append("<span class='error'>");
-			ret.append(ex.getMessage());
-			ret.append("</span>\n");			
-		    } else if (ex instanceof CssParseException) {
-			produceParseException((CssParseException) ex, ret);
-		    } else if (ex instanceof InvalidParamException) {
-			ret.append("\n<p>");
-			ret.append(queryReplace(ex.getMessage())).append('\n');
-		    } else if (ex instanceof IOException) {
-			ret.append("\n<p>");
-			String stringError = ex.toString();
-			int index = stringError.indexOf(':');
-			ret.append(stringError.substring(0, index));
-			ret.append(" : <span class='error'>");
-			ret.append(ex.getMessage()).append("</strong>\n");
-		    } else if (error[i] instanceof CssErrorToken) {
-			ret.append("\n<p>");
-			CssErrorToken terror = (CssErrorToken) error[i];
-			ret.append(terror.getErrorDescription()).append(" : ");
-			ret.append(terror.getSkippedString()).append('\n');			
-		    } else {
-			ret.append("\n<p>" +
-				 "<span class='error'>Uncaught error</span> ");
-			ret.append(ex).append('\n');
-			if (ex instanceof NullPointerException) {
-			    // ohoh, a bug
-			    ex.printStackTrace();
-			}
-		    }
-		    ret.append("</p></li>");
-		}
-		if (open) {
-		    ret.append("\n</ul>");
-		}
-		ret.append("</div>");
-	    }
+    try {
+        if (errors.getErrorCount() != 0) {
+        int i = 0;
+        for (CssError[] error = errors.getErrors(); 
+                  i < error.length; i++) {
+            Exception ex = error[i].getException();
+            String file = error[i].getSourceFile();
+            if (!file.equals(oldSourceFile)) {
+            oldSourceFile = file;
+            if (open) {
+                ret.append("</ul>\n</div>");
+            }
+            ret.append("\n<div><h3>URI : "
+                   + "<a href=\"");
+            ret.append(file).append("\">");
+            ret.append(file).append("</a></h3><ul>");
+            open = true;
+            }
+            ret.append("\n<li>");
+            ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("line"));
+            ret.append(": ").append(error[i].getLine());
+            if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
+            ret.append("\n<p>");
+            ret.append(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("not-found"));
+            ret.append("<span class='error'>");
+            ret.append(ex.getMessage());
+            ret.append("</span>\n");            
+            } else if (ex instanceof CssParseException) {
+            produceParseException((CssParseException) ex, ret);
+            } else if (ex instanceof InvalidParamException) {
+            ret.append("\n<p>");
+            ret.append(queryReplace(ex.getMessage())).append('\n');
+            } else if (ex instanceof IOException) {
+            ret.append("\n<p>");
+            String stringError = ex.toString();
+            int index = stringError.indexOf(':');
+            ret.append(stringError.substring(0, index));
+            ret.append(" : <span class='error'>");
+            ret.append(ex.getMessage()).append("</strong>\n");
+            } else if (error[i] instanceof CssErrorToken) {
+            ret.append("\n<p>");
+            CssErrorToken terror = (CssErrorToken) error[i];
+            ret.append(terror.getErrorDescription()).append(" : ");
+            ret.append(terror.getSkippedString()).append('\n');         
+            } else {
+            ret.append("\n<p>" +
+                 "<span class='error'>Uncaught error</span> ");
+            ret.append(ex).append('\n');
+            if (ex instanceof NullPointerException) {
+                // ohoh, a bug
+                ex.printStackTrace();
+            }
+            }
+            ret.append("</p></li>");
+        }
+        if (open) {
+            ret.append("\n</ul>");
+        }
+        ret.append("</div>");
+        }
-	    out.println(ret.toString());
-	} catch (Exception e) {
-	    out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("request"));
-	    e.printStackTrace();
-	}
+        out.println(ret.toString());
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("request"));
+        e.printStackTrace();
+    }
     public void produceWarning() {
-	boolean open = false;
-	StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(1024);
-	String oldSourceFile = "";
-	int oldLine = -1;
-	String oldMessage = "";
-	try {
-	    if (warnings.getWarningCount() != 0) {
-		int i = 0;
-		warnings.sort();
-		for (Warning[] warning = warnings.getWarnings(); 
-		     i < warning.length; i++) {
-		    Warning warn = warning[i];
-		    if (warn.getLevel() <= warningLevel) {
-			if (!warn.getSourceFile().equals(oldSourceFile)) {
-			    if (open) {
-				ret.append("\n</ul></div>");
-			    }
-			    oldSourceFile = warn.getSourceFile();
-			    ret.append("\n<div><h3>URI : <a href=\"");
-			    ret.append(oldSourceFile).append("\">");
-			    ret.append(oldSourceFile).append("</a></h3><ul>");
-			    open = true;
-			}
-			if (warn.getLine() != oldLine || 
-			    !warn.getWarningMessage().equals(oldMessage)) {
-			    oldLine = warn.getLine();
-			    oldMessage = warn.getWarningMessage();
-			    ret.append("\n<li><span class='warning'>Line : ");
-			    ret.append(oldLine);
