validator/htdocs/sgml-lib/REC-MathML2-20031021/html lat1.ent,NONE,1.1 special.ent,NONE,1.1 symbol.ent,NONE,1.1

Update of /sources/public/validator/htdocs/sgml-lib/REC-MathML2-20031021/html
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv18378/REC-MathML2-20031021/html

Added Files:
	lat1.ent special.ent symbol.ent 
Log Message:
Add REC-MathML2-20031021, purge UPD-MathML2-20030620 and old MathML+XHTML+SVG DTDs.

--- NEW FILE: symbol.ent ---

     File symbol.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.


<!ENTITY alefsym          "&#x02135;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Alpha            "&#x00391;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY alpha            "&#x003B1;" ><!--greek small letter alpha -->
<!ENTITY and              "&#x02227;" ><!--logical and = wedge -->
<!ENTITY ang              "&#x02220;" ><!--angle -->
<!ENTITY asymp            "&#x02248;" ><!--almost equal to = asymptotic to -->
<!ENTITY Beta             "&#x00392;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY beta             "&#x003B2;" ><!--greek small letter beta -->
<!ENTITY bull             "&#x02022;" ><!--bullet = black small circle -->
<!ENTITY cap              "&#x02229;" ><!--intersection = cap -->
<!ENTITY Chi              "&#x003A7;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY chi              "&#x003C7;" ><!--greek small letter chi -->
<!ENTITY clubs            "&#x02663;" ><!--black club suit = shamrock -->
<!ENTITY cong             "&#x02245;" ><!--approximately equal to -->
<!ENTITY crarr            "&#x021B5;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY cup              "&#x0222A;" ><!--union = cup -->
<!ENTITY dArr             "&#x021D3;" ><!--downwards double arrow -->
<!ENTITY darr             "&#x02193;" ><!--downwards arrow -->
<!ENTITY Delta            "&#x00394;" ><!--greek capital letter delta -->
<!ENTITY delta            "&#x003B4;" ><!--greek small letter delta -->
<!ENTITY diams            "&#x02666;" ><!--black diamond suit -->
<!ENTITY empty            "&#x02205;" ><!--empty set = null set = diameter -->
<!ENTITY Epsilon          "&#x00395;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY epsilon          "&#x003B5;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY equiv            "&#x02261;" ><!--identical to -->
<!ENTITY Eta              "&#x00397;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY eta              "&#x003B7;" ><!--greek small letter eta -->
<!ENTITY exist            "&#x02203;" ><!--there exists -->
<!ENTITY fnof             "&#x00192;" ><!--latin small f with hook = function = florin -->
<!ENTITY forall           "&#x02200;" ><!--for all -->
<!ENTITY frasl            "&#x02044;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Gamma            "&#x00393;" ><!--greek capital letter gamma -->
<!ENTITY gamma            "&#x003B3;" ><!--greek small letter gamma -->
<!ENTITY ge               "&#x02265;" ><!--greater-than or equal to -->
<!ENTITY hArr             "&#x021D4;" ><!--left right double arrow -->
<!ENTITY harr             "&#x02194;" ><!--left right arrow -->
<!ENTITY hearts           "&#x02665;" ><!--black heart suit = valentine -->
<!ENTITY hellip           "&#x02026;" ><!--horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader -->
<!ENTITY image            "&#x02111;" ><!--blackletter capital I = imaginary part -->
<!ENTITY infin            "&#x0221E;" ><!--infinity -->
<!ENTITY int              "&#x0222B;" ><!--integral -->
<!ENTITY Iota             "&#x00399;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY iota             "&#x003B9;" ><!--greek small letter iota -->
<!ENTITY isin             "&#x02208;" ><!--element of -->
<!ENTITY Kappa            "&#x0039A;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY kappa            "&#x003BA;" ><!--greek small letter kappa -->
<!ENTITY Lambda           "&#x0039B;" ><!--greek capital letter lambda -->
<!ENTITY lambda           "&#x003BB;" ><!--greek small letter lambda -->
<!ENTITY lang             "&#x02329;" ><!--left-pointing angle bracket = bra -->
<!ENTITY lArr             "&#x021D0;" ><!--leftwards double arrow -->
<!ENTITY larr             "&#x02190;" ><!--leftwards arrow -->
<!ENTITY lceil            "&#x02308;" ><!--left ceiling = apl upstile -->
<!ENTITY le               "&#x02264;" ><!--less-than or equal to -->
<!ENTITY lfloor           "&#x0230A;" ><!--left floor = apl downstile -->
<!ENTITY lowast           "&#x02217;" ><!--asterisk operator -->
<!ENTITY loz              "&#x025CA;" ><!--lozenge -->
<!ENTITY minus            "&#x02212;" ><!--minus sign -->
<!ENTITY Mu               "&#x0039C;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY mu               "&#x003BC;" ><!--greek small letter mu -->
