Two CSS validator bugs

Hi there,

Whenever I validate a page, every error is displayed something like this:

    Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2 but exists in : 0.2 0.2

The first part, "Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2 but 
exists in" is fine except for not having the CSS level in which the 
property exists (that's the first bug). The troubling part is the "0.2 
0.2" entry. It is displaying the CSS value a second time for every 
validated element. When I looked at the HTML for the validation results, 
I saw that it takes the following format:

<tr  class='error'>
  <td  class='linenumber'title='Line ###'>###</td>
   <td  class='codeContext'>  selector</td>

   <td  class='parse-error'>

   description : value

   <span  class="something">


So the value is being displayed twice, and because <span> is an inline 
element, it's just being displayed twice in sequence rather than with 
any kind of formatting.

Incidentally, when I validated the validation page's CSS it threw a 
bunch of "Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts" 
warnings. That amused me.



Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2011 22:36:54 UTC