Re: How long are CSS Reports available for and how are they removed?

David Dorward wrote:
> On 18 Jan 2013, at 15:47, Angela Bishop < <>> wrote:
>> The website is public. So let's say I generate a CSS report, bookmark the URL of the report, and then I make changes to the
>> website's CSS. In a month/year/etc. from now, will I be able to see the /same/ report I had originally generated if I click the
>> bookmarked link? Or will the report be different since I modified the CSS during that time period?
> As I said, it is generated on demand, so no.

That is, "no" to "will I be able to see the /same/ report I had originally generated if I click the
bookmarked link"; "yes" to "will the report be different since I modified the CSS during that time period".

Philip Taylor

Received on Friday, 18 January 2013 15:53:01 UTC