Bug report: css soap interface


since 2 or 3 weeks (maybe longer) the soap interface randomly delivers 
buggy reports. This appears very often, in ca. 30% to 50% of all requests.

Instead of giving back the checked url in the header it gives back:


If this happens and if there are errors or warnings a lot of other 
information is corrupted also. An arror looks like that:




             Value Error :  $esc.xml($link_name) ($esc.xml($link_value))


And a message looks like that:


I first wondered if the bug may be on my site, but i could reproduce it 
directly on your site http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/. I just added 
the parameter &output=soap12 and downloaded the result to check it.

Best regards,

Andreas Hofmann

Andreas Hofmann

Hofmann EDV-Beratung
Breslauer Straße 5
24790 Schacht-Audorf

Eschenbachstraße 11
97631 Bad Königshofen

Tel.:  04331/1344806
Mobil: 0160/2872191

Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2021 08:08:07 UTC