Re: Bug in css validator

2012-03-15 0:53, Szymon Nosal wrote:

> I found bug in validator.
> I have code: .test { background-position : 1px 1px; } . If I
> validating this code I get succes comment.
> But in correct section I have wrong css code: .test
> {background-position : [1px, 1px];}
> Now, If I want test this code (from correct section), I get error,
> because this code is bad.

Can you please explain why you regard this is a bug? You seem to be 
saying that correct CSS code is reported as correct and erroneous CSS 
code is reported as erroneous. That's what the CSS Validator is supposed 
to do. I do not understand what you mean by "correct section" here.


Received on Thursday, 15 March 2012 11:13:03 UTC