Re: New CSS3 properties reported as errors

Jordan Clark wrote:
> Just another heads-up: The vendor extension option for the CSS validator
> seems to be working now – thanks a lot! I’m sorry to be a pain in the
> proverbial, but the validator seems to be claiming some CSS3 properties
> and values don’t exist (namely, the now-standardised ‘word-wrap’ property,
> and the new ‘white-space’ value ‘pre-line’).
> I understand that CSS3 is still at a touch-and-go point in its creation
> and you may be well aware of these issues; I just thought I’d inform you
> anyway in case.

Hi Jordan,
If I understand correctly, the validator team tries not to add things to
the validator until they are stable, and 'word-wrap' is still only in a
Working Draft. When that spec reaches Candidate Recommendation, then it's
fair game for the validator and other implementations. (The 'word-wrap'
property is a little peculiar compared to other CSS properties because
IE6 implemented it unprefixed, and then other browsers copied, even though
it was not in an official CR.) So I wouldn't expect 'word-wrap' for awhile.

But 'pre-line' is in CSS2.1, so it should work no problem. :)
(p { white-space: pre-line; } validates fine for me.)


Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 06:53:41 UTC