<!ENTITY nabla            "&#x02207;" ><!--nabla = backward difference -->
<!ENTITY ne               "&#x02260;" ><!--not equal to -->
<!ENTITY ni               "&#x0220B;" ><!--contains as member -->
<!ENTITY notin            "&#x02209;" ><!--not an element of -->
<!ENTITY nsub             "&#x02284;" ><!--not a subset of -->
<!ENTITY Nu               "&#x0039D;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY nu               "&#x003BD;" ><!--greek small letter nu -->
<!ENTITY oline            "&#x0203E;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Omega            "&#x003A9;" ><!--greek capital letter omega -->
<!ENTITY omega            "&#x003C9;" ><!--greek small letter omega -->
<!ENTITY Omicron          "&#x0039F;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY omicron          "&#x003BF;" ><!--greek small letter omicron -->
<!ENTITY oplus            "&#x02295;" ><!--circled plus = direct sum -->
<!ENTITY or               "&#x02228;" ><!--logical or = vee -->
<!ENTITY otimes           "&#x02297;" ><!--circled times = vector product -->
<!ENTITY part             "&#x02202;" ><!--partial differential -->
<!ENTITY perp             "&#x022A5;" ><!--up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular -->
<!ENTITY Phi              "&#x003A6;" ><!--greek capital letter phi -->
<!ENTITY phi              "&#x003D5;" ><!--greek small letter phi -->
<!ENTITY Pi               "&#x003A0;" ><!--greek capital letter pi -->
<!ENTITY pi               "&#x003C0;" ><!--greek small letter pi -->
<!ENTITY piv              "&#x003D6;" ><!--greek pi symbol -->
<!ENTITY Prime            "&#x02033;" ><!--double prime = seconds = inches -->
<!ENTITY prime            "&#x02032;" ><!--prime = minutes = feet -->
<!ENTITY prod             "&#x0220F;" ><!--n-ary product = product sign -->
<!ENTITY prop             "&#x0221D;" ><!--proportional to -->
<!ENTITY Psi              "&#x003A8;" ><!--greek capital letter psi -->
<!ENTITY psi              "&#x003C8;" ><!--greek small letter psi -->
<!ENTITY radic            "&#x0221A;" ><!--square root = radical sign -->
<!ENTITY rang             "&#x0232A;" ><!--right-pointing angle bracket = ket -->
<!ENTITY rArr             "&#x021D2;" ><!--rightwards double arrow -->
<!ENTITY rarr             "&#x02192;" ><!--rightwards arrow -->
<!ENTITY rceil            "&#x02309;" ><!--right ceiling -->
<!ENTITY real             "&#x0211C;" ><!--blackletter capital R = real part symbol -->
<!ENTITY rfloor           "&#x0230B;" ><!--right floor -->
<!ENTITY Rho              "&#x003A1;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY rho              "&#x003C1;" ><!--greek small letter rho -->
<!ENTITY sdot             "&#x022C5;" ><!--dot operator -->
<!ENTITY Sigma            "&#x003A3;" ><!--greek capital letter sigma -->
<!ENTITY sigma            "&#x003C3;" ><!--greek small letter sigma -->
<!ENTITY sigmaf           "&#x003C2;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY sim              "&#x0223C;" ><!--tilde operator = varies with = similar to -->
<!ENTITY spades           "&#x02660;" ><!--black spade suit -->
<!ENTITY sub              "&#x02282;" ><!--subset of -->
<!ENTITY sube             "&#x02286;" ><!--subset of or equal to -->
<!ENTITY sum              "&#x02211;" ><!--n-ary sumation -->
<!ENTITY sup              "&#x02283;" ><!--superset of -->
<!ENTITY supe             "&#x02287;" ><!--superset of or equal to -->
<!ENTITY Tau              "&#x003A4;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY tau              "&#x003C4;" ><!--greek small letter tau -->
<!ENTITY there4           "&#x02234;" ><!--therefore -->
<!ENTITY Theta            "&#x00398;" ><!--greek capital letter theta -->
<!ENTITY theta            "&#x003B8;" ><!--greek small letter theta -->
<!ENTITY thetasym         "&#x003D1;" ><!--greek small letter theta symbol -->
<!ENTITY trade            "&#x02122;" ><!--trade mark sign -->
<!ENTITY uArr             "&#x021D1;" ><!--upwards double arrow -->
<!ENTITY uarr             "&#x02191;" ><!--upwards arrow -->
<!ENTITY upsih            "&#x003D2;" ><!--greek upsilon with hook symbol -->
<!ENTITY Upsilon          "&#x003A5;" ><!--greek capital letter upsilon -->
<!ENTITY upsilon          "&#x003C5;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY weierp           "&#x02118;" ><!--script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p -->
<!ENTITY Xi               "&#x0039E;" ><!--greek capital letter xi -->
<!ENTITY xi               "&#x003BE;" ><!--greek small letter xi -->
<!ENTITY Zeta             "&#x00396;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY zeta             "&#x003B6;" ><!--greek small letter zeta -->

