ordering of background shorthand properties

All our websites have recently become invalid. Seems that the validator  
has changed the order of the background shorthand properties  
"background-position" and "background-repeat".


A CSS statement like "background:#324553 url(images/header_bg.gif) 0 10px  
leads to the following validator error:
"Value Error : background Too many values or values are not recognized",

The same CSS statement, only with background-position and  
background-repeat swapped,
"background:#324553 url(images/header_bg.gif) repeat-x 0 10px;" validates  
to XHTML 1.0 strict.

I wasn't aware that W3C Standards restrict the ordering of shorthand  
properties, especially since I never got an error nor a warning. Could it  
possibly be a validator bug?

Usability Consulting

Received on Monday, 1 February 2010 02:43:30 UTC