RE: remarks into CSS-validator


I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Since no one else has responded as
far as I can tell, I'm assuming others are also unsure.

If you're asking why you cannot use <!-- and --> for comments in CSS it's
because those are HTML comments, not CSS comments. CSS comments are created
using the /* and */ delimiters. CSS and HTML are two different languages
each with their own syntax. HTML uses <!-- and -->, CSS uses /* and */.
JavaScript can use either two slashes on each line or the same as CSS for
multi-line. VB Script uses an apostrophe. Each has its own comment delimiter
and they are not interchangeable.

If that's NOT what you're asking, please rephrase your question.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 6:05 AM
Subject: remarks into CSS-validator

why the '<--! remark --> into css are not explained for /* remark */ ?

Regards, Arthur

Received on Friday, 23 November 2012 00:23:15 UTC