-			    if (warn.getLevel() != 0) {
-				ret.append(" Level : ");
-				ret.append(warn.getLevel());
-			    }
-			    ret.append("</span> ");
-			    ret.append(oldMessage);
-			    if (warn.getContext() != null) {
-				ret.append(" : ").append(warn.getContext());
-			    }
-			    ret.append("</li>");
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		if (open) {
-		    ret.append("\n</ul>");
-		}
-		ret.append("</div>");
-	    }
-	    out.println(ret.toString());
-	} catch (Exception e) {
-	    out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("request"));
-	    e.printStackTrace();
-	}
+        System.out.println("In producewarning");
+    boolean open = false;
+    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(1024);
+    String oldSourceFile = "";
+    int oldLine = -1;
+    String oldMessage = "";
+    try {
+        if (warnings.getWarningCount() != 0) {
+        int i = 0;
+        warnings.sort();
+        for (Warning[] warning = warnings.getWarnings(); 
+             i < warning.length; i++) {
+            Warning warn = warning[i];
+            if (warn.getLevel() <= warningLevel) {
+            if (!warn.getSourceFile().equals(oldSourceFile)) {
+                if (open) {
+                ret.append("\n</ul></div>");
+                }
+                oldSourceFile = warn.getSourceFile();
+                ret.append("\n<div><h3>URI : <a href=\"");
+                ret.append(oldSourceFile).append("\">");
+                ret.append(oldSourceFile).append("</a></h3><ul>");
+                open = true;
+            }
+            if (warn.getLine() != oldLine || 
+                !warn.getWarningMessage().equals(oldMessage)) {
+                oldLine = warn.getLine();
+                oldMessage = warn.getWarningMessage();
+                ret.append("\n<li><span class='warning'>Line : ");
+                ret.append(oldLine);
+                if (warn.getLevel() != 0) {
+                ret.append(" Level : ");
+                ret.append(warn.getLevel());
+                }
+                ret.append("</span> ");
+                ret.append(Util.escapeHTML(oldMessage));
+                if (warn.getContext() != null) {
+                ret.append(" : ").append(warn.getContext());
+                }
+                ret.append("</li>");
+            }
+            }
+        }
+        if (open) {
+            ret.append("\n</ul>");
+        }
+        ret.append("</div>");
+        }
+        out.println(ret.toString());
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("request"));
+        e.printStackTrace();
+    }
     private String queryReplace(String s) {
-	if (s != null) {
-	    int len = s.length();
-	    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(len);	    
-	    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		char c = s.charAt(i);
-		if (c == '<') {
-		    ret.append("&lt;");
-		} else if (c == '>') {
-		    ret.append("&gt;");
-		} else {
-		    ret.append(c);
-		}
-	    }
-	    return ret.toString();
-	} else {
-	    return "[empty string]";
-	}
+    if (s != null) {
+        int len = s.length();
+        StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(len);       
+        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        char c = s.charAt(i);
+        if (c == '<') {
+            ret.append("&lt;");
+        } else if (c == '>') {
+            ret.append("&gt;");
+        } else {
+            ret.append(c);
+        }
+        }
+        return ret.toString();
+    } else {
+        return "[empty string]";
+    }
     private final String processSimple(String s) {
-	return processStyle(general.getProperty(s), general);
+    return processStyle(general.getProperty(s), general);
-    private String processStyle(String str, Properties prop) {	
-	try {
-	    int i = 0;
-	    while ((i = str.indexOf("<!-- #", i)) >= 0) {
-		int lastIndexOfEntity = str.indexOf("-->", i);
-		String entity = 
-		    str.substring(i+6, 
-				  lastIndexOfEntity - 1).toLowerCase();
+    private String processStyle(String str, Properties prop) {  
+    try {
+        int i = 0;
+        while ((i = str.indexOf("<!-- #", i)) >= 0) {
+        int lastIndexOfEntity = str.indexOf("-->", i);
+        String entity = 
+            str.substring(i+6, 
+                  lastIndexOfEntity - 1).toLowerCase();
-		if (entity.equals("rule")) {
+        if (entity.equals("rule")) {
                     out.print(str.substring(0, i));
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		    produceStyleSheet();
-		} else if (entity.equals("selectors")) {
-		    if (selector.getNext() != null) {
-			// contextuals selectors
-			String value = prop.getProperty(entity);
-			if (value != null) {
-			    str = str.substring(0, i) + value + 
-				str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-			} else {
-			    i += 6; // skip this unknown entity
-			}
-		    } else {
-			str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-			i = 0;
-		    }
-		} else if (entity.equals("selector")) {
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		} else if (entity.equals("charset")) {
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		    out.print(style.charset);