--- NEW FILE: lat1.ent ---

     File lat1.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.


<!ENTITY Aacute           "&#x000C1;" ><!--latin capital letter A with acute -->
<!ENTITY aacute           "&#x000E1;" ><!--latin small letter a with acute -->
<!ENTITY Acirc            "&#x000C2;" ><!--latin small letter a with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY acirc            "&#x000E2;" ><!--latin capital letter A with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY acute            "&#x000B4;" ><!--acute accent = spacing acute -->
<!ENTITY AElig            "&#x000C6;" ><!--latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE -->
<!ENTITY aelig            "&#x000E6;" ><!--latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae -->
<!ENTITY Agrave           "&#x000C0;" ><!--latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave -->
<!ENTITY agrave           "&#x000E0;" ><!--latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave -->
<!ENTITY Aring            "&#x000C5;" ><!--latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring -->
<!ENTITY aring            "&#x000E5;" ><!--latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring -->
<!ENTITY Atilde           "&#x000C3;" ><!--latin capital letter A with tilde -->
<!ENTITY atilde           "&#x000E3;" ><!--latin small letter a with tilde -->
<!ENTITY Auml             "&#x000C4;" ><!--latin capital letter A with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY auml             "&#x000E4;" ><!--latin small letter a with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY brvbar           "&#x000A6;" ><!--broken bar = broken vertical bar -->
<!ENTITY Ccedil           "&#x000C7;" ><!--latin capital letter C with cedilla -->
<!ENTITY ccedil           "&#x000E7;" ><!--latin small letter c with cedilla -->
<!ENTITY cedil            "&#x000B8;" ><!--cedilla = spacing cedilla -->
<!ENTITY cent             "&#x000A2;" ><!--cent sign -->
<!ENTITY copy             "&#x000A9;" ><!--copyright sign -->
<!ENTITY curren           "&#x000A4;" ><!--currency sign -->
<!ENTITY deg              "&#x000B0;" ><!--degree sign -->
<!ENTITY divide           "&#x000F7;" ><!--division sign -->
<!ENTITY Eacute           "&#x000C9;" ><!--latin capital letter E with acute -->
<!ENTITY eacute           "&#x000E9;" ><!--latin small letter e with acute -->
<!ENTITY Ecirc            "&#x000CA;" ><!--latin capital letter E with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY ecirc            "&#x000EA;" ><!--latin small letter e with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY Egrave           "&#x000C8;" ><!--latin capital letter E with grave -->
<!ENTITY egrave           "&#x000E8;" ><!--latin small letter e with grave -->
<!ENTITY ETH              "&#x000D0;" ><!--latin capital letter ETH -->
<!ENTITY eth              "&#x000F0;" ><!--latin small letter eth -->
<!ENTITY Euml             "&#x000CB;" ><!--latin capital letter E with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY euml             "&#x000EB;" ><!--latin small letter e with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY frac12           "&#x000BD;" ><!--vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half -->
<!ENTITY frac14           "&#x000BC;" ><!--vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter -->
<!ENTITY frac34           "&#x000BE;" ><!--vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters -->
<!ENTITY Iacute           "&#x000CD;" ><!--latin capital letter I with acute -->
<!ENTITY iacute           "&#x000ED;" ><!--latin small letter i with acute -->
<!ENTITY Icirc            "&#x000CE;" ><!--latin capital letter I with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY icirc            "&#x000EE;" ><!--latin small letter i with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY iexcl            "&#x000A1;" ><!--inverted exclamation mark -->
<!ENTITY Igrave           "&#x000CC;" ><!--latin capital letter I with grave -->
<!ENTITY igrave           "&#x000EC;" ><!--latin small letter i with grave -->
<!ENTITY iquest           "&#x000BF;" ><!--inverted question mark = turned question mark -->
<!ENTITY Iuml             "&#x000CF;" ><!--latin capital letter I with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY iuml             "&#x000EF;" ><!--latin small letter i with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY laquo            "&#x000AB;" ><!--left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet -->
<!ENTITY macr             "&#x000AF;" ><!--macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar -->
<!ENTITY micro            "&#x000B5;" ><!--micro sign -->
<!ENTITY middot           "&#x000B7;" ><!--middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot -->
<!ENTITY nbsp             "&#x000A0;" ><!--no-break space = non-breaking space -->
<!ENTITY not              "&#x000AC;" ><!--not sign -->
<!ENTITY Ntilde           "&#x000D1;" ><!--latin capital letter N with tilde -->
<!ENTITY ntilde           "&#x000F1;" ><!--latin small letter n with tilde -->
<!ENTITY Oacute           "&#x000D3;" ><!--latin capital letter O with acute -->
<!ENTITY oacute           "&#x000F3;" ><!--latin small letter o with acute -->
<!ENTITY Ocirc            "&#x000D4;" ><!--latin capital letter O with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY ocirc            "&#x000F4;" ><!--latin small letter o with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY Ograve           "&#x000D2;" ><!--latin capital letter O with grave -->
<!ENTITY ograve           "&#x000F2;" ><!--latin small letter o with grave -->
<!ENTITY ordf             "&#x000AA;" ><!--feminine ordinal indicator -->
<!ENTITY ordm             "&#x000BA;" ><!--masculine ordinal indicator -->
<!ENTITY Oslash           "&#x000D8;" ><!--latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slash -->
<!ENTITY oslash           "&#x000F8;" ><!--latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash, -->
<!ENTITY Otilde           "&#x000D5;" ><!--latin capital letter O with tilde -->
<!ENTITY otilde           "&#x000F5;" ><!--latin small letter o with tilde -->
<!ENTITY Ouml             "&#x000D6;" ><!--latin capital letter O with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY ouml             "&#x000F6;" ><!--latin small letter o with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY para             "&#x000B6;" ><!--pilcrow sign = paragraph sign -->
<!ENTITY plusmn           "&#x000B1;" ><!--plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign -->
<!ENTITY pound            "&#x000A3;" ><!--pound sign -->
<!ENTITY raquo            "&#x000BB;" ><!--right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet -->
<!ENTITY reg              "&#x000AE;" ><!--registered sign = registered trade mark sign -->
<!ENTITY sect             "&#x000A7;" ><!--section sign -->
<!ENTITY shy              "&#x000AD;" ><!--soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen -->
<!ENTITY sup1             "&#x000B9;" ><!--superscript one = superscript digit one -->
<!ENTITY sup2             "&#x000B2;" ><!--superscript two = superscript digit two = squared -->
<!ENTITY sup3             "&#x000B3;" ><!--superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed -->
<!ENTITY szlig            "&#x000DF;" ><!--latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed -->
<!ENTITY THORN            "&#x000DE;" ><!--latin capital letter THORN -->
<!ENTITY thorn            "&#x000FE;" ><!--latin small letter thorn with -->
<!ENTITY times            "&#x000D7;" ><!--multiplication sign -->
<!ENTITY Uacute           "&#x000DA;" ><!--latin capital letter U with acute -->
<!ENTITY uacute           "&#x000FA;" ><!--latin small letter u with acute -->
<!ENTITY Ucirc            "&#x000DB;" ><!--latin capital letter U with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY ucirc            "&#x000FB;" ><!--latin small letter u with circumflex -->
<!ENTITY Ugrave           "&#x000D9;" ><!--latin capital letter U with grave -->
<!ENTITY ugrave           "&#x000F9;" ><!--latin small letter u with grave -->
<!ENTITY uml              "&#x000A8;" ><!--diaeresis = spacing diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY Uuml             "&#x000DC;" ><!--latin capital letter U with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY uuml             "&#x000FC;" ><!--latin small letter u with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY Yacute           "&#x000DD;" ><!--latin capital letter Y with acute -->
<!ENTITY yacute           "&#x000FD;" ><!--latin small letter y with acute -->
<!ENTITY yen              "&#x000A5;" ><!--yen sign = yuan sign -->
<!ENTITY yuml             "&#x000FF;" ><!--latin small letter y with diaeresis -->

--- NEW FILE: special.ent ---

     File special.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.


<!ENTITY bdquo            "&#x0201E;" ><!--double low-9 quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY circ             "&#x002C6;" ><!--circumflex accent = spacing circumflex -->
<!ENTITY circ             "&#x002C6;" ><!--circumflex accent = spacing circumflex -->
<!ENTITY Dagger           "&#x02021;" ><!--double dagger -->
<!ENTITY dagger           "&#x02020;" ><!--dagger -->
<!ENTITY emsp             "&#x02003;" ><!--em space -->
<!ENTITY ensp             "&#x02002;" ><!--en space -->
<!ENTITY euro             "&#x020AC;" ><!--euro sign -->
<!ENTITY gt               "&#x0003E;" ><!--greater-than sign -->
<!ENTITY ldquo            "&#x0201C;" ><!--left double quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY lrm              "&#x0200E;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY lsaquo           "&#x02039;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY lsquo            "&#x02018;" ><!--left single quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY lt               "&#38;#60;" ><!--less-than sign -->
<!ENTITY mdash            "&#x02014;" ><!--em dash -->
<!ENTITY ndash            "&#x02013;" ><!--en dash -->
<!ENTITY OElig            "&#x00152;" ><!--latin capital ligature OE -->
<!ENTITY oelig            "&#x00153;" ><!--latin small ligature oe -->
<!ENTITY permil           "&#x02030;" ><!--per mille sign -->
<!ENTITY quot             "&#x00022;" ><!--quotation mark = APL quote -->
<!ENTITY rdquo            "&#x0201D;" ><!--right double quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY rlm              "&#x0200F;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY rsaquo           "&#x0203A;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY rsquo            "&#x02019;" ><!--right single quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY sbquo            "&#x0201A;" ><!--single low-9 quotation mark -->
<!ENTITY Scaron           "&#x00160;" ><!--latin capital letter S with caron -->
<!ENTITY scaron           "&#x00161;" ><!--latin small letter s with caron -->
<!ENTITY thinsp           "&#x02009;" ><!--thin space -->
<!ENTITY tilde            "&#x002DC;" ><!--small tilde -->
<!ENTITY Yuml             "&#x00178;" ><!--latin capital letter Y with diaeresis -->
<!ENTITY zwj              "&#x0200D;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY zwnj             "&#x0200C;" ><!-- -->

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 23:20:48 UTC