bug - jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator

Dear Sirs,

I found 1 serious error in the CSS validation

Should have been created an error message : a serious error in the syntax was caught : missing semicolon to terminate at end of the instruction line

this is incorrect, missing semicolon to terminate at end of the instruction line passed without making an error or warning

the correct is:

You should not inform that it was validated and without errors

Yours sincerely

José Maria Oliveira Simões
Técnico de Informática

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Direção Municipal do Ambiente, Estrutura Verde, Clima e Energia
NAGD-Núcleo de Apoio à Direcção da Dmaevce
Avenida Doutor Francisco Luis Gomes, 1 Porta 3 Bloco 3.9 (Edificio Entreposto) | 1800-177 LISBOA
Telefone (+351) 218 170 694 / Geral (+351) 218 172 900
www.cm-lisboa.pt | jose.simoes@cm-lisboa.pt<mailto:jose.simoes@cm-lisboa.pt>

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2021 20:53:32 UTC