-		} else if (entity.equals("declaration")) {
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		} else if (entity.equals("warning")) {
-		    out.print(str.substring(0, i));
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		    produceWarning();
-		} else if (entity.equals("error")) {
-		    out.print(str.substring(0, i));
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		    produceError();
-		} else if (entity.equals("hook-html-validator")) {
-		    out.print(str.substring(0, i));
-		    str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    i = 0;
-		    if (style.getType().equals("text/html")) { 
-			out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("doc-html",
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+            produceStyleSheet();
+        } else if (entity.equals("selectors")) {
+            if (selector.getNext() != null) {
+            // contextuals selectors
+            String value = prop.getProperty(entity);
+            if (value != null) {
+                str = str.substring(0, i) + value + 
+                str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            } else {
+                i += 6; // skip this unknown entity
+            }
+            } else {
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+            }
+        } else if (entity.equals("selector")) {
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+        } else if (entity.equals("charset")) {
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+            out.print(style.charset);
+        } else if (entity.equals("declaration")) {
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+        } else if (entity.equals("warning")) {
+            out.print(str.substring(0, i));
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+            produceWarning();
+        } else if (entity.equals("error")) {
+            out.print(str.substring(0, i));
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+            produceError();
+        } else if (entity.equals("hook-html-validator")) {
+            out.print(str.substring(0, i));
+            str = str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            i = 0;
+            if (style.getType().equals("text/html")) { 
+            out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("doc-html",
-		    } else {
-			out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("doc"));
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    String value = prop.getProperty(entity);
-		    if (value != null) {
-			str = str.substring(0, i) + value + 
-			    str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
-		    } else {
-			i += 6; // skip this unknown entity
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    return str;
-	} catch (Exception e) {
-	    e.printStackTrace();
-	    return str;
-	}
+            } else {
+            out.println(ac.getMsg().getGeneratorString("doc"));
+            }
+        } else {
+            String value = prop.getProperty(entity);
+            if (value != null) {
+            str = str.substring(0, i) + value + 
+                str.substring(lastIndexOfEntity+3);
+            } else {
+            i += 6; // skip this unknown entity
+            }
+        }
+        }
+        return str;
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        e.printStackTrace();
+        return str;
+    }
     public final static void printAvailableFormat(PrintWriter out) {
-	Enumeration e = availableFormat.propertyNames();
-	out.println( " -- listing available output format --" );
-	while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
-	    String key = ((String) e.nextElement()).toLowerCase();
-	    out.print( "Format : ");
-	    out.println(key);
-	    out.print( "   File : ");
-	    out.println(getDocumentName(null, key));
-	}
-	out.flush();
+    Enumeration e = availableFormat.propertyNames();
+    out.println( " -- listing available output format --" );
+    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+        String key = ((String) e.nextElement()).toLowerCase();
+        out.print( "Format : ");
+        out.println(key);
+        out.print( "   File : ");
+        out.println(getDocumentName(null, key));
+    }
+    out.flush();
     private Properties setDocumentBase(String document) {
-	Properties properties = (Properties) formats.get(document);
-	if (properties == null) {
-	    URL url;
-	    properties = new Properties();
-	    try {
-		url = StyleSheetGenerator.class.getResource(document);
-		java.io.InputStream f = url.openStream();
-		properties.load(f);
-		f.close();
-		properties.put("author","www-validator-css");
-		properties.put("author-email", "Email.html");
-	    } catch (Exception e) {
-		System.err.println("org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetGenerator: "
-				   + "couldn't load properties " + document);
-		System.err.println("  " + e.toString() );
-		printAvailableFormat(new PrintWriter(System.err));
-	    }
-	    formats.put(document, properties);
-	}
+    Properties properties = (Properties) formats.get(document);
+    if (properties == null) {
+        URL url;
+        properties = new Properties();
+        try {
+        url = StyleSheetGenerator.class.getResource(document);
+        java.io.InputStream f = url.openStream();
+        properties.load(f);
+        f.close();
+        properties.put("author","www-validator-css");
+        properties.put("author-email", "Email.html");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+        System.err.println("org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetGenerator: "
+                   + "couldn't load properties " + document);
+        System.err.println("  " + e.toString() );
+        printAvailableFormat(new PrintWriter(System.err));
+        }
+        formats.put(document, properties);
+    }
-	return new Properties(properties);
+    return new Properties(properties);
     private final static String getDocumentName(ApplContext ac, 
-						String documentName) {
-	documentName = documentName.toLowerCase();
-	String document = null;
-	if (ac != null && ac.getLang() != null) {
-	    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(ac.getLang(), ",");
-	    while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
-		String l = tokens.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase();
-		document = availableFormat.getProperty(documentName + "." + l);
-		if (document != null) {
-		    break;
-		}
-		int minusIndex = l.indexOf('-');
-		if (minusIndex != -1) {
-		    // suppressed -cn in zh-cn (example)
-		    l = l.substring(0, minusIndex);
-		    document = availableFormat.getProperty(documentName 
-							   + "." + l);
-		}
-		if (document != null) {
-		    break;
-		}		
-	    }
-	}
-	if (document == null) {
-	    document = availableFormat.getProperty(documentName);
-	}
-	if (document == null) {
-	    System.err.println( "Unable to find " + 
-				documentName + " output format" );
-	    return documentName;
-	} else {
-	    return document;
-	}
+                        String documentName) {
+    documentName = documentName.toLowerCase();
+    String document = null;
+    if (ac != null && ac.getLang() != null) {
+        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(ac.getLang(), ",");
+        while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
+        String l = tokens.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase();
+        document = availableFormat.getProperty(documentName + "." + l);
+        if (document != null) {
+            break;
+        }
+        int minusIndex = l.indexOf('-');
+        if (minusIndex != -1) {
+            // suppressed -cn in zh-cn (example)
+            l = l.substring(0, minusIndex);
+            document = availableFormat.getProperty(documentName 
+                               + "." + l);
+        }
+        if (document != null) {
+            break;
+        }       
+        }
+    }
+    if (document == null) {
+        document = availableFormat.getProperty(documentName);
+    }
+    if (document == null) {
+        System.err.println( "Unable to find " + 
+                documentName + " output format" );
+        return documentName;
+    } else {
+        return document;
+    }
     private final static String getURLProperty(String name) {
-	return availablePropertiesURL.getProperty(name);
+    return availablePropertiesURL.getProperty(name);
     static {
-	URL url;
-	availableFormat = new Properties();
-	try {
-	    url = StyleSheetGenerator.class.getResource("format.properties");
-	    java.io.InputStream f = url.openStream();
-	    availableFormat.load(f);
-	    f.close();
-	} catch (Exception e) {
-	    System.err.println("org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetGenerator: "
-			       + "couldn't load format properties ");
-	    System.err.println("  " + e.toString() );
-	}
+    URL url;
+    availableFormat = new Properties();
+    try {
+        url = StyleSheetGenerator.class.getResource("format.properties");
+        java.io.InputStream f = url.openStream();
+        availableFormat.load(f);
+        f.close();
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        System.err.println("org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetGenerator: "
+                   + "couldn't load format properties ");
+        System.err.println("  " + e.toString() );
+    }
-	availablePropertiesURL = new Properties();
-	try {
-	    url = StyleSheetGenerator.class.getResource("urls.properties");
-	    java.io.InputStream f = url.openStream();
-	    availablePropertiesURL.load(f);
-	    f.close();
-	} catch (Exception e) {
-	    System.err.println("org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetGenerator: "
-			       + "couldn't load URLs properties ");
-	    System.err.println("  " + e.toString() );
-	}
+    availablePropertiesURL = new Properties();
+    try {
+        url = StyleSheetGenerator.class.getResource("urls.properties");
+        java.io.InputStream f = url.openStream();
+        availablePropertiesURL.load(f);
+        f.close();
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        System.err.println("org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetGenerator: "
+                   + "couldn't load URLs properties ");
+        System.err.println("  " + e.toString() );
+    }

Received on Thursday, 25 November 2004 13:23:28 UTC