Re: spaces in css link URI bug in validator?

Have you considered encoding the spaces as %20 ?
Philip Taylor
-------- wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I stumbled upon, what I believe to be, a bug in the CSS validator.
> After checking a complete webpage thru an URI
> ( en organisatie
> < en organisatie>) the
> validator concludes that there is an error in a specific CSS file
> (
> en organisatie.css
> <>).
> The error shown is: *Parse Error Lexical error at line 1, column 3.
> Encountered: "D" (68), after : "<!"*
> However, if I check only that specific CSS file thru an URI, the
> validator confirms that it is valid CSS. Some of my webpages have this
> problem, some don't. After some testing I've reached the conclusion that
> it is probably caused by the use of a space in the link href.
> I would appreciate it if you could classify this problem as a bug and
> solve it in a future release. If the cause is indeed the use of a space
> in the href, a confirmation of that would be greatly appreciated.

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 13:39:30 UTC