Re: [EXT] bug report: changing http to https in attribute values of HTML snippet

On 4/14/21 2:26 AM, Philip Taylor wrote:

> Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> If you validate the CSS in an HTML file served over HTTPS, the HTML 
>> snippet for valid icons that you are offered to for embedding in your 
>> HTML includes attribute values with "http://" rather than "https://" 
>> .  Embedding this in your page causes Firefox and likely other 
>> browsers to complain that your page includes mixed HTTP and HTTPS 
>> content, and it the W3C Validator will not validate the page if you 
>> click on the link.  I believe you can fix this by simply changing all 
>> URLs in attributes to begin with "https://"
> The probability of anyone associated with the current W3C validation 
> service making changes in this area tends to 0, but were they 
> motivated so to do, a more reliable method would be to change explicit 
> "http://" prefixes to "//", in which case they will automatically 
> inherit the protocol used to serve the page in which they are embedded.
> -- 
> /Philip Taylor/
That's fine. I was just submitting this bug per the instructions at 
<> .

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 12:46:05 